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Hoofstomper (Tauren Druid - 70) Verissi (Undead Mage - 70) Tobalaya (Troll Rogue - 70) Kelani (Tauren Hunter - 70) Adranna (Blood Elf Priest - 70) Jaryndis (Blood Elf Paladin - 70) Rodala (Tauren Warrior - 19)
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I wrote about this in my blog a bit, but wanted to post a marked-up Org map here as well to help folks out, and give a short list of where to find the stuff that's been moved. The new Orgrimmar hasn't changed a ton overall, but there are some significant changes that will leave you feeling lost for a few days. Here's the map: Moved: Thrall GONE! You'll see him again in the Maelstrom! Grommash Hold Smack-dab in the middle of the Valley of Strength. Garrosh is located there, as well as the archaeology trainer. Flight master and zep towers Now located on the rise directly behind Grommash Hold and above the Cleft of Shadow. The flying trainer, flying mount vendor, and city reputation vendors are located there as well. You can reach it via any one of three elevators: Directly behind Grommash Hold, near the ramps leading up to the Goblin Slums area. At the entrance to The Drag from the Valley of Strength. On the ramp leading to the upper level of The Drag as you're coming from the Valley of Wisdom (this one's tricky to find at first). [*]Engineering trainer Moved to The Drag in the building next to the entrance to the Cleft of Shadow. [*]Bank There are multiple banks, with each valley area having one. The VoS bank is now located to the southwest of Grommash Hold. [*]Auction House There are multiple auction houses, with each valley area having one. The VoS AH is located roughly where it used to be, but looks different. [*]Guildmaster/Guild Vendor Located outside of and along the west wall of Grommash Hold under some tents. The guild vendor is new and worth looking at. [*]First Aid Trainer Is now a goblin and located in the Goblin Slums area along the south wall (next to the priest trainer). [*]Portal to the Blasted Lands/Dark Portal There are two of these now - one in the Cleft of Shadow and one in the Valley of Spirits (troll area). Both locations also boast mage trainers now, incidentally. [*]Target dummies Located in the Valley of Honor mostly in both the hunter and warrior trainer buildings. Once flying is enabled, you can also find some above the gate that leads to the Valley of Honor from The Drag. New additions of note: Guild Vendor Noted above, next to Grommash Hold. Archaeology Trainer Located inside Grommash Hold next to Garrosh and the blood elf delegation. City reputation vendors Noted above, on the flight "deck" next to the flight master. Justice/Valor Point Gear Vendors Second level of Grommash Hold. They are tricky to get to at first if you can't fly, but there's a ramp behind Grommash Hold that leads to a bridge that will let you walk there. Paladin Trainers There are two locations - a blood elf paladin trainer inside of Grommash Hold and a Tauren paladin trainer in the Valley of Wisdom. Druid Trainers There are two locations - a Tauren druid trainer in the Valley of Wisdom and a troll druid trainer in the Valley of Spirits (look for the kitty) Cooking Daily Located in The Drag outside of the cooking trainer's building (who resides in the same spot as before). The vendor for the daily tokens is next to the quest giver. Fishing Daily Located in the Valley of Honor next to the fishing trainer. Jewelcrafting Trainer Located in the Valley of Honor in the same building as the mining trainer (directly north of the warrior trainer/battlemaster building). Azshara Gate There's now a gate leading directly into Azshara (which is now a 12-20 quest zone) leading out of the north side of the Valley of Honor. Cataclysm Zone Portal Area Located on the rise directly north of the "flight area" is a small circle of stones. Once you begin questing in the new Cataclysm 80+ zones, portals will be unlocked that lead from this stone circle to those zones. Return portals aren't available in every zone, but Deepholm and Twilight Highlands both have portals that lead back to Orgrimmar.
