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Everything posted by Maube

  1. Smedders doesnt care much for PvP either - but when you are running solely with friends - it can be fun being 'bait' as Smirky found =p Twinked PvP is a whole different world then capped PvP - half your games are against twinks - the other half are easy wins but the thing is - you are surrounded by your fellows who will help guard your back!
  2. ::mutters:: stupid experience Vegonna was the best for running flags =p people had a hard time killin her with Hilami or Vashaka healin after the snatch and grab =p Maybe after the baby is born and settled I can work on my paladin for a twink bracket =p I do miss those days. For those that didnt run PvP with us - it is usually a laugh factory =) We spend the time on Teamspeak being silly - albeit some rougher matches we can get cussy Okay... so that was mainly Vrugz Katak and myself... but boy it was fun running with an all Crusher crew =)
  3. hmm... who wants to get Gabey a Nethermount for a birthday present?!
  4. Ahh yes... Vegonnas Pack... I still cuss when I look at my poor Shaman that I leveled by accident >< Its a great time =) you dont have to be twinked - but if anyone needs help twinking out - feel free to post your class on this thread and during one of my infrequent jumps in game I can see what I still have lying around =)
  5. I was just reminded that Bathing suit season is almost upon us... and Kat found this for me... to remind me the horrors of the beach Thong Wearing Bikini Man for more of these great clips.... Those wacky BudLight Commercials
  6. Maube

    The Baby Pool

    Hey at least we will have a funny story to tell Gabe to humilate him when he is of age ::grins wickedly:: Still no regular contractions - heck even the BH have been slacking off - getting very annoying!
  7. :cheers to waldy:: Pain in the ass looking up everything by hand but I was too lazy to compile it glad someone has more sense then me! ::steals Smeddy's Floam:: And Ky... yes that did sound dirty =p
  8. Woogah! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  9. Maube

    The Baby Pool

    I'd say more like a balancing act =p
  10. o.O Never would have thought of using that term to describe weather... but omg it fits! Beautiful day today (managed to get Kat to go for a walk with me around our apt complex) tomorrow as well - still a little chilly... but sunny and clear... and Thursday we have a chance for a snowstorm >.< I know it'll be almost entirely rain but still... that they would even say the s word in April =p
  11. Maube

    The Baby Pool

    I am still not dilated - but my BP is still high so I am still on bedrest. Go back in on Friday for another pelvic and potentially this weekend for a non stress test at the hospital. Doc says if I am not delivered by monday - they will set up an appointment for induction. Hopin it doesnt come to that! My mom is thinking the baby will come on Thursday since we are expecting foul weather =p All I can say is... I creak like an old lady - hurts to sit up straight and my pelvis creaks when I walk =P Doc recommended lots of sex and bewbie stimulation =p Of course I forgot to ask if I was effaced or not - first babies the woman often effaces before she dilates
  12. We have the patience to read your silly rules?
  13. Heh - we barely broke 50 degrees yesterday... and we have the potential for SNOW Thursday... I sure hope Gabey isnt waiting for the wintery mess that could come =p
  14. Maube

    The Baby Pool

    My mom just put in a date... she thinks it will be Thursday... because we have the potential for a snow storm >< Oh come on Gabey - I am getting crankier and crankier =p
  15. Hopefully they are done with the recalling - those dog biscuits I know a lot of people buy for their doggies =( Friend of mine's cat just passed from kidney failure this weekend. Stinky =(
  16. Thanks for the headsup - that was the update I got - but boy I dont read those things =p maybe I should
  17. Maube

    Entertain me!

    So far Smedders is the only one who has sent me pictures! Come on folks =) entertain me!
  18. ::grins:: No sappy stories for Kittybear!
  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not fair! That was under the belt Ghulesy!
  20. My big beef with the toilet seat thing... is I am farking 9 months pregnant - I pee 5 times a night... and it is REALLY hard to get my fat arse OUT of the bowl when I plunge in at 2am. Just put down the lid then we both have to work when we gotta go
  21. Maube

    The Baby Pool

    Whelp... here we are... no contractions yet =p Gabey is still holdin strong - If he doest come today/tnight I have my next appt tomorrow - which is a tentative induction - albeit I really dont want an induction - may postpone that until he is more then 2 days late =p I mean due dates are estimated give or take two weeks hehe of course my mother in law is driving me up the wall with her every day calling asking if there are any signs... as if she wouldnt be one of hte first to know if there was =p
  22. Pfft... we are gunna start breeding our very own Gold Farmers
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