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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Greenbull! And thank you for letting Greenbull play WoW And your baby is the CUTEST!
  2. I fell asleep before 8 central Sorry I missed da meeting!
  3. Holy cow you are almost 6' tall? Color me jealous, I'm only 5'5" and I would LOVE to take an inch or two off your hands. Get better soon or I will need to rewrite another song for you . . . maybe something from Abba this time, instead of Dancing Queen, we'll have Concussion Queen!
  4. Last week I successfully created an ID w/ PW and was able to sign up. I cannot get logged in using the same information today. So, darling Maube, I do want to go but cannot get signed in to let you know that.
  5. Hurrah Baby Drake!! I had c-sections, most important thing is for your wife to stand up straight and walk, walk, walk. She'll recover faster and will have fewer complications -- feels like your innards are falling out, but they won't. <<hug>>
  6. Qiris

    Wednesday MC

    Oh hey, I will be there tomorrow though! Maybe I can get new pants to replace my greenies from level 35
  7. Qiris

    Wednesday MC

    Confirming that Tainish will NOT be at tomorrow's MC run, and neither of us will be there Friday. I'm parking Xiris outside the instance since Wed is a late night for me (usually Tainish logs me on when he gets home but um he's not home ). So if the Queue gods hate me, I may be a tiny bit late but should not be late enough to need a summons of any kind. Unless you guys just ZOOM through the first few kills and start 30 minutes early.
  8. I gave up at 6 pm central with the same issue, Huato. Le sigh.
  9. Quick question for you -- were you mostly soloing or in groups? I ask because if you solo'd as a holy/disc and found that effective I wouild consider going ahead and respeccing now rather than waiting. Jiris is pretty much stuck doing this on her own as I have time from playing Xiris, so I'm really interested in what you did.
  10. Oh yes. I have to admit I giggle when I hear WoW players complain about patches and customer service etc. We have it good compared to the way other companies treat customers. IMO anyway.
  11. Agreed -- I'm committed to shadow for her until she can raid w/ Crushers. Changes are, she'll solo through most of the remaining levels.
  12. I got to play briefly before the server came down last night and basically respec'd Jiris the way she was before yesterday's patch (31 in shadow, 4 in disc, she's still level 44). Ye gods, she's so much more efficient in killing mobs now. Once she gets leveled up enough to tag along on raids, I'll respec to holy/disc.
  13. I'm parked outside the instance, and Tainish will log me in so I'm not late. And yes, Martok, we had to download an updated version of CT Raid.
  14. If you did, I did too b/c the password we used to have isn't working for me now.
  15. Yeah I'm committed to leveling up Jiris for much the same reason, Huato. But Xiris is hard to ignore because she's just so fun. Jiris is 44 now, and it takes very little for someone to persuade me to log from Jiris and get Xiris (damn you Verissi! ) For what it's worth, Jiris is shadow spec'd also for the leveling ability. She's stuck soloing her way up as well, so I feel your pain.
  16. Qiris


    Hurrah for the soon to be here Moo! Pix pls. Well not yet but when he's here.
  17. Qiris


    Not keyed, and neither is Tainish.
  18. You better come, you make me giggle during raids! I posted I will be there, and I will but again I'll probably log on at 8. I will camp Xiris close by though so no shards will be needed to get me there.
  19. What she said. And MC was laggy enough for me and the timer was wonky enough that I was lucky to get one spell off before having to run like a little girl (oh wait I am a girl) back to a safer spot. I'm more than happy to get up by the MT and cast my curse removal but then I have to have someone ready to remove Impending Doom or else it's splat time again. Of course if we have enough mages I guess that's ok too!
  20. BWahahahah neither one of us ever noticed you being grumpy -- in fact, this morning after Tainish read this thread he asked me if you'd been grumpy with him. We agreed that you were the nicest raid leader we'd ever seen and you got exceptional results by NOT being a dick. So grump away, Maube, your version of grumpy is both kind and effective.
  21. Well in that case, I will need to both finish up her engineering, and more important level her up to at least 58 (she's only 43).
  22. Repair bots are from engineering, right? If so, where can I get the recipe? Jiris is almost 300 now (like 295), and I would be happy to have her make one.
  23. I did not know that, and am VERY glad to get the information. My gear doesn't offer much in the way of extra hit points so I can only take one of these dooms going off on me, the second one (barring a heal, or exceptional bandaging) means I'm a dead frosty. So what suggestions do you have for me so I can add more value with the decursing stuff? I was lucky to get off a spell, run away for the AoE, and run back for another spell so I'm wide open to suggestions.
  24. Alas, I will not be online until closer to 8 PM Eastern (which is why Tainish and I took separate cars to work today).
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