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Everything posted by Qiris

  1. I'd like to go too please. I'm 59 now and my fire resistance is teh suq but golly I would still love to go if possible.
  2. It's no secret I am Maube's apprentice frost/arcane mage! My build is much like Narsica's alliance mage (33/18) and it's served me well. Normally Tainish and I duo, and my build helped me even when he was still 10 levels higher than me. Not going to bead the ice block/ice shield horse to death, but much has been posted here already those are true life-savers. I love being a frosty glass cannon
  3. Qiris

    Crusher MC

    Thank you for helping me with that attunement last night.
  4. Never heard from TM -- was on Sunday but he never logged on that I know of. TM, if you still want to do this, could you also post a time along with the day you prefer?
  5. Qiris


    Tainish has a bazillion quests in ZF, ok well not a bazillion but a lot and they are clogging his quest log. And I still have that Gahzrilla one (that gives the nifty carrot). We are good but not good enough to take these by ourselves--need a lil crusher help! We are looking to do this Saturday afternoon, or perhaps Sunday after TM's run through BFD or whatever it's called that he needs. So could some of our bretheren help us out, if only so we run faster on our horses and have room in our quest logs for bigger and better things? DABU!
  6. TM do you know what time on Sunday you want to do this? That would help a lot in figuring out whether Tainish and I would be online to help you.
  7. Qiris

    Crusher MC

    must say, you flop over on your face quite well -- that's award winning form there.
  8. Qiris

    Crusher MC

    On the road to 60, and this really motivates me! Last night was a BLAST even when y'all laughed yourselves silly over my pathetic gear
  9. 67 degrees F here today, will be 70 tomorrow and 75 on Wednesday--right here in good ol Kansas City, MO.
  10. Feliz aniversário natalício! (did I get the phrase right?)
  11. Qiris

    Add ons

    What does that add on do?
  12. Tainish got me flowers, and we hope to be on later tonight. But then again, I see a bottle of red wine in our future so if we do make it on, I might be kind of silly! I got him some noise cancelling ear buds for his i-Pod. He's traveling more for work and the planes are loud enough that the noise cancelling stuff is most helpful. <3 to my WoW friends edit: teehee, the wine won!
  13. Dun leave us, you're my magey mentor!
  14. I voted stay also. Some of the reasons others have given are my reasons as well -- although I am new to RP, I do think being on an RP server makes for a better gaming experience. I was unsure about it when Kaer and Naz talked Tainish and me into rolling characters on this server, but I really like it now. I hope the guild stays here, that would be my preference also. I've come to really like so many of you (even the cows!).
  15. What great fun! Especially dat foot race, although me undead eyes be even undeader after seeing all of us nekkid runners! An fer what it's worth,, Greenbull, on my screen *I* won both my races! So yep me thinks WoW isn't really built for accurate perceptions from our own computers. Great, GREAT fun -- dabu ta Maube fer pulling dis one together. /wonders uneasily if nekkid pictures will be posted . . .
  16. Qiris


    Those are all great suggestions and when I didn't have the ram or the great video card, I did that. But see, I had no lag until yesterday afternoon. None. I haven't logged on yet, but I'm really hoping it was a yesterday issue
  17. Qiris


    Dat lag monster was hurtin me too, Maube. So much so dat when me finally got back in, me took a hearthstone ta safety and called it a night (at 7 PM server time!). When ye folks get ta the next bracket, Tainish and I (that would be Xiris) wanna come play smack da humies too!
  18. The saddest message I saw in the Den was when you said "help" AFTER we'd killed the mob beating on you, and I was bandaging you. I have never seen such bad lag before
  19. Uki this isn't a Christmas picture, but it does show my sons: Merry Christmas again to everyone, and Maube I wanna see the kitty.
  20. Good Lord, this guild has adorable kids! Merry Christmas to all of the Crushers.
  21. Qiris - alchemy (192 atm), herbalism (about the same) Jiris - gnomish engineering (very cool trinkets) currently at 254; also mining (around 225, forget the exact number) Jiris can make the hi explosive bombs and unstable triggers for folks, just need the mats (truesilver remains elusive for me, can mine it if I find it)
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