Oh god...looks like I'll have to find another weekday raid to join then. Weekends are bad for me as far as raiding goes due to kids and family things going on then (except Friday nights).
I'm not racing and can't race to 70 at this point. I just can't spend that kind of time right now...I have a 9 year old that is having some big issues at school even though I don't have him most of the time during the school year. I spent an hour in a parent-teacher conference over his behavior last night.
I'll get to 70 in the next couple of weeks. If I can get some group help to knock out those nagging Naggrand group quests, I can probably hit 68 tonight or tomorrow. The good news is I have enough money right now to knock out my next three levels of training, my flying mount training, and the slow flying mount - so as soon as I am 70 I'll be able to get to the stuff that requires a flying mount.
In the interim, I'm still plugging away at healing gear. I'm now sitting on +741 to healing unbuffed with the set I've assembled so far to heal in. Love seeing 4k+ holy lights (when they crit) go off (that's not counting the super sexy shield Harne sent me).