Hi everyone, Per news from our President, John Smedley, and Director of Development, Dave Georgeson, the NDA for Landmark is officially lifted. It will be in the in-game flow until sometime next week, but you are free to discuss the product openly (including streaming). Per Twitter: @j_smedley: "The NDA is officially lifted for EQNL. Have fun. It will be Monday before we can yank it from the game"[ "YES YOU CAN STREAM." "The nda is lifted but you will still see the physical nda until we can yank it from the process" @DaveGeorgeson: "Hey folks, we've had a VERY good launch so far and we're proud of it, so we are lifting the NDA. You may remove your muzzles now. " "Please feel free to wax euphoric or tirade fanatically, as you will. (We hate NDAs. They don't match our "open" approach to this game.)"