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Everything posted by Maube

  1. Happy Birthday Markenhoof!
  2. Ahh Perthes after my own heart The rush I felt the first time my raid took down Ragnaros... just cant describe it. Even when I am present but not leading a raid that downs a boss for the first time... seriously gives me such a shot of adrenaline... yeah LOVE it =) Oh and dont worry - I think between most of the 'vets' in the raid we have all class experience covered - so if anyone has any questions about their class and how to improve performance we are glad to help. And dont be offended if we offer some pointers to you as well =) its all about tuning up the whole raid machine for optimal sucess!
  3. People who perform - bring reagents - come prepared with knowledge of fights and try hard to improve will get kudos - atm I am not doing signups - if it comes down to needikng them I will put them up. Folks who just coast by will not be invited back - think of my MC run cept with me really cutting out deadweight. I held hands in MC - not doing that anymore If someone doesnt need loot from a set instance we can ask if they dont mind switching out for someone else, Depending on what we need for classes. The majority of this raid is Crushers (in fact I think there is only like 2 non crushers involved) but it is still MY raid. Being a crusher doesnt give one a spot automatically - I am not of that 'you must have MY guildtag to attend my raid' mentality. I want to have fun BUT I dont think people being stupid and holding up progression for said stupidity is fun. Remember once we got MC on Farm I tried to make up games to keep it fun - expect the same =) And expect being teased mercilessly if you do something really silly after being told not to... like meleeing Krosh
  4. In other words... dont hug your decurser unless youa re cursed. That means YOU UGLUTZ
  5. Clumping together is a good strategy but EVERYONE needs to move if a doomfire is even CLOSE to you - that way if a decurser is running away the group he/she is supposed to decurse is moving with. Goodness knows I was running away from a fire and curses started popping up out of my range. I wasnt about to turn around and adn run back to find them hehe
  6. Alright we are looking very good Tanks: Smedlock, Kargoch, Ascoli, Jalzin Healers: Jasena, Jiris, Tepheris, Greenspring, Lesedi Mage Tank: Maube Melee DPS: Sneekeh, Kimpek, Cresalia, Nathaniel (Ret), Vierendelen Ranged DPS: Burana(E Sham), Kieranna, Perthes, Nawtnyse, Dominia, Kelani, Kazragerg Lomar(Tank) or Bralor(healer) Subs: Baracko, Kalea, Katakorintha Oriahtundra, Hyku, Gordantell (later in the evening)
  7. Sure do Smedders =) or any of you that want to come!
  8. Due to the AA gathering this weekend I decided to postpone the event so as I can get the best possible turnout. So far the next date is the following Saturday but that is pending our move. Due to the shakey state of Gabe's schedule during that time - it is a 95% chance it will go on as planned =)
  9. Unfortunatly I cant push it back too far - because the ultimate goal is to get folks prepared for SSC and TK - and having a 9pm starttime starts pushing it to the uncomfortable zone for many folks. And just so you guys know... I am a stickler for promptness - as raiders from MC know... pull at 8:00 means pull at 8. I get very pissy when things dont go the way I want... so be forewarned.
  10. Will consider it Harne - just a matter of not wanting to stay up too too late too much baby is an early riser lol
  11. Good response so far - could use a few more but I am sure I can scrape things together - hoping that eventually if the group meshes we can consider dabbling in SSC
  12. in other words... stop humping her Holy!
  13. Lookin to start a Gruul's/Mags run for folks on Wednesdays starting the second week in June (Pending my Move) So feel free to sign up on this list and talk to me ingame I know some folks are already comitted to runs - but there are many crushers who could use the experience and the gear from these fun encounters. Keep in mind - if you have never had me for a raid leader - if you sign up and dont show up without notice - dont be expecting invites back - if you dont perform - then you'll be replaced - BRING CONSUMABLES You will need Teamspeak and loot will be handled like my old Onyxia raids. First timers are not qualified for loot (save for our own first time) but past that it is roll for need basis. ::grumbles at her second in command even when she doesnt want to be in command!::
  14. (bumped the past posts so folks can browse the fun that was had))
  15. Just so ya'll can see the past fun ::winks:: Open to all Crushers and Friends!
  16. ::dusts off her signmaking materials - starts scribbling and then excitedly posts the parchment on a post:: ATTENTION ALL CRUSHERS! As requested... The Crusher Grand Prix will be ressurected on the 7th of June! Come to the Shimmering Flats at 8:00pm to test your mettle! Feed those mounts of yours and bring them so they can pave the path to your victory! Prizes will be awarded! Join us for the Epic Mounted Race... the Regular Mounted Race... The travel form race... and the all popular NEKKID RACE! Please Skribble yer name and the name of yer mount below so I can have some trophies drawn up! Drinking and Merriment to begin... and Bloodshed always follows!
  17. A scout from Northrend... well we shall really be relying on you soon... I hear the passes are melting ::grins:: And what that silly orc Uglutz means is... well done ::winks::
  18. I would always be up for those runs - just dont ask me to lead at least not all the time hehe They are fun encounters IMHO
  19. Wish I knew a lick about computers =(
  20. Maube

    A dollhouse?

    That is soooo gorgeous! I love it! Now I want a little girl more then ever!
  21. My priest is an undergeared shadow priestie ::laughs:: There are some tailoring patterns that are not BoP - Whitemend I believe - if you need Mooncloth timers there are prolly a few in the guild not using theirs so you can just send them some netherweave - arcane dust - primal water and primal life
  22. Maube


    apparently you have to have been gone for 90 days for us to give yah a scroll d'oh!
  23. Zebby I think we are doing it again 2 or three more times doubt they would leave you out of your Vial quest after all the work you put in! And I can say we now because I weasled myself in muhahahhahah
  24. And maube can do the spellpower enchant =) I am currently looking for a Tigerstrike Mantle for my twinky
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