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Everything posted by Maube

  1. Maube

    Patch 1.8.4

    Well at least when we lose in WSG the games usually just drag on and on and on and on hehhee some of the WSG games I've played with Tazzak lasted a whole... 8 minutes hehe
  2. Hey that pattern for Tailoring, the stygian leggings or whatever they are I dont have that pattern yet... would love to take a look (Tailoring 300 =D )
  3. Aye! Dah Crushah's be steam rollin dem Alliance! Ah hear dat Tazzak, Katakorintha an our newest Crusha Vanidi, were tearin up dah Gulch fer dah little Crushahs! 8-0 at last count... dah Alliance fear dem! Goooooo Crushahs! Clomp dem Alliance!
  4. Oh I do hope a Crusher wins!
  5. Ah sent one tah dah bank Huato, yah need ta bug Amule fer it!
  6. Damn Skippy! And when askin... dont say... "5stack food plz. 1g." Use full words =p -Maube... dah Vendin Machine
  7. Yah! I ken give yah dose shards!
  8. Apocatherapy Helbrim studied the herbs that Maube had brought him, and then shook his head. "Well m'dear, I fear I am going to need more then a couple of hours to study these samples you brought, why dont you go explore The Barrens, go visit Thunder Bluff or even Orgrimmar, surely there you could find some trinket or toy, we may be dead, but that doesnt mean we should forgo all simple pleasures." The Forsakken smiled at the young mageling, offering her a small purse. "This is for bringing the herbs straight away and not doddling. Go enjoy yourself Lass... but be careful... Many of the Horde do not trust us yet... best just to stay out of their way." "ah will sah! Promise!" Excited, Maube chatted with the Flightmaster to get directions to ThunderBluff, the city of the Tauren. Even when she was still living, the Tauren were not as fearful as the Orcs and Trolls had been, they understood the balance of nature, and being a farmer's daughter, Maube could relate to the Tauren, the Druidical race of the Horde. Tucking the small coin purse into the sleeve of her robes Maube started to head south, towards Mulgore when a large shadow blocked the brightness of the mid morning sun. A huge orc towered over her, his face twisted into an ugly smile. "Wud latz see dis... a pushdug deadie. Deadie needz lernun! Deadie needz a clompin. No like Deadie!" Slowly a vicious sword was released from it's scabbard, eyes of the orc going crazed. Maube sputtered and backed up, hands held out in front of her pleadingly. "'Scuze me Sah... didnae mean tah get in yer way... ah be on mine now..." The orc advanced, spittle collecting in the corner of his mouth as he swung his sword back... Maube cringed and backpedaled further knowing that this orc wasnt right in the head. Suddenly the Orc was tackled to the ground. Orcish guards loomed over the frenzied orc who started to curse and lash out, trying to get to the frightened Maube. "Der be nub clompin here. Dis be a safe plaac! Moob ewt!" The guard kicked the fallen orc in the side before the orc scrambled away, shooting Maube dirty looks. Maube heaved a sigh of relief, apparently Helgrim was right, some of the Horde still did not trust their new allies the Forsakken. I will give them cause to remembah mah name! I swear it! An I will make shure tah grow in mah powahs so I ken no more be pushed around... She felt eyes on her... Maube turned to look into the shadows where an older Orc was watchin her. Maube curtsied prettily and rearranged her robes. For once she was glad she was a deadie... no need to worry about her skin betraying her emotions, no more blushes or going pale... now to only control her facial features... another task to work on. The Orc hidden in the shadows stepped forwards. About his broad chest there was a crimson tabard etched with a broken skull. He smiled kindly at the young mage. Maube was startled at his lack of scorn towards her, even those orcs who were not openly hostile at her did not look upon her with the respect one would give a comrade. This strange orc did... "Ug Deadie. Ah be Volonazra, Cheef ub da SkullCrushers. We be lukin fer magukers, an luk like latz needz a hum. Wuld yah likin ta be Crusher?" Maube was taken aback, this Orc was inviting her, a deadie to join his clan... Maube knew about the Clans of the Orcs... they were groups of the Horde that were brothers... and sisters... in arms. A family of sorts, a close knit group. Never had she heard of a Clan accepting a Forsakken... thinking this was a cruel joke, Maube shook her head silently and backed away. "No thank you sah... I be jus visiting dese parts..." The Orc chuckled and nodded. "Well be tinkin un it. Ah be in Tuch." And off he strode, not bothering to look back. Maube stood stunned... was he actually serious? Hesitantly she called out, "Sah?" The Orc turned, his footsteps were slow, as if he knew that she was going to beseach him. "Yub?" nibbling on her lower lip, Maube tucked her hands into the sleeves of her robes. "Mehbe ah like dat... verah much... Ahm Maube by dah way..." Scuffing her foot in the sand, she waited for the laughter and derision as she was turned down. Volonazra nodded solemly. "Den latz hav protection of Clan. Welkum Maube. Yah be now a Skull Crusher!" to be continued...
  9. Tailoring: All Bags save Bottomless, Flarecore lovelys, Mooncloth save the circle 24 Slot Enchanting and Herbalist bags, Sylvan crown, Sylvan Shoulders, Gaea's Embrace, Glacial Gloves, Glacial Bracers Enchanter (Fiery, Icey specialties) Always free with mats, just ask! Or if you dont have mats... donate wildvine and mageweave so ah ken make dah gloves that DE into Shards! +22 Int +15 Agi, +15 Str, +20 Spirit, +22 Agi 2hander
  10. Maube

