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Everything posted by Huato

  1. Skah! Another link I can't view at work (the nazis!)!
  2. I didn't have any problems last night, aside from lag in the Human starting areas...sheesh is that place horrendous for lag with all the alliance over there!
  3. Bump! Move Zuato down to needing the Blood. I still need to turn in the last skull and do Ascension, but that won't take long for me to do on my own.
  4. Just wanted to thank Hoofstomper, Ghules, Maube/Tazzak, Smedlock, Scryll, and Odenn for helping me take down the four world dragons for the Onyxia keying last night! Sorry I disappeared there for a bit before the fourth...RL things came up that had to be taken care of.
  5. Ok, update to what I have so far: 12 bars. 3 crystals and thorium bars in da mail to Gordantell for transmute/exchange 7 Crystals on Zuato still needing transmuted. Once all are transmuted that gives me: 22/50 arcanite bars.
  6. Update to reflect what I have/need. Thank you everyone that has donated too! It is greatly appreciated!
  7. I have two stacks on Zu that I will send ya...unless you are in the Core tonight then I will just give it to ya.
  8. Wow...that wasn't right after the warrior update where they got 52 talent points due to a bug was it? In any case...Wow!
  9. I will be bring Zuato tonight instead of Huato...so I won't have the water on me. I need to get cracking on the Hydraxxian quest line with Zu.
  10. Huato has 6/8 of the Earthfury set. Now to get Zuato geared up! I know once I start bring Zu the remaining two pieces of EF will drop that Hu needs.
  11. Zuato is now 60... ...and attuned... ...and resto specced... ...and available for all your healing needs. Thanks to Smedlock, Maube, Verissi, and Guilozak for helping me get attuned to MC and hitting 60 in the process!! :bunny:
  12. If I have the time I'm game for it. I do need to get attuned first and foremost...I'm a resto spec Druid and that will come in handy in the Core. After that as long as I have time I'm up for anything.
  13. Woogah!!! In honor of that... :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny: And thank you!!
  14. lol The priests and druids should communicate their assignments through the MCHealer channel...I never see that happening, and I am in it with Huato since I am a healer in the raids. I also don't mind doing my part for the raid (well, once I get Zu there anyway). It's worth the cost to me in my eyes to help give the members of the raid an increased chance of success.
  15. Wow!!! thank you Maube!!!!
  16. With Muabe and Raeda, that makes me 11/25! I love this guild! :) :)
  17. We can certainly take down drak...I took Zu in with a mostly Crushers group and was the primary healer for the 10 man run and we took him down. Sorry Alhazad. I wanted to kill her tonight too.
  18. That and world dragons! I need to kill them too!
  19. Ok, I'm going to go ahead and call it for the night. Zuato needs attuned to the core, so that is an option for a few people if they are interested. Otherwise, it's whever you guys want to do!
  20. Woogah!! Thank you both!!!
  21. Hey everyone...along with the arcane crystals/arcanite bars, I am also seeking a large number of Essence of Fire. Please let me know your price and I will do what I can. 25 Need: 0 I'll update this post as I get them.
  22. We currently only have 20 people signed up, and none of them are priests. It's looking like this will not happen tonight, but will be back next week (5/25/06). I am going to wait a little longer before officially calling it off to see if anyone else is interested, but it's probably not going to happen tonight due to lack of interest.
  23. Agreed. Once Zuato is attuned I can bring him and help the Druids with the buffing too.
  24. lol It's more of a curiosity than anything else. They are the defensive hybrid while we are the offensive hybrid. I want to see how the mechanics work both sides.
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