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Everything posted by Huato

  1. Thanks Maube! I was going to send you a message asking about that and how to set up a dkp site for the Ony runs
  2. So far looks like popular vote is Thursday at 9:00pm. Going to give the poll till Sunday evening before making a final call on it. Once the decision has been made, I will start a new thread with those that are keyed and ready to go now...I would really like to give this a shot as soon as this Thursday if we have enough keyed just to get our feet wet - no expectation of taking her down, although if we have enough it should be very possible. If we can't get enough assembled for this Thursday, then it will be the following for sure.
  3. Looks like it won't be here till Monday now I was hoping it'd be here today before tonight's MC run.
  4. Ok, I am ready to start putting this together, so please vote on a preferred day and time to do this.
  5. Zuato can make both stonescale oil and goblin rocket fuel, so if you need any of it made, send him(me) a message in game and I'd be glad to make it for you.
  6. Huato

    Herb Bags

    Can anyone craft the herbalism bags yet? Zuato could use one if anyone can make them.
  7. Ok, I think I found the problem for sure now. At first I thought it was memory, then the tests on individual sticks came back clear, and a subsequent test with all the DIMMS in place did as well. That said, the game runs fine as long as I am not in Org too long or part of a 40 man raid. It crashed three times on me in Ony's lair last night after going days without crashing. On the last crash, I went into my BIOS and looked at the PC health stats...my power supply was fluctuating more than I had ever seen before on all the voltage rails, and I actually watched the +5v rail drop to 0.00V on several occassions. The power supply is a 500 Watt supply, but is over 2 years old (which shouldn't make a difference), but it is obviously going bad. So...it appears to be power supply related, and a new one has been ordered and on the way.
  8. I will do my best to be der boss...that said, where is the Splintertree Tavern? I don't frequent the taverns around Azeroth much. lol
  9. Huato


    I'm interested, but may not be able to go for a few weeks yet.
  10. Huato


    We're finally working on MC, and are to Geddon as you've seen. I know a good portion (if not all) of our 60's are keyed for BWL, and I for one would love to have a shot at it and learn. I would also like to go to Onyxia more often if I can (thank you guys for the invite last Sunday!). I want to try my hand at leading an Onyxia raid in the near future, but that is temporarily on hold until my son is a bit older and sleeping through the night...it's hard to do when he's up every two to four hours. So I will try to get info from you on the encounter soon. Thank you for the help in advance!
  11. Huato


    You have to have completed the quests for the gnome in the cave before you can craft the crystal spires, and you will also need 30 gold too. I have everything but the gold and burning essence Green, so I know the pain. lol That aside, a Shaman needs to be in Greenbull's group to drop a fire resist totem and what ever other totems that Green would like. That should help him alot! Have the Shaman stand beside him and wait to drop the totems until Geddon is heading for the MT...then run back and help heal and drop totems again as the timers run out on them. I know part of the fr totem is offset by the Mark/Gift of the Wild, but the extra is more than helpful. Oh yeah, I am willing to be the crazy Shaman to do this for Green on the nights I can make it...with my FR gear and the FR totem my fire resist is 144 (110 with just MoW and no totem) (I also get the +10 yard increase to friendly totems with my EF set bonuses, so I don't have to be that close to him to be effective). Can get it to 164 with a run to BRD too...but if I can go with Green, and the essence is in the coffer, he should take it since he's gotta stand toe to toe with Geddon
  12. I just need sulfuron's hand to complete this quest line...I've been needing that for close to 5 months now. lol Darned Baron Geddon...it's all his fault!
  13. Well, for scholo, a good stealth group could get to the lab without a whole lot of trouble...Graw and Hoofstomper+Harne+Morgh should have no problems (as long as that is the goal, anyway). Count Zuato in for that once he gets to the 50's too...he's an alchemist, so that would be beneficial for him to get to as well.
  14. Signed up - Should be able to make it no problem then
  15. Thanks again everyone! We're finally home! I am so glad I don't have to sleep in that fold out chair/bed thing again! lol I'll be in game off and on starting today, but not like I was. I still need sleep. Sleep is good.
  16. OK, I've posted five pictures up in the real life section of our gallery. Go check em out! There are pictures of me and my son along with my step sons (one in each - they wanted to hold Drake, but we made Nash, the youngest [with red hair] sit in my lap for the picture. Nolan wanted to sit in my lap because Nash had, so there's a pic of him and Drake on my lap there too). My wife is going to shoot me if she realizes I put the picture of her reaching out to Drake up, so don't tell her! My son hasn't been able to see Drake yet because he has strep throat...He should be over it today, so I plan on picking him up and taking him to the hopsital this afternoon to see him. I'll get a picture of the three of us too and post it. My daughter is coming over tomorrow night through Sunday, but she hates cameras....going to have to sneak a picture of her and Drake when she isn't paying attention http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php...ry&cmd=sc&cat=8
  17. Thanks everyone! We'll be coming home tommorrow morning according to the doctor, so I can't wait for that..the little pull out bed they have for the father is not ideal for sleeping in but does the job. lol Here's the link to his photo online: http://www.growingfamily.com/webnursery/ba...RLID=6A3M2O2R1D They don't have the weight in there for some reason, but no biggie. I'll post some of the pictures I have into the photo gallery once I am done with my shower. Oh, that link is hysterical and true Vol!
  18. Phew! Went in at 8pm last night, and after unsuccessfully pushing him out, they did a c-section this afternoon...Drake Andrew was born at 6:16pm today, weighed 8lbs 6 ounces, and is 20" long. (I know that's around average for most women, but my wife is only 5' tall and considered small boned...her previous two children were only 5lbs 8 ounces and 5lbs 5 ounces respectively). Anyhow, pictures to come...we won't be home till Friday, but I came home to take care of the pets and take a shower since they won't let me at the hospital. I'll upload a couple pictures tomorrow sometime and post the link to the hospital site once it is available. Back to the hospital now, see everyone soon! Huato
  19. We're getting ready to head to the hospital to be induced in a few minutes...I'm excited - my wife says I am like a kid at Christmas. Anyhow, pictures will be posted here once I am able to! See you guys in a few days!
  20. Yeah, only set she dropped for was Priests, and she dropped 2 of them. It didn't matter to me that anything I could use dropped - I was more interested in the encounter since I had never experienced it...it was fun, and I believe that the group we have going to the core can do it. That being said, once my son is here and we're settled in, we're going!
  21. Glad they finally updated it with the Epic sets from MC and BWL! Speaking of Transcendence...I got an impromptu invite to Ony last night and she dropped 2 of the Halo of Transcendence. Very cool encounter, and I lived up to the Mr. Faceplant title!
  22. I would if I could. I can't get in far enough to even change realms.
  23. But Blizzard's track record of stability reared it's head. As of this point in time, I can get the connected message...hangs for a couple minutes, then tells me I've been disconnected from the server.
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