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Everything posted by Huato

  1. I try to make it easier. I did play a mage to 39 on the Alliance side, and while water requests at that level aren't what they are at 60, I do understand the pain. I am considering rolling a Troll mage soon. I loved the class when I played it the other side of the fence Plus I don't have a tailor alt yet.
  2. Hehe. I'm guilty of asking who has water. I usually do that because I don't know who has some on hand and missed the first advertisement for it though, so it isn't intentional to make someone angry.
  3. Done with the Blood of the Mountains now. THANK YOU GHULES! I owe this guy a lot And the rest of the Crushers and Argent Covenant members that helped with both the arcane crystals/arcanite.
  4. Ok, I need no more crystals or bars now thanks to one INCREDIBLY GENEROUS INDIVIDUAL! Did I say Thank You Ghules?! Just need to work transmutes now
  5. Huato


    Eh, you're a rogue...if you get the jump on me I'm done.
  6. Ouch! Hope he is doing ok now! And no worries...I had to leave early to attend to real life issues too, but I did see through Mags and on down the path to Gehennas.
  7. Huato


    <grins wickedly> Huato will be attending a lot more battlegrounds now...and in the near future...he's really going bring the pain.
  8. Damn! That's alot of gold spent! I bring my reagents so you can't yell at me!
  9. Ok, here is a question I have been wondering about...say a boe piece drops (bracers and belts are the only boe pieces in there), and everyone passes. What if we have an alt that can use it? Can we use DKP for our alt if everone else passes on it? This really doesn't pertain to Huato since he has all the BoE EF pieces. Zu doesn't yet though. And I forget the reasoning for this, but why are the boots and gloves (which are BoP) 75 dkp like the boe pieces are?
  10. You know we did, and that I am picking on you Maube!
  11. We got to Domo? :runs and hides:
  12. You know those giants things (Molten Giant, Moletn Destroyer)? Golemagg looks like them, but makes them look like dwarfs...or gnomes. Yes, he's HUGE! lol And he has a couple of "dogs" called Core Ravagers just to make things more interesting. When you get back you can take Harne and tank him.
  13. I'm down to needing 5 more crystals and a total of 8 transmutes. Also owe a bunch of people: I owe so many people a big Thank You and whatever I can do to help them...Ghules, Maube, Smedlock, Raeda, Orckus, Relikk, Kalea, Verissi/Tobalaya/Hoofstomper/Waldonnis, Drall/Razji, and I am sure I am forgetting others here. Thank you so much for the help on this project
  14. Thank you Ghules!!! I owe so many people a big Thank You and whatever I can do to help them...Ghules, Maube, Smedlock, Raeda, Orckus, Relikk, Kalea, Verissi/Tobalaya/Hoofstomper/Waldonnis, Drall/Razji, and I am sure I am forgetting others here. Thank you so much for the help on this project
  15. What she is getting at is if an individual in your class is one or two pieces away from completing their Tier 1 set, to please pass (at your discretion) on the piece so that the individual may complete their set. The reason being is that most of the Tier 1 sets have very beneficial 8 piece set bonuses that help the raid considerably. The other thing about MC, BWL, and soon Naxx (although the armor comes from quest there) is that the set pieces are geared for that instance and the beginning of the next. You help yourself and the raid by getting the complete set vs. passing for other items. There are the set bonuses and resistances attached to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 sets that are invaluable. Outside of the Raids itemize however you see fit. In the 40 man runs where this stuff drops in most cases you are going to help the raid be more successful with the set. All casters (druids and shaman included) get mana / 5 on most pieces of the tier 1 set, and it's needed for the longer boss encounters. Some also help with dropping aggro and tanking. Ultimately it comes down to how you want to spend your dkp, but if you look at it from an overall raid standpoint, and from watching other successful MC/BWL/AQ40 and soon Naxx raid groups, they are all in their Tier 1/2 sets for that particular instance. Anyhow...that's what she was getting at along with my personal thoughts and observations. Once again, no one is telling you how to spend your dkp, just asking if you know a member of your class is close to completing their set to pass. You don't have to pass, and won't be penalized in any way for not passing. That's a good point, and I agree with you. Maybe Maube will come in and clober us or give us a good answer on that!
  16. Huato

    Loot Link!

