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A How-To for News Administrators


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Submit news.

First thing. Submit the article to the PGoH message forums. If it is about EQ, post on the EQ forums... etc. After the post, copy the url to that topic to place in the news article.

Second: There are a few options for submitting news. You can post under General, Community, or Shard. Use your judgement where you think news articles should go. You can always change the category under 'modify news'.

Last thing to do before posting your news will be adding your forum topic link to the article (after the news part). Your link will look something like the following:


Remove the session ID so your url looks like this:


Once you have the URL correct add the following at the end of your news article before submitting it.

<center>[ <a href="Your Url Here">Comment on this article</a> ]</center>





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    Its actually pretty simple, took me a while to figure it out though. You have to have a program that will let you save the pic as a jpeg and then duplicate it and resize it to 160 by 120 pixels. I emailed my picture to my macintosh and used adobe photoshop. Then you just upload it with the uploader on the gallery admin page.


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