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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. 'pst Maube "water plz" (or Verissi would work too)
  2. Sorry to quote you at length but it's necessary to talk through this with you. If you want help, then you need to post it where we will see it. I can't speak for anyone else but I work for a consulting firm and I have very little time during the day to look at my own guild's boards. I never go to the Argent Covenant boards so the chances of me finding your boards are non-existent. May I suggest you start posting HERE when you have events you'd like folks to consider signing up for. Look at Grimgor -- he posts his events here and that way we know they are coming up. If you ran a raid on a Saturday night, I'd be all over it myself. I've got my 60 mage and I have a 60 priest, take your pick. CS doesn't raid on Saturday nights alas, and that's by far the best night for me personally. Finally, may I humbly suggest that the best way to garner interest and support for your cause isn't to tell us you are done talking about it, but to continue the discussion. Unless of course you just wanted to complain.
  3. Really appreciate this, Bar. One thing I'd ask regarding the not looting during battle--I guess my brain cells are failing because I can't remember if I got a coin or bijou when we are fighting so I'm likely to pass or need when I should have done the other. So help out a brain dead frostie and wait to loot pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
  4. Qiris


    Hate to chime in with a me too, but um -- me too. We live near apartment buildings with lots of small children so we are on tap for handing out candy tonight. Last year they were all so cute and so nice, we felt bad we didn't have the really good stuff--so that's what we got for tonight. Good luck, Relikk and congratulations!
  5. Yup, as Stinky says, list when you are available to play. I'd be up for either of those with either my priest or my mage -- it just depends on when you are online. Weeknights are horrible for me (corporate slave that I am).
  6. Baaaa baaaa! Oink oink oink! Hmm do turtles make any sort of sound?
  7. Will try very hard to make it for the buff--no promises though 7:50 is 6:50 for Tainish and me and we are lucky to be home by then on Mondays. Also if you need Jiris instead of Xiris, just let me know. I can get either of them there.
  8. Qiris

    New BC news

    I don't expect everything to be 100% fine when the expansion is released and anyone who's worked in any sort of large IT shop won't either. Even with extensive beta testing, there's just no way to run every single use case you can think of to drive out all coding bugs--not going to happen. So yeah, I expect we'll have issues and some will struggle more than most. I don't think we'll experience what EQ did when Luclin went live--servers were beyond unstable, crashed with no warning (talk about frustrating if you were on a raid), and frame rate lag was horrible. This was when they introduced their new 3D models and many many players had outdated systems that didn't meet minimum required specs. I totally get that if this is all you know, then you think it sucks. I for one really appreciate regularly scheduled maintenance and the pretty fast response time when servers (realms) have issues.
  9. Qiris

    New BC news

    Y'all make me giggle. Did NONE of you play EQ? Blizzard is amazingly good compared to Verant. I kid you not, we never knew when patches were happening or servers were going to be taken down. And forget expansions--completely unplayable for months, not weeks or days.
  10. Jiris isn't ready for MC on Fridays anyway, her FR is just 135. How about you let me know on Wed which of me you need? I'm more than happy to bring Frosty, you know that =) Really I want the raid to do well.
  11. I've been thinking about bringing Jiris to Wed MC runs -- would that help? I know we need mages too, so pick your poison I guess. Jiris has just 135 FR though so I wouldn't bring her for Fridays just yet. I'm looking for a Rod of Molten Fire for her to get her FR to the right amount.
  12. Who'd a thunk? Baracko has thoughts! *runs away giggling like crazy*
  13. Piling onto the happy birthday pile!
  14. That is soooo cool. Now I wants one too!
  15. Hehe that sounds kinda naughty, Maube!
  16. OMG too funny! Is that your cat, Raeda?
  17. http://shadowdane.shackspace.com/cats.htm I laughed till I cried.
  18. Ah love it when you talk all strict with meh. *shiver* Seriously looking forward to this, sorry I've been out for a couple of weeks. Look for more Xiris sort of next week and definitely after that.
  19. Pfft. I want to be able to make my poly whatever a different color. So I could have, say, a pink sheep or a blue turtle. Now THAT would be really cool.
  20. Qiris


    I had similar dreams when I was part of an end game raiding guild in EQ. GAH I hated that dream. Nothing quite like dreaming we wiped in the Plane of Time because I missed a complete heal.
  21. You DO know we both graduated from KU, right? Right?!? MizzWHO?
  22. For some reason, I thought you lived like in Florida . . .
  23. We live in Kansas City, MO and work in Overland Park KS. There's no place like home!
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