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Everything posted by Maube

  1. Maube


    one day? try 36 hours =p
  2. after a year of being told druids are only healers - GO DRUIDS! =D
  3. I use Carnival - both the Divine shield and the spell timers - thats what I use to keep track of Mags and Rags
  4. What can I say - I hate to think I alienate anyone =-) But thanks for clearing that up Molox!
  5. Since I am guessing Molox is a bit sore at me =p So I am going to Clarify If someone is one piece away from completeing their Set - as in they are currently 7/8 and their final piece drops - I will ask all others of that class to Pass to complete the Tier 1 set - The classes can pass or not pass at their discretion. If one person refuses to pass - then the item goes to the person with the highest DKP - If you are missing 2 pieces but have a piece of Tier 2 like the pants - getting your 7th piece does not count for the raid leader to ask the other bidders to pass - you get no set bonus for 7/8 Since we have had only one Prophecy Crown drop - it could not have been a 7/8 call - even tho the Tier 2 Helm is donning the undead head of yours - you get no bonus for 7/8 and that is part of the reason I ask others to pass - because of the 8/8 Bonus. I suggest using the DKP commands to see who the bidders are !list whisper to Maube will show all the current bidders in order of highest DKP - if you tell Me to hold on a minute - while you whisper the person ahead you can ask that person to pass HOWEVER - no one is required to pass when asked to do so - if you have the DKP then you have the right to purchase it - just keep in mind items that benefit certain classes more =) And remember one day it might be you sitting around waiting for that 8/8 Tier one piece to drop!
  6. Maube


    Now that sucks hard V =(
  7. Maube


    Anyone who is on during the day play Civ 4? ::twitch::
  8. Maube


    Why couldnt it have been NEXT week when I'll be in Maine =p
  9. GOOD NEWS! Balandar was able to get the Data Dump I got from Bull into the new signups! We are in business! So remember - we are using the Skullcrusher signup - not the one Greenbull was so generous to host for us for so long! Next step - DKP ::huggles the Greenbull:: Thanks buddy - just hard to get our info when the database goes down every week and we have no one to call and harrass =)
  10. Actually Iris.. Do you have all the group windows up on your screen - the CTraid group window options? Because I do and that is how I keep track of buffs
  11. Maube


    We will be performing hardware retrofits for the following realms as part of our long term realm performance improvement plans, and due to the requirements for implementing this new hardware we will be working through an extended maintenance schedule. The maintenance for these realms is scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM PDT, Thursday September 7 and conclude at approximately 12:01 PM PDT, Friday September 8. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to improve realm performance and stability through our continued hardware upgrade plans. Aggramar Argent Dawn Arthas Azgalor Bleeding Hollow Bloodhoof Burning Blade Burning Legion Durotan Earthen Ring Elune Eonar Eredar Gilneas Gorefiend Kargath Laughing Skull Lightning's Blade Llane Lothar Magtheridon Malygos Mannoroth Medivh Shadow Moon Shattered Hand Skullcrusher Stormrage Thunderhorn Thunderlord Warsong Zul'jin
  12. Maube


    http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...eNo=1&sid=1 another 36 hours of Downtime.
  13. See Qiris - you are lucky... Waldy and I keep tabs for the mages last Friday was awesome for the buffs - so lets keep that coordination going tnight
  14. ::squeals with delight and goes to play with the talent calculator::
  15. Maube

    The Sworn Few

    I am still working out the specifics with their leadership - I will keep everyone updated =)
  16. Maube

    The Sworn Few

    They are not part of the Covenant - this is an alliance between the two guilds =)
  17. Maube

    The Sworn Few

    Took me a minute to remember what Peeta told me yesterday =) http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?Guil...mp;TabID=814529
  18. This is to let the Skullcrushers know - we are now Allied with the Sworn Few - this is an alliance to help our members - and theirs fill up a second (to us) Molten Core raid and to have a bigger pool of people to run even more instances with - Networking is always good =) working out the details with their leaders now - but if you need someone to round out your group - ask around! No sense in letting a good group of players slip through the cracks =)
  19. Maube

    New Warmongers

    Congratulations to Baracko and Guilozak... our newest Warmongers and also to Kytae, Chrysalia, Tainish and Xiris for obtaining the Rank of Champion!
  20. Maube

    The New Sign up

    Crushers - Friends - Allies This is to let you all know that the old signup sheet for our raids is now defunct - We are trying to update the new signup with a data dump from the old signups if that goes through - well then you are set - if not - well please use the new signup - recreate your accounts and your characters - you do not need approval - you just need to log in and create your characters in the profile - no matter what the site tells you =) http://www.clanskullcrusher.com/raid/index.php
  21. Crushers! Dah Chief be havin a few bits of Guild news tah be talkin bout - tnight at 9pm in dah Undercity dah Eldahs and Maube be meetin up to hear some important information, all crushers are encouraged to attend, if latz are online - please attend - there are other days to raid/pvp/instance. This is a RP event. - Some new Recruits are putting their necks on the line for a QandA answer session on why they want to join the Crushers - A potential new Alliance - A few promotions
  22. Bumping this Please folks - show your support! Kytae works her tail off to bring more Roleplay events into the fray - take some time off - relax and have some goofy fun with your clan mates.
  23. ::pounces Greenbull and huggles him lots!::
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