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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. Greetings Crushers -- Last night Fomor, Khanak, Zindo's warrior Royd, Taining and Xiris attempted to complete Warlord's command. Alas that the server had other ideas - and so we were not able to finish. Tainish and Xiris and Jiris are looking for company as we work to get keyed for Ony -- Jiris or Xiris are available during the day this week, which would leave the evenings to get Tainish and the other *iris sister completed. Dabu in advance fer da help!
  2. Ah think Verissi can enter a fashion show -- she's definitely got talent in finding unusual outfits, especially hats. In fact, I think Xiris might compete in a hat fashion show against latz! Dueling hats!
  3. Me luvs goin' ta AQ with da Crushers, and me appreciates folks not getting hateful when my heal lands a bit *cough* late. Much undead love, Jiris
  4. Are those cloth FR boots still available?
  5. Didn't know iron was part of what you needed, I usually ignore the stuff when I see it. Now I'll mine it instead! Kingsblood is easy enough to collect too -- ah the joys of being a collector!
  6. Qiris


    All the *iris sisters miss you, my friend. I hope your break is very relaxing and refreshing.
  7. Naw it should be called COOTIES. And Uglugz can wipe his nose boogers in there
  8. Qiris

    Onyxia Keying

    Neither of me has started. However, I'll have a little time off the next two weeks so I can get started on this. Here's what would help me out since I have the WORST MOST RESTRICTIVE net nanny around -- could someone for the love of the Dark Lady list just the first couple of steps here? Linking does me no good, I cannot access most gaming sites. Much undead love from all the *iris sisters
  9. Speaking of DM, Kalrash mentioned that I should work on going there with Jiris (my priest). But I'm pretty much ignorant of all things DM-related. So if anyone feels like heading there and needs a gimpy priest, I'll rattle my dead bones for you! I'd love to learn more about the zone etc.
  10. Qiris


    Me lubbed Sunday night, me hopes latz lets me come back. Me is a puny healer compared to da great healerz like Kalrash and Fomor, but me tries hard and dies just beautifully. Much undead love, Jiris
  11. Qiris


    List pleeeeze.
  12. Qiris

    Molten Core

    And Jiris (my 60 priest) needs to learn to play in a group. She's got plenty of quests to do and is happy to help even if she doesn't.
  13. And PM me the PW for our restricted forums? Away at grad school, on a different computer and I don't remember the PW.
  14. The five of us got the giggles listening to the "player left" "player left" "player left" on TS last night. Of course then it took us another 20 minutes to get back in to the game.
  15. Cwn, Fomor, Jelorian, Tainish and I (Xiris) were in Scholo when the world died. So we got to do it all again, yay us. Poor Jelorian, we never did get his quest done -- was much too late by then.
  16. Does latz need us to actually sign up for dis effort? Or just show up?
  17. Fair enough, it's just that amongst my two level 60s, my available skills are herbalism, mining and engineering. Hence my question about herbs
  18. It must be rare, I have never seen it once.
  19. Where do you get black lotus? Again stoopid firewall prevents me from finding out these answers by myself.
  20. Dabu -- now I have a "shopping" list when I gather herbs. Appreciate all the information, just HATE it that I cannot look this stuff up myself when I have a moment or two at work.
  21. Could you list the herbs for the one you use, Maube? As I said, I can't check from work, and by the time I get home it's time to either play or go to bed. I collect herbs often on Xiris so I just need to know which ones to send on.
  22. The wow wikki site is blocked (of course). Thank you for listing the needed herbs -- Xiris is 300 in herbalism, I just needed to know which to send to guild alchemists and which I don't need to bother sending. Dunno what you mean by flasks -- could someone explain? Dabu!
  23. Lots of us are stuck behind very restrictive firewalls at work, so I wondered if someone who isn't could post the items needed for all the pots Maube mentioned us needing for MC. For example, I know dreamfoil is needed but I don't have a clue what other herbs are needed for any required potions in MC (if there are any). If we have a list, it's a lot easier to know what to send to the alchemists and what they don't give an undead thigh bone about. For Da Horde! Xiris
  24. Aw you forgot about Frank and Bob
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