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The "New Conquest"


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After careful consideration I have ultimatly decided that Shadowbane is everything that I have ever dreamed of in an MMORPG.  If the game has donuts then I may really soil myself, however let's get down to business.

There are plenty of choices that need to be made by PGoH if we expect to succesfully reach a respectable status within this new world.  The "New Conquest", which will take the name of our colinization of the world of Shadowbane will need to be carefully planned out.

All those interested in aiding in the outlining of such plans should attend a meeting tomorrow night at 8 EDT.

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I have been scouring the skies for news of this new land.  Believe it or not......there is guild webpages (tons of them) already designed and functioning.  Most of these guilds I have thought were part of the beta test, but that is not the case!!

It is people as addicted to the game as us!!  They already have a COMPLETE guild heiarchy established etc...

We need to get on the ball too!!


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Aside from intially beginning by agreeing what type of guild and what heirachry we will follow, we should decide if current positions will port over to the new realm.

I state this primarily for 1 reason: Shadowbane is the MOTHER of PVP... If you ever thought teh PVP is UO was bad, wait till you see Shadowbane. I have a feeling that those (not us, but others in the UO realm) who whinned and complained to GM's for every little thing won't last long here.. I'm pretty sure their GM's are going to be WAY more passive in this game. Now I personally (at this current moment, which will be remedied VERY soon) suck at PVP.. should I retain my position, or pass it on to a more worthy candidate until I have the skills necessary to survive a PVP encounter?

So the first thing we'll need to do once this new realm opens is get together in a group and hunt monsters to raise levels until we all pass out at the keyboards from fatigue and caffinee overdosing.. (BTW, it IS possible to drink so much caffinee that you die) This will primarily be used to get our skills/stats up to help us survive the multipule PVP encounters.

Then we kill each other till we're blue in the face, learning how to fight various classes in this new realm (Finally, I think mages are going to SUCK for everything but healing and WARRIORS will be more desireable.. TAKE THAT TOK!!! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA :D ).

Another important issue we must consider is race. Depending on what type of guild we choose to become, we have to consider the penalties involved all the way down to the effects of the race in it...

So what we need to review is:

Guild Type


Race Selection

Class selection (We need to find out what classes of characters we need to build certain things for the guild)


Well, there's just my 2 cents worth to throw in incase I don't make the meeting....

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If I am home from work by then I will attend.  I have a meeting scheduled at 5pm EST so I might not make it back in time, but definately want to be involved.  I agree with Coldren if those that participate this evening can decide on some of the key points ie Guild type, hierarchy etc... then we can move forward with other individual aspirations.  Including character class.  I have a feeling that this process will potentially be the most difficult for many people to determine the course and destiny of their character

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Quote from Vandorn, posted on

I will attend...location of the meeting will take place?

I think in IRC (irc.stratics.com channel #pgoh).. but it's 8:22 now and nobody is here.

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