Akiris bent over her journal, pencil grasped tightly in her little undead hand. She frowned, and scuffed her feet on the worn kitchen floor—her thoughts were not on her school assignment but on the events of the month before.
"Dear diary," she wrote, "ah know what ah heard. Xiris likes ta pretend she's a gud deadie but she's NOT! Ah heard her with Qiris and now Qiris is gone!"
A tear escaped her empty eye socket and she wondered again how it was she could cry when she had no eyeballs. No doubt Xiris would tell her not to worry about that either. She hated being treated like a little child, and longed for the day when she was fully grown and could escape her mean older sister. She was pretty sure Jiris felt the same way too, Xiris was always telling Jiris to watch out for those orc boys, especially that rogue, Rhoach.. She liked to say Rhoach would pickpocket anything. But thinking about orcs made Akiris miss her sister Qiris even more.
"Ah think she killed Qiris. And she may kill me too for writing this down, but ah can't pretend it didn't happen. Ah heard Xiris tell Qiris she'd committed a grate sin, but ah dun know what that means. Qiris sed she didn't mean ta bring dishonor on our family. What culd she have done to make Xiris so angry?
"Then ah heard a loud BANG and a scream. An the next morning, Qiris was gone, and there was a funny looking stain on the floor in the kitchen."
Akiris looked down at the floor and hoped with all her might that the stain wasn't orc blood, she thought she might throw up just thinking about it.
All Akiris knew was that after that awful night her sister Qiris had disappeared, never to be seen again. She'd asked Xiris, and Jiris too, where Qiris had gone but neither of them would tell her anything. Jiris just hugged her tight and said she loved her dearly, and that she'd always be there for her little sister.
Akiris laid her head down on her diary. "Ah'll just rest my eyes a moment," she thought, "then ah'll finish mah homework." But the warmth of the kitchen, and the sound of the ticking clock in the hallway worked together to lull her to sleep.
Xiris stepped into the room to check on her little sister. She knew the last couple of months had been hard on Akiris, and maybe she'd been too strict with the little warlock. But Xiris loved her sister dearly and would do anything to protect her. "Hmm, what's this she's been working on?" Xiris thought as she glanced down at Akiris' journal.