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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. Won't be able to make it alas. And um could someone post the details about the meeting pleeeeeeze? Been out of the loop for a bit.
  2. Dark Lady bless you. That was a sneeze, right?
  3. Xiris is attuned. Jiris is not attuned.
  4. Stinky -- my Dell Inspiron 8600 that I bought in 2004 ran WoW just fine, the only issue I had was with the crappy hotel wifi, not my laptop. It's a widescreen so even your squinty eyes should be fine. I got a 1.6 ghz, 512 RAM, and a Radeon 9600 Proturbo video card so definitely not top of the line but as I said, it handled WoW fine. The reason I gave it to Tainish (lucky husband!) is because I don't care for widescreen and I wanted something a little lighter. I just bought an HP Pavillion and haven't yet loaded WoW on it since I'm not yet traveling. Hope that helps!
  5. Qiris

    Clean Air

    Well he's good for cleaning out mah sinuses. Ah say yes, let the Stinker back in.
  6. Qiris

    MC Raiders

    Jiris has one already -- dabu for the offer though!
  7. I have a lot of those robes and such for pulling out the big boys if that would help. Just holler.
  8. Qiris


    Dun fergit to wash behind latz ears. Um do orcs have proper ears?
  9. Friends dun let friends roll Alliance.
  10. Well I'm here until Friday -- definitely free for lunch Friday (the director I'm with leaves Thursday night which is a good thing, I fear for my liver atm). If you wanna meet a scary undead face to face, just PM me.
  11. If the pet is like the hammer pet for clerics in EQ, Jiris will throw up.
  12. Either way, all of the *iris sisters are stuck in Dallas this week. It's for a thankless quest from the faction called business/real life. Totally sucks, wish I didn't have to do it *shrug* I don't have hair big enough and NO one had a chest big enough to be here. Plus I need a shovel to put on more makeup to blend in so I don't stand out from the natives.
  13. Yup, I tried that as well. While I can see what buffs each person has, I don't get any information regarding time left on those buffs. So I decluttered my screen, since that didn't work. It's very strange -- maybe Tainish can work on it next week for me while I battle mobs in Dallas. I hear they drop crappy loot and don't do a thing for rep either.
  14. Qiris


    Well guess this is a GREAT time for Tainish and me to go out of town after all!
  15. Dabu, freaky hair! I far prefer to be slightly ahead of expiration on the buffs because it's so annoying otherwise, not to mention very mana inefficient. So any help would be most appreciated. I would even stop my tiny emeral whelping from pooping in your hair again. Although I do think it adds something to that lovely style you have going on
  16. Qiris


    Details! Some of us can't get to official sites
  17. My CT Raid buffs do not show time. I've looked over every damn option in CT Raid and cannot find a way to make them show. I've even gone to their website with no luck or joy or love. ATM I depend on Needy List which shows when someone needs a buff. The downfall with Needy List, of course, is that it doesn't show who WILL need a buff.
  18. Qiris

    The Sworn Few

    Mostly wanted to know how we will chat them up, get all friendly with them, watch Grawuulf stab them 1,234,557 times and then stab them again. After all, that's what he does.
  19. Qiris

    New Warmongers

    Congratulations to our new Warmongers! And Grawuulf, lats would think Xiris would have lots of shiniez but alas! Jiris spends them as fast as she can for her engineering trinkets. No wonder Xiris gets grumpy with the rest of the *iris sisters!
  20. Qiris

    The Sworn Few

    I meant to ask this last night but forgot -- are they part of the Covenant? Or are we going to create another chat channel to mix it up with them? Also could you PM me the new PW for our private boards? Dabu!
  21. Holy cow you are alive? Are you doing ok? We've all been worried.
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