Sorry to quote you at length but it's necessary to talk through this with you.
If you want help, then you need to post it where we will see it.
I can't speak for anyone else but I work for a consulting firm and I have very little time during the day to look at my own guild's boards. I never go to the Argent Covenant boards so the chances of me finding your boards are non-existent.
May I suggest you start posting HERE when you have events you'd like folks to consider signing up for. Look at Grimgor -- he posts his events here and that way we know they are coming up.
If you ran a raid on a Saturday night, I'd be all over it myself. I've got my 60 mage and I have a 60 priest, take your pick. CS doesn't raid on Saturday nights alas, and that's by far the best night for me personally.
Finally, may I humbly suggest that the best way to garner interest and support for your cause isn't to tell us you are done talking about it, but to continue the discussion. Unless of course you just wanted to complain.