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Lord Ser Brightblade

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Lord Ser Brightblade last won the day on January 21 2014

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About Lord Ser Brightblade

  • Birthday 03/02/2004

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    Ser Brightblade

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  1. Windows 7 64 check dual 460m check Dunno how well it will run on my system if i get it but no upgrades in forseeable future.
  2. Missed the Beta! Thinking of preordering I hear its awesome. Guessing Borg is going Empire how bout other people? BB aka Chris
  3. Figured I would pop in and take a peek and see whats new with PGoH. How is the land of UO? Neat new stuff? Stories? -BB
  4. The time has come for Brightblade and Scout (2 accounts) to either fade away into the history of UO or to come under new ownership. The accounts are currently active with varying degrees of time left (months). If there is interest please post here and we can make arrangements. I am looking for the price of a few pizzas (food of the gods) or better. Over the course of 10 years or so both accounts have accrued quite a bit of goodies. I think Brightblade has about 14 soul stones for instance. Brightblade has pretty much (I honestly believe all) veteran rewards still to choose from and Scout probably has a few as well. Im not setting a price per se but obviously the more the better especially since there is creditable time on both accounts. If there is truly interest I will even post how much time per account. Anyway this does not mean I'll be gone from the boards I still lurk on them......I just need to pay attention to friends and family and that has left me with little time for pleasant diversions such as UO the past year+. May Honor Guide and Bind Thee always. Lord Ser Brightblade and Scout Finch a.k.a. Chris and Kate
  5. I still lurk around the boards and still have a cpl active accounts for the time being (here is to hoping for some new fun stuff from UO).
  6. This is just too funny not to share. Black Bush!
  7. My playtimes will continue to be extremely erratic for the time being. A move is ucoming for me as well as family events and whatnot....
  8. If it brings recruits and adds to your fun then yea. Hope recruitment keeps up would be nice to see the ranks swell again.
  9. eeek I missed it. Happy birthday albeit a little late
  10. Role-play events are a good way to also recruit so you do many things with such events. With more recruits you can fill in empty ranks.....
  11. Awesome stuff. Hope to see people step up and sieze the opportunities. Also hope to see some fresh young faces joining the guild!
  12. Aye.... A happy and healthy '06 to all!
  13. Merry Christmas to all. Hope everyone has a fun, safe and happy holiday!
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