    It's Uglutz...You'll get used to his bizarre sense of humor eventually. lol
  17. Speaking of mains and alts...it appears we're short Druids for Friday's run. I signed up Huato, but if we are short Druids I would be glad to bring Zuato. Just let me know.
  18. Lol I understand what you are getting at, but it's a nightmare to maintain 40 people's dkp with tools. lol There are pro's and con's to it though. The pro's are exactly what you listed. The cons would be in my case when I started bringing Zuato and he started at 0, then Huato would still be one of the highest DKP holders and could come in and clean up (even though he had not earned any new dkp) on Shaman gear. The other con is that I came in with a lot of DKP with my Druid and was potentially able to get gear ahead of the rest of the Druids (but a pro for Zu). I'd like to have separate dkp for my two characters too. That's a discussion for Maube to address since it is her raid, and I will follow whatever method she chooses to use.
  19. Fomor, for what it is worth, a lot of the regular priests already have their gloves and other items...meaning that you would get those if they drop in all likelyhood...Friday night the Cenarion gloves dropped and were Dis Enchanted because there were no Druids present that did not have them. You would also start at 0 dkp, and also earn dkp as items drop in there. Some classes are all negative (druids for one), meaning that you could potentially get two pieces in one run. So...you may start at 0 dkp, but the possibility of getting Prophecy is good.
  20. Yay!!! Harne will be back! We went from Druid famine, to feast, then back to famine. lol Wait till you see it Houlli! We had a night where we had 5 druids in the run! Then Friday I was the only Druid till Morgh got home and logged in!
  21. Aye! I still want my Shaman updates even if they aren't all that good (Free respec, really).
  22. Hooray for Gordantell! Houlli, you missed all the drunken, stripped down to our skivies diving from the mast of the boat into Booty Bay!
  23. Qiris, It's handled by account basis...so the DKP that I earn on Huato and Zuato go into the same pool and is spent from the same pool. With Huato I was way up there as far as the amount I had. I bought the Staff of Domination and still had a lot left over. I bring Zuato in and went negative with the Cenarion gear that I got. So...if I bring Huato now I'm in the negative and probably won't get the helm and shoulders that I am short to complete my EF set for a while, but it was my choice to bring Zuato and I have gotten some nice gear for him in the process, and will probably bring Zu 90% of the time because he is a better healer than Huato is...and is fun to play. Hope that answered your question...I do tend to ramble at times. lol Fomor, I think I can safely speak for Maube on this one...if you want a permanent spot you will get it. We are short priests and you would be gauranteed a spot if you wanted to come. ::prays Maube doesn't beat me for that ::
  24. Blood of the Mountain is like Arcane Crystals in that it comes from mineral veins. Arcane Crystals drop randomly (and infrequently) from Rich Thorium Veins only. Blood of the Mountain comes from Dark Iron Veins (randomly, and infrequently) which are even more rare than Rich Thorium veins are. For Thorium Brotherhood rep, you start in the Searing Gorge at Thorium Point. After doing a few quests (Fiery Flux is the main one), you can start turning in a combination of the following for 25 rep: 4 Kingsblood + 2 Incendosaur Scale + 1 coal 4 Iron Bars + 2 Incendosaur Scale + 1 coal 4 Heavy Leather (I think) + 2 Incendosaur Scale + 1 coal This stops once you reach friendly. At that point (and before friendly, actually), you can turn in Dark Iron Ore x 10, single Blood of the Mountain, Fiery Cores, Core Leather, and I think Lava Cores for rep in the bar in BRD to continue to push your Thorium Brotherhood rep up. What I've needed the Blood for is a craftable Hammer that requires a ton of hard to get materials.
  25. Actually, I don't mind bringing Zuato at all. In fact lately it has been more of a challenge with him since we've been low on healers, so it's been fun. Being resto spec, raiding is what Zuato does best, so it's fun. And I'm so far in the hole with him now for the Cenarion stuff and the ring that I might as well work on him more for the time being, especially since healing is a priority at the moment, and the Cenarion set will help him with that. I like both the Druid and Shaman, so I can't say that I am playing a class I don't like. We still have a shortage of Druids at the moment, so it's good. And I'd gladly pass for someone to complete their set with either character. And that is why I ask which one the raid leader wants whether it is MC or any other raid.
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