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Lord Ser Brightblade

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Everything posted by Lord Ser Brightblade

  1. Winter, self-righteousness is just as unflattering if not more so than any rumors that are being spread. You were once a Guardian of Honor you know the correct protocol for reporting issues and you choose to ignore them, you think that you are somehow bove things and should be given special consideration? You think because you come to the boards and put your words for all to see that they will be given creedence and action taken. If anything I look upon it no differently than one of the great apes beating upon his chest to get people to take notice, nothing but show. Grow up. You are an adult, right? Now I imagine your heart rate is jumping a bit reading these words, and I can imagine that you are thinking I am siding with Lora. Well not that you deserve any explanation from me but the same has been told to her. It you wish to continue your pissing contest with her and she with you do it elsewhere. I wish you continued success in your endeavors whatever they might be for whatever guild you carry a tag for.
  2. Gallery is a nice little app. Used it on my webpage for family pictures. I know you can record movies in SB. If they can be converted to something like avi Gallery would support the posting of them. Might be something to toy with.
  3. Interesting....most interesting indeed
  4. TY Will be e-baying the stuff early next week (soon as I have time to make a webpage for it all). With luck the new owners of Safe Haven Inn and the Museum will join PGoH. How could they resist afterall!
  5. Well I am selling without a doubt at least one of my 18x18 plots in the city, Scout and I are selling her scout account which has 7 unchosen 5 year vet rewards and in all likelyhood we are also selling another house either 12x16 in an extremely unique location in Malas (no houses for screens around it) and the Silvana account or the other 18x18 in the city and Silvana account. These will be sold for RL money which I know will bum many of you out but if you are interested in any or all of what is mentioned here ICQ me we can talk. I will do what I can for guildmates but dont expect too much of a price reduction. Anyway ICQ if interested and we will go from there. -BB
  6. Old warriors never die or go away they just simply sit back and take it all in from time to time. While many are stepping down and away they will never totally be gone. Sometimes it takes great upheaval to bring about great change within some people. Let us hope that those people envisioned as leaders step up and fulfill the roles some of them have already taken and others have yet to take. Strength, Honor and Wisdom BB
  7. It has been there since day number one.
  8. Give Borg the time he needs to do what he needs to do please. Many of you have no idea what some of us have invested in this game for the enjoyment of the members. This includes time, money and yes even at times the neglect of our own families when things within our realm family warranted it. With that said a new Prefect of the Praetorian will be needed as well. Some of you know my real life situation and how many things are going on that are just very unpleasant. You all know I am forced to sell some of what I have but I will not leave the game altogether, just cut back to one account, Brightblade. Aside from that I just can't devote the time needed for this position. So Kodoz the new Emperor will need a new Praetorian Prefect (advisor and enforcer of codex).
  9. I am not going anywhere at the moment if I leave UO its beacuse, well the money has dried up. I will continue to make the meetings I can (the ones which my odd work schedule will permit) I would also concur with Ballyn that any leaders who can not be active in the guild to the point that they are not online for at least one meeting out of four a month step down and allow another deserving member to step up and fill your role. But thats just my little ol opinion.
  10. I am not going anywhere at the moment if I leave UO its beacuse well the money has dried up. I will continue to make the meetings I can (the ones which my odd work schedule will permit) I would also concur with Ballyn that any leaders who can not be active in the guild to the point that they are not online for at least one meeting out of four a month step down and allow another deserving member to step up and fill your role. But thats just my little ol opinion.
  11. With deepest regret I must announce that I am forced to sell much of what I have aquired over the past 68+ months over several accounts to pay the bills. It is not without much thought that I came to this decision. Of course if guildmates desire anything I have I will give them the first chance to buy things before I place them on E-Bay but I can't afford to give them away, nor can I afford to ask for less than the prices I will set on certain items. With luck I will gather enough funds through the sale of the least ammount of things and be able to continue to keep my Brightblade account active at the very least. If I had my way this would not happen but reality must take precedence and the welfare of my family must supercede any and all friendships in and out of game. Again I am truely sorry about this PGoH. As far as my role as Praetorian Prefect is concerned I would prefer not to step down until the final die is cast and the Brightblade account is sold. Thank you for your understanding and again I am sorry. -BB
  12. Sonic? I don't think I am familiar with that, thought it was a hedgehogs name. Anyway I am sure things will normalize soon enough and we will see you again!
  13. Pinned topic. Looks like this could be one useful link you have supplied.
  14. Elathiel is right. Luck only comes into play after the item has spawned on the corpse. Checks are then done against luck to determine how many properties the item has and how good they are. (i.e. I have heard that you need 700+ luck to get items with 70+ luck)
  15. Can you import your lists? I looked at the page really quickly just to bookmark it but didnt investigate.
  16. Best of luck. May your journies be safe and enlightning.
  17. I don't believe that is UO Approved so use it at your own risk.
  18. Aye a GM+ Peacemaker paired with a tamer or a mage can drop anything in the game in short time.
  19. Actually there was a tactics manual orig. written by me and the one and only Scout finch. I believe Wolf updated it a bit and it is located off the main PGoH UO website.
  20. Great job by all! It is great to see people moving forward within the guild.
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