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Everything posted by Huato

  1. I agree with Morilen. We have to have good fire resist gear for MC...we are not to Ragnaros yet and we're getting slaughtered by Baron Geddon who does nothing but fire damage (and a nasty magic effect) that is ripping us apart. I went down a couple times Saturday due to his fire damage, even with my fire resist over 125.
  2. This is from a Blue post on the WoW forums:
  3. Huato

    Server Transfers

    Well, I disagree Xaos - I think you are a bigger part of this guild than you give yourself credit for, and I hope you decide to stay. It's great seing you every Friday night in MC, and in the evenings when you are on. I've enjoyed beeing in the battle grounds with you when I've had the chance, and would go to any instance or help you in any way I can.
  4. With the group we have we could start running you through once you've reached 55 or 56. Before that it's too rough because you will get most of the aggro for being lower in level than most of the mobs.
  5. Same here - I would be glad to help. That place takes awhile 5 man, but we have a good enough group for it.
  6. Sorry!!!! Uglutz and I are just that way about loot...it's more about the fun of coming with other Crushers than who gets what loot.
  7. Once the others had left and we filled it with Crushers, that ended up being the easiest run through Scholo I've ever had. We need to do that more often!
  8. Huato


    Then lets fix that! What do you need to get keyed?
  9. Huato


    I signed up as well. Now, for Drakisath...when do you want to go kick his butt again? If we can get you and Grymald again, plus Uglutz and me...and a few other Crushers we'd need very little in the way of pick ups to do this. Let's set a date and time to do this. I could do it tonight if you would like, or Saturday evening too. I want to try to hit Scholomance early Saturday, and after that I want to run UBRS again (late Saturday), so I am up for that too.
  10. Well, I've decided on this: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...005005015050100
  11. I'm playing with a third build. There are talents in elemental and resto that reduce the mana of the lightning bolts, shocks, healing spells, and totems. Combine that with Ancestral Knowledge for the increased mana pool and we should do well with primarily elemental and resto. Here's what I'm kicking around for the third one: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...005005005050100 This saves mana on everything I cast, plus gives clearcast and improved healing, and gives me 3 points for the 3% increased mana pool. This also gives me an added 11% chance to crit with lightning/chain lightning spells and 5% increased crit chance for healing. I am not a big proponent of spending points in talents that decrease the time it takes to cast the spells other than clear cast since the up to x bonuses of items are time dependant (i.e. the longer it takes to cast, the more of the bonus you receive). I'm also of the opinion that the extra points in Improved Reincarnation aren't really worth it since I've been running more instances. Typically we either run back or a priest is soul stoned. It's only in those now rare (for me anyway) instances where no lock is present to soul stone and we're so far in the instance that stuff has started repopping behind us that I find reincarnate useful (and the entire party has wiped). That said, as Shaman I am finding that Stamina, Intellect, and Spirit are the best stats to focus on with my builds, and I've noticed that ALL of the 8 piece Shaman sets focus on these three stats primarily. Getting the Spirit up there greatly helps with regen of mana and health, and the intellect helps with the mana pool and chance to crit with spells (healing and elemental). Stamina goes without saying. These findings of mine obviously don't work out well for an Enhancement Shaman though since they lack a lot of strength and agility.
  12. Are your mistells carrying over to the forum now?
  13. lol There are two videos on the WoW website if any are interested in checking it out. Looks pretty cool.
  14. I know I've done this once before, but with some of the gear I've picked up lately, and with my role changing in instances such as Zul'Gurub and Molten Core, I'm seriously considering a few different builds, and would like to get some input from some of the Shaman in the guild that have been at 60 a lot longer than I have. To start with, my current talent build: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000 First up, Elemental/resto with 3 points in Enhance. Thought behind this is the be a better healer while still having the points in elemental to dish out damage. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...005005005050100 Second build, Elemental, enhance, resto. This one is to help save mana on healing, lightning, and shocks while still retaining some enhancement. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...005005000000000 These are the builds I've come up with that I like. I had gone one time down to mana tide, but I didn't like that build all that well, but would consider it again. I also realize that the builds I have laid out that I am considering do not give me the ability to wield a 2h mace or axe. I still have my Hammer of the Titans and the Zulian Stone Axe, but I've found mysel liking the shield and one hand mace (Aurastone Hammer) I've been carrying around more for the added armor, stats, and healing/spell power, so I don't think I will miss that much (the hammer and axe will stay in the bank for a later date though ).
  15. OK, I will (at least as it stands today) have no wife aggro come Saturday late afternoon/early evening, and would love to do this. I'll throw it on the in game calendar tonight. We'll go with the plan above. We need one tank, one priest, then the last three are interchangeable. We can take 3 Shaman, a shaman, druid, mage, whatever it takes as long as we can get at least 1 Shaman in there for the Darkreaver Menace quest.
  16. Got this from the WoW insider email:
  17. Huato

    Server Transfers

    The server they are allowing the transfer too is a PvE, not an RP server, so we'd have to deal with a lot of really crappy names and crap. My vote is to stay right where we are at the moment.
  18. Ahh!!! My eyes! Muabe wins the longest post on the forum ever award!
  19. Woogah!!! That is great news!
  20. Ok, below you will find a write up that included 1 priest, 1 warrior, and 3 Shaman. We could get three of us this helm in one shot if we follow these directions. Please note this includes that "body pull" of the first set of ghosts. So...when can we get Benim, Green or Smed, Uglutz, Raeda, and myself in there for this? I figure once we get this down pat we can run all of our future Shaman through too. I figure that a Druid or mage in place of one of the Shaman could be very beneficial too...we should try this strategy for this soon.
  21. Foiled by the queue again! Was 6xx something when I logged on around 7:40 to go to MC on the Sunday run, and here it is at 10 after 8 and I am only in the 400's. Damn blizzard and this queue.
  22. Or...you could roll a new character on Argent Dawn and join us. We're always glad to help.
  23. There is a way to pull them without getting 2 or all three groups at once. I will have to go look at it, but the MT has to body pull one group by hugging the wall and bringing them back to the corner. Take care of those three then body pull the center group. Take care of those, then get the last group. I'll try to find the guide again and post it.
  24. I had a lot of fun with the group we went with the other night. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get a group to go at first, but then things fell into place! Like I said before, I love UBRS and am willing to go anytime I am free. I would have gone last night had people wanted to go.
  25. Huato


    Hmm. I've noticed that I cast much more now than I used too then step in and swing away with my 2h axe when low on mana. My axe already has +22 Int wihtout enchant, so I don't know that adding more intellect to it would be more beneficial than say a Str/agi/crusader/lifesteal enchant. Another reason that I have also considered the spirit enchant on it (+20) to help regen mana/life faster. I still find myself even in a lot of boss encounters staying with the 2h axe. I have a shield and a one hand mace that has +11 to healing when I need it, but I rarely use it. That is why I was wondering about the lifesteal enchant on my 2h weapon. I'm still learning about enchanting, so I know very little and need guidance on it. I figure later on I will probably be using the one hand mace and shield more often, but as of this point in time I use it maybe 10% of the time I am playing. Righteous orbs are rediculously expensive and hard to get, and I don't like live Strath enough to want to go there and hope some drop and then hope I could win a roll on them. lol But I would go to help others and myself get them. So, with that in mind, what do you (and Kaer, Mr. Math himself) suggest?
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