heh - i think I am going to go do that right now. No sense in lowering my time to cast to lose damage when the cost in mana stays the same.
I agree with this post on the Mage Forum
First of all, let me say that I understand the reasoning for this nerf. The damage coefficient for all spells is based on that spell's casting time, and a talent that reduces that casting time without changing the coefficient certainly goes against that game mechanic.
However, here is the REAL problem with this change: IT IS NOT APPLIED TO ALL TALENTS THAT REDUCE CASTING TIME FOR DAMAGE SPELLS! You can NOT simply selectively do this for mages and try to justify it. That change would be completely illogical. You MUST apply this change to all such talents for ALL CLASSES.
Here are all of the following talents, listed within the classes they belong to, that would also need to be changed should this be implemented.
Warlock: Bane, Improved Firebolt, Improved Corruption
Druid: Starlight Wrath
Priest: Divine Fury (for Smite and Holy Fire only), Improved Mana Burn
Shaman: Lightning Mastery
The mage community DEMANDS that you do one of the following:
1) Apply this coefficient change equally to all talents that reduce casting time of damage spells for ALL CLASSES, or
2) Do away with this change all together and apply it to NO CLASSES.