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Everything posted by Balandar

  1. A new video published today shows the building blocks for a tropical environment. http://youtu.be/pcqKA4f8mRc
  2. Found it. I always keep my D&D stuff. Anyway, here are the blueprints for the Northgate I was talking about. Edit: Actually, that may be the southgate, same principle. The North gate had a long walkway after the plug you had to cross with murder holes above. The bottom of the cavern was 100 ft below.
  3. Sweet. I always thought about making Thorbardin from the Dragonlance world. The main gate had a giant metal plug with a screw to drive it closed or open. Pretty much impossible to get through. Can't really find a good pic online. I'd have to dig out my old Dragonlance map book and scan it in.
  4. Did you see the twitter posts yesterday? It looks like we could be in alpha this time next month.
  5. Plus you could always sell what you get (like wood) to other players to focus on buying stone for your dwarven fortress.
  6. John Smedley tweeted: "It's looking like our Alpha for EQNL is going to start sometime in the last half of January. Very excited.!" Georgeson seems to support it as well!, "He warned us. Sorta. Not a surprise to see this. :)" If you want in on alpha, make sure you purchase your Trailblazer founders pack ASAP! Founders pack: https://www.eqnlandmark.com/founders-pack Source: https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/413798281378922497
  7. Behind the times!! http://www.thehonorempire.org/forums/topic/14842-landmark-livestream-december-11-2013/ I wish they would do a live stream every week. I guess we'll be in Alpha soon enough.
  8. Actually, since you'll get the pick-axe as a founder you can get ANY wood in the game. I would use that to make your template and then replace the material with stone over time. Or make it out of dirt/sand. That will be plentiful.
  9. I have a good elfish one somewhere.. this reminded me of an elf wizard tower
  10. I always liked Dwarves as well. Two of my characters are Derkin and Dwar MetalForger. But... I'm going for Wizards tower first! Or a pile of dirt depending on the resources I find. Here are some of my inspirations.
  11. oops. Lol. https://player-studio.soe.com/
  12. Terry Michaels posted a follow-up in regards to how naming will work in EQN. Highlights: 1) Your Station Name is what you use to log into any SOE game. This Station Name is NEVER exposed to other players. Instead, we have a Station “Handle” which is sort of like a nickname for your account. The Handle is what gets used within the game to identify your character. It has no visible connection for people to use to find out your Station Name. 2) Some people may have set their Station Handle to the same thing as their Station Name (this destroys security, so generally a bad idea). 3) No, you cannot CURRENTLY change your Station Handle. 4) Yes, we WILL be allowing people to change their Station Handle before it would show up in any of our games, though only once. 5) You won't be able to search for other people via their Station Handle regardless of what character they are on, so people can still “hide” by simply not sharing the name of their “hidden” character. As we discussed in the Friends List Round Table question, we only allow people to “friend” someone at the account level if both sides agree. That is an “opt in” type system. 6) You won’t be able to anonymously troll someone that does know you because once you communicate with them, they WILL be able to see the Station Handle portion of your name. 7) By default, people can’t see the Station Handle portion of your name just by seeing your character running around in the world. You have to communicate back and forth in chat for the Handle to become visible to other players. 8) Your Station Handle can be anything deemed acceptable by our naming policies (no curse words, etc). 9) Your Station Handle isn’t your “Last Name” in the game. I used it as an analogy when trying to explain in during the live stream. It wasn’t meant to be taken literally. It is the unique identifier that allows people to have the same name as someone else in the game but that will allow your messages, emails, group requests, etc, to go to the correct character. Source: https://forums.station.sony.com/eqnlandmark/index.php?threads/livestream-follow-up-character-names.854/
  13. Check out the latest live stream from SOE on Landmark. Mining, Naming, and More! Colette "Dexella" Murphy, Terry Michaels, and Emily "Domino" Taylor are on this stream to show screenshots, game play, and answer questions from the chat.
  14. For those not planning on getting a founders pack, here is a way to try out EQN Landmark during Closed Beta access (scheduled to begin on or before March 31st, 2014). Make sure you pick up this month's issue of PC Gamer, featuring EverQuest Next & EverQuest Next Landmark on the cover (and a Landmark beta key inside!) https://www.eqnlandmark.com/news/pc-gamer-cover-beta-key-eqnl
  15. From Dexella: A lot of folks have been asking...what exactly is EQN Landmark? Director of Development Dave Georgeson begins to answer this question in this new video, "What is Landmark?" Check it out, share it with your friends, and remember -- you can now give a Founder's Pack as a gift!
  16. In this new timelapse video, the artists on the EQN Landmark team were challenged to take a piece of concept art and build it in Landmark. This is the result of the Concept Art Challenge!
  17. Here’s how one 16 year old has made $8,000 playing PlanetSide 2 http://venturebeat.com/2013/10/29/sony-smedley/
  18. Balandar

    Player Studio

    EverquestNext Landmark will utilize player studio to buy and sell templates. This has been said by a few dev team members and in their live streams. Player Studio can be found here: https://player-studio.soe.com/
  19. The Honor Empire's EQNL website is now live. Please let me know if there are any errors on the site or if you have suggestions. Thanks http://eqnl.thehonorempire.org
  20. I always like watching Dave. You can tell he's passionate about the games he makes. If you look at the forums, the latest member, is around 1035. I bet only 20% are registered on the forums or realized there was a separate set of forums. I was number 131 that registered and I purchased the pack late in the day.
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