One change introduced in Cataclysm is the requirement that you find dungeon entrances before you can queue for them in the dungeon finder. This only applies to Cataclysm-specific dungeons, so don't panic and think your new goblins will need to trek out to Gnomer or anything! Below is a list of the release dungeons and a short description of where to go to find the entrances (descriptions courtesy of the many posters in the beta forums). I'm not including raid instance entrance locations at this time, but may fill those in later. Blackrock Cavern (Searing Gorge/Burning Steppes) Inside Blackrock Mountain, between Searing Gorge & The Burning Steppes. Follow the circular pathway to the lowest Eastern side entrance(next to the Meeting Stone), go inside and take first right. Throne of the Tides (Vashj'ir) On the Eastern edge of the Abyssal Shelf in Vashj'ir, follow the center of the Whirlpool down into a Chamber below which contains the instance entrance. The Stonecore (Deepholm) After going to Deepholm, follow the Temple of Earth up it's Western side. You'll find a meeting stone on a balcony, with the entrance to The Stonecore behind it. Halls of Origination (Uldum) To the lower right on the map there is a pyramid. The entrance is inside. Lost City of the Tol'vir (Uldum) Bottom Center on the map there is a village built in the delta of the river. The entrance is in the northern part of the village. Vortex Pinnacle (Uldum) Bottom right on the map. Fly there and look in the sky, you cant miss it. Additionally, one of the beta participants made a similar list with pictures to make the locations clearer, so if the above descriptions aren't good enough, feel free to visit their site (CLICKY).
That's one confused...animal. On the plus side, at least he's not a druid or he would really be confused. Cat? Cheetah? Bear? Owlbirdthing? *head asplode*
This one was rather unceremonious compared to previous betas, but the Cataclysm beta period is officially over now and the servers are offline for good. I was really hoping for another closing event, but I guess the realities of bringing Cataclysm to market were greater than even I anticipated. It's been a fun ride, as every beta has been, complete with wacky bugs, frustrating moments, and great memories. To the few that logged in during the beta, I'm glad to have had you around during the journey and to compare notes with. I also am happy to have brought news from the beta to those who weren't in there to see for themselves. Enough of the beta blabbing, though. To those that I won't get to see or chat with around Argent Dawn, take care and keep in touch! To the AD'ers, don't be a stranger
Not much time with this build yet, so the post will develop as time goes on. So far, it looks like just most of the stuff that we saw in the live push and on PTR (class changes, etc.) to establish parity. This close to release, I wouldn't expect much to change unless it changes on live as well. Notable Bugs: So far, I haven't found any showstoppers. Yay! Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). General: More new item graphics and icons. Guild: Nothing notable that I can see. Zones: Uldum:The daily quest "Fire From the Sky" is still funky with mob pathing, but the "Help the Bombardier! I'm the Bombardier!" achievement is now working. [*]Twilight Highlands: TBD [*]Tol Barad: I believe the Alliance:Horde ratio has been implemented finally. It's hard to tell since I keep entering so late and don't have enough time to see the full number of Alliance in the area. Classes: Mostly the same changes we see on live. A few tweaks to various spells of all classes for level 85 scaling. Professions: TBD User Interface: Same changes as live.
Hard to tell what's new because of the first notable bug (which has basically made nearly all of my characters unusable). I'll see what I can do in the meantime... Notable Bugs: Logging in to or entering parts of Orgrimmar may cause the client to crash with an Assertion or texture cache error. There is no known workaround at this time. This seems to have been fixed. I'm free! Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). General: Many items have new icons and some have new models as well, including many tier pieces. Premade character templates now come with epic raid gear for testing heroic raid content. Guild: Quite a few guild achievements have had their completion requirements reduced. Zones: Uldum:The daily quest "Fire From the Sky" is still a little wonky. The mobs' models don't path or update properly. [*]Twilight Highlands: TBD [*]Tol Barad: Teleporting to Tol Barad Peninsula from Orgrimmar now drops you off right in the Horde encampment rather than near the Alliance camp or in the middle of nowhere (relatively) on the island. Time between battles in the battleground area has been increased, possibly to its final value (appears to be the same downtime amount as Wintergrasp). Exploration of D-Block, Cursed Depths, and The Hole still don't register on the related achievement. Dead Fox Kit critters are no longer lootable (not that they had any loot before, but I had some ideas of what they might end up having). Oddly enough, they're still not showing up as critters, but rather foxes. [*]Orgrimmar: Gamon is now a level 85 elite and boasts 1.9 million health! Funniest change so far... Classes: Druid:Not seeing a new flight form model on my troll, but I'll poke around to see if it's just me (could be that I learned the old spell before the new one was introduced). Professions: Leatherworking:New patterns are available from the Hide and Leather Trader in Dragonmaw Port (finally!). [*]Cooking: The cooking dailies in Orgrimmar (and likely Stormwind too) are now cycling properly. User Interface: No notable stuff was introduced in this build - just some minor tweaks.
