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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. I had to start learning to dance last night -- was not much fun, I think I would have rather faced those fire packs. That's saying a lot for me, just ask Verissi b/c I hate those things with the white hot passion of 10,000 suns
  2. Really all we want is for folks to open a trade window so we can give them the damn stuff I make a full backpack of water and then start yapping in /raid and /say "open a trade window for water" and still get folks saying "who's got water??
  3. Do you SEE what a goofball I married? Maube -- seriously I mostly wanted to know what our policy was going to be -- however you want to do it is fine, just wanted to KNOW, eh?
  4. You know I swoon at your feet!
  5. Quick off topic to say Alhazad, I love your sense of humor when we raid -- you can ask Tainish, I really appreciate your humor and attitude.
  6. Um no we didn't get Domo And all I see is the dreaded red X.
  7. Lest I be entirely misunderstood, the whole reason I'm bringing this stuff up now, here and out in the open is I have seen entire guilds explode over this sort of stuff because folks wouldn't talk about it ahead of time. Far better for everyone who ever attends a raid to know what's what -- no chance for misunderstanding and IMO being open and above board in how we handle stuff like this shows we have honor. So really how we do it is almost less important to me than that we talk it through and have clear consistent policies set up. Tonight doesn't affect me either way, Cwn, I can't come since I will be torturing myself and learning how to rumba (no laughing you guys). I just want to know how we will handle this since it's pretty clear it'll come up again and again whenever we are short of a needed class. That's just how raiding works--some weeks you have druids coming out your eyeballs and other weeks there's no moonkin to be found for love or money or DKP.
  8. Actually I think this is the perfect place to talk this through so everybody's questions can be addressed and we are all clear on what's what Yup it's a game--however, I've seen guilds and alliances torn apart by questions like this that weren't talked about openly.
  9. Here's my point of pain -- we have stuff that drops now that no one wants because they already have it. If that happens with a priest item and I've brought Jiris and understand your clarification, I would be using Xiris' DKP to gear up Jiris with an item that would be DE'd if I didn't take it. Please let me know if I'm interpreting this correctly.
  10. Yup, that's why I'm bringing it up now. I'd like for the elders and Maube to think this through and come up with a plan (whichever way it goes) so we are clear on how DKP will work. I've raided a long long time with DKP, and maintained really elaborate spreadsheets tracking all that crap, no fancy tools like what we have now (jealous really, could have used stuff like that back then), so I don't buy it that it can't be done. The question is how do we want to handle DKP when we have folks who have needed alts.
  11. Yeah but here's the thing. I don't want to bring Jiris to a raid, and spend Xiris' DKP. I personally would rather the two characters earn and spend separate DKP. To give an example using the priest drops, if I bring Jiris and a priest item drops that's not needed by other priests, I do not want to spend Xiris' DKP gearing up Jiris. Further, if I bring Jiris often enough that she earns DKP, then I want to spend Jiris' DKP on Jiris, not Xiris. I'd much rather put Jiris in the hole for her gear, and let Xiris earn and spend her own DKP for gear. This message brought to you by someone who clearly should have named her chars with extremely different names!
  12. This brings up a DKP question. In previous raiding situations, I've seen DKP awarded to the character, not the account owner. So using Huato as an example, he would get DKP for Huato when Huato attends and DKP for Zuato when Zuato attends -- except when the raid leader specifically requests one or the other of the chars. In that case, if Maube had requested Zuato attend, but Huato needed the DKP, that's where the awarded points would go. So. How are we handling that? Now I have a priest and a mage, both of which can be useful in MC and I can see this coming up for me, which is why I ask.
  13. Bursting into flames? Are you the anti-Christ or something?
  14. Hey I think considering it's Katak, we are all very pleased he was in a tux and not the dress.
  15. Awwww latz is so purdy! You make all da Undead look good! But what happened to katak's hair?? /ooc More seriously, you look beautiful and you both look so happy. Congratulations!
  16. You know, before the priest review came out, I was pretty excited about the changes even though my priest was pretty young. And overall, I think some of those changes were fun. I'm with Verissi though, the mage changes are just kinda meh. In fact, *yawn* sort of sums up my feelings.
  17. I've really struggled with using mods because coming from EQ as my main gaming background, to me it did feel like cheating. We sure raided just fine in EQ without any add ons, and I am confident we could do the same in WoW. After all, the game isn't rocket science, not using mods means folks have to pay attention. I use CT Raid because it's listed as a requirement for our Crusher raids, and I enjoy the bit of raiding I do with the guild. It's not my raid to make rules or requirements, its just my choice to either follow those requirements or not raid. So far, Cwn has chosen not to raid and that is absolutely her choice to make. I don't think folks need to beat her up or mock her for that choice.
  18. Can we spank those who don't repair their gear or bring their reagents this time? Huh, can we, can we? *looks entirely too eager to spank folks*
  19. Fomor and Cwn are amazing -- I've had the honor of grouping with them both while playing Jiris and Xiris and they rock. I have much undead love for the both of them. Anyway -- I'm good either way, just want to help the guild out and would be happy bringing either frosty love or healing love to the party.
  20. Qiris

    Clan Meeting.

    Of the nights you proposed, only Tuesdays are bad for me and also for Tainish. Other than that, post a day/time and we will be there if we are in town.
  21. Maube, I didn't get Jiris to 58 last night -- I'm guessing 57 is just too much of an aggro magnet, but if you want her, she's attuned, and spec'd holy/disc. Let me know either way.
  22. Exactly! I sorta/kinda know how to waltz, and he didn't ask me to learn that for the mother/son bit. Rhumba now, that's a much different story.
  23. My son told me I need to be able to rhumba with him and also swing dance. Ye gods. This is the one who still competes (with his fiancee btw) and who also told me I better get moving or I wouldn't learn enough in time. No pressure there . . . Children are tyrants, ya know? Edit to add, this week it's the waltz which said older son did NOT request, so I signed up to raid
  24. Wondering the same thing -- so if any of you who DON'T have highly restrictive net nannies at work could post the patch notes (not a link, the notes), this mage would be so grateful.
  25. Qiris


    Whip me? Promises, promises! Glad you are both back safe and sound, even if you are keyless.
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