    Zeppelin Fans

    Hehehe I've seen it before But thanks for remindin me hehe
  11. It is with a heavy heart that I read this ;-; I will miss you guys among the Crushers.
  12. Damn you hubby and your need to go out to the movies >.< Grrrrrrrr Oh well, congrats Smedlock!
  13. Maube


    ::laughs:: I think this was actually recordings of the preacher that had those great pauses and moments to insert farts... because those arent normal farts ::laughs:: Or rather... those sound like Sharts! If you dont know what a Shart is... you need to watch Along Came Polly
  14. Poor Huato... Luckily that is my day off, but I gotta clean the house for Turkey day... just found out one of the guardians of one of our residents brought in a 10lb turkey for all the staff And I already bought my turkey... so that means two turkeys to cook If anyone is in the New Haven CT area and wants some home cookin, just lemme know ::laughs::Hubby and I cant eat all that turkey by ourselves...
  15. Maube


    I cant make the mooncloth bags yet... but I have been making mooncloth for a couple of weeks now... of course with that four day timer I dont have all that much of the stuph!
  16. OOC: Nope, Hubby dragged me to bed early last night I was up at 3am lol, which is why I usually dont GO to bed until2ish, what are YOU doing up lol
  17. Woot! i love the troll accent ::grins:: And even more since Maubey was in it! Woot =) Cant count the times Haq has saved mah butt! Almost to level 50 gotta get in tah clomp wit Haq!
  18. ::Laughs:: yup, Hubby pulled the cord, silly hubby to think I took the day off to be with him Well at least I still got the chance! Loving it so far!
  19. What time we talkin about? So I know how late I can stay up tomorrow in dah BG ::giggles::
  20. Leeeeeeeerooooooooyy nnnJeeeeenkiiiins! I wanna get a liscence plate with that on it
  21. Dah Deadie looks awesome ::grins:: If only mah manager knew why I needed the day off...
  22. 'Apy belated birthday! Serves mahself right fer not checkin dah forums yesterday!
  23. Well thats final, I am taking next Sunday off ::grins:: Muhahaha I managed to get it of just on the context that the Monday I am coming in for a 12 hour shift in which we take three of our residents to New York for the Christmas Spectacular (and they arent the difficult residents so it is gunna be fun!) =) So yay! I will be there!
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