Very true Waldoniss.
That said, I think most of our regulars to MC are ready for at least the first couple of encounters in BWL and perhaps even AQ 40. I'm not saying we're ready for the entire instance (either), but there is no reason that we could start working on them if we had the time. Look at our progress in MC? A huge portion of that is because our people are geared from the stuff they got at the beginning of the instance.
Huato has 6/8ths of the EF set. Depressing to see one drop while on Zuato, but we also have Morgh with 6/8th of the Cenarion set, and we have a few others that are creeping up there. Tonight I expect we will have Domo down and be giving Ragnaros a shot.
Even though we haven't taken down Rags yet, I believe we are capable of giving the first two to three bosses in BWL a good go. Yes, I realize its a big step up in difficulty, but we have the people to do it.