=) thank you all for the well wishing - this was a lot easier from the getgo then Gabe - not that I love Gabe any less for making my life so hard ::grins::
Caitlynn Elizabeth Manjoney
12:14pm on February 24th, 2009
8lbs 1 oz 19 1/2 inches long
For those that talked to me before my appointment on Monday - when I went in - my BP was really high and my amniotic fluid levels were low so they pretty much rushed me to the hospital with very little chance to do anything. Luckily I was having my own contractions during the day although I wasnt progressing (big surprise) so they had to induce. After about 4 hours of hellish contractions and not dilating or changing at ALL - I said yes to the epidural... 2 hours later our daughter was born... once more the delivering professional almost didnt make it in time
Nurses need to understand that when I say get the doctor NOW I mean NOW and not in 15 minutes when you think I'll be ready ::grins::
Kat and my mother were present this time... my mother pretty much told the nurses there was no way she was leaving my side Luckily it wasnt the traumatic experience Gabe's labor and delivery was. I am in much better spirits and of course much more experienced
Kat is proud as a peacock - as is pretty much everyone in the family. We got our girl! And honestly... not knowing until the moment of delivery made the moment all the more special for me! Will post pictures momentarily (waiting for them to upload onto myphotoalbum!) but if you have Facebook you dont have to wait - just do a search for Melissa Taday Manjoney