Grulg glared at Uglutz, watching him waving his hand. He had to wonder, why does he put up with that orc! He shrugged, no point worrying about that now. Uglutz is after all the closest to their god, Shakha, despite his odd-ball practices. With a grunt and some mutterings, Grulg walked toward the captains.
There were many injured, as Grulg looked around, but nothing that would prevent an immediate counter-attack. He spotted an orc laying face down in the mud. He better be dead, Grulg thought grimly, for if he is asleep... Grulg bent low and turned him over, then backed away quickly, out of reach of the flying blood, for an elven arrow had punctured his neck and was now spurting blood. The orc was a recently joined peon.
Grulg growled in anger. The death of his orcs only infuriated him more, reinforcing his desire to rid the world of every human, elf, dwarf, and pesky gnome. Grulg stormed over to the captains, eyes blazing in anger.
“Gid eberyash redi!” Grulg yelled, “Uz gu clomp dem nuw!” Grulg turned swiftly about and looked for Uglutz. Where was that orc. He soon spotted him amidst a group of shamans.
“Leeb ash heel’r wif injurd,” Grulg said to Uglutz, still a tinge of anger in his voice, “Tyme tu clomp.”