I'm not sure if Zug Zug means good bye in WC or not. I'll need to find the other orc words from WC.
We had bubhosh for great before, we may end up keeping it. To those of us who spent time in shadowclan, bubhosh feels like great and looks like great, but to others it does not. Otherwise we are trying to have the words a play on english words, so people can understand them easier.
Shapat might work for sword, haven't heard of anything better yet. Lak isn't to bad for bow, we had sling'r, but it reminded me to much of a sling. The other words we have for weapons are fine, they portray what they do more then what they are. Easier to understand that when someone speaks of their bash'r, we know what they are talking about right away, as well as those of non-oricsh blood. Same with classes.
Also, we need a new warcry. Forgot to post that. HOOOOWAAAHH is shadowclan, while WARRRRRGGGHH tends to be mostly blagtoof. And no, we are not going to howl AaAaaaRrrRrRRrRoOooOooOoo >:]