::chortles to herself:: Old Joke I know...
Anyway, Al has offered to put that head on a stick Wednesday to help us rip MC to shreds, so folks, do set that hearthstone in Kargath!
Gunna offer a proposition for next week as well, to see if we can get a good chunk of the raid at the start time of 8pm to start clearing trash down to Lucis cavern. Would be nice to be able to get Luci, Mags, Gehennas, Garr, Geddon, Shazz and Sulf down in one night to focus more on Rags =) More we can do in one night the better IMHO. we've got the chain pullin down, just really need to work on peoples perceptions of where danger zones are... aka make sure you arent backing up into Molten Destroyers =p