Getting closer. This one wasn't all that big at all... Notable Bugs: Male trolls are a bit racially confused and seem to be acting (and sounding) like humans...imposters! They have several graphical issues as well (geoset attachment points are all kinds of messed up). Female trolls seem fine, however. Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). General: Talents have been reset for some classes (again). Health-per-stamina values have been increased for levels 81+ (10.8, 11.6, 12.4, 13.2, and 14). Enjoy your even bigger health pool! Resilience has been slightly buffed as well, from what I can tell. Many items have new icons and some may have new models as well. Guild: Reportedly, guild reputation and experience gains have been returned to normal levels. I'll try to confirm this when I get some more data. Zones: Uldum:The quest "Colossal Guardians" should now be working. I guess someone found a really big shovel and dug the Colossus of the Moon out a bit. [*]Twilight Highlands: TBD [*]Deepholm: TBD [*]Tol Barad: Some of the walls of the capture points are invisible. It's actually quite silly to see. The commendation costs of some of the items from the reputation vendors have been increased again. [*]Vashj'ir: TBD Classes: Talents have been reset for some classes Lots of adjustments made to all classes, mostly involving decreases in output (or health in the case of bears). Quite a few abilities now increase in effectiveness as you level, such as Mangle and a few other things. The modifiers should slowly scale up with the character rather than being fixed (for those reading MMO-Champ, not everything is as reported/mined). Professions: Archaeology:Races' crests are now highlighting properly in the UI when moused over. [*]Jewelcrafting: New cuts/designs are in and available from Marith Lazuria in Orgrimmar near the trainer. Jewelcrafting daily is active now in Orgrimmar (outside of the hut near the trainer), which rewards you with tokens you can trade in for...you guessed it...the new designs (including the chimera's eye cuts). More tweaks to the gem icons. They look much more finished now. Some adjustments were made to the skill-up caps for some of the craftable items to allow things other than just Fire Prisms to grant skill above 500. Crafting some of the new Illustrious jewelry ocassionally produces a rare-quality item (blue) rather than an uncommon (green) one, with a higher item level and stats. [*]Tailoring: New patterns are available from the Cloth Trader in Dragonmaw Port (Twilight Highlands). Some nice stuff in there... User Interface: A few silly typos were corrected. Guild MOTD should now always print correctly. Sometimes it would fire before the chatframe was ready, so the message never got printed.
Yes, I'm alive! Sorry, been a bit bed-bound due to illness/allergies lately... Notable Bugs: Haven't found anything notable and new yet. Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). On logging in, your chest armour might be broken (or may not be). Some are seeing this happen, others are not, so check just to be safe. Seems to be common with druids, mages, and shaman at least. Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). General: New login screen! And it's pretty damn cool! Those that caught the BlizzCon coverage have probably already seen it, but it's nicer when it's on your own monitor. Those that were worried about another screeching dragon don't have anything to fear - Deathwing is more the "I'll just stand here looking imposing while sometimes grunting" type. Character customisation and faction changing features are re-enabled. Let's hope some of the bugs from last time are fixed up. Female worgen are no longer gender confused and are now playable! Goblin mount issues have been fixed (as have goblins' problems negotiating certain terrain). Several racials have been adjusted: Blood Elves' Magic Resistance increases resistance to arcane rather than reduces chance to be hit by spells. Draenei Shadow Resistance increases resistance to shadow rather than reducing the chance to be hit by shadow spells. Worgen Aberration increases resistance to nature and shadow rather than reducing the duration of curses and diseases. Dwarves' Explorer has been adjusted to yield additional fragments rather than increasing base archaeology skill (reduced survey time still applies). Sounds like an odd change, but believe me, the previous incarnation had some serious problems. [*]Guards in the starting areas have been upgraded to level 90 elites and hit REALLY hard. This actually happened in the last build, but I hadn't had time to confirm it. [*]The flight masters that I have run across are now level 85 elites, so you can't just sneeze on them and watch them drop dead. This may be a global change, but I haven't had the opportunity to check every one for obvious reasons. Guild: The "Hasty Hearth" guild perk is finally working again (yay). Zones: Uldum: The quest "I'll Do It By Hand" is now working! The quest "Colossal Guardians" is still not working, however. [*]Twilight Highlands: TBD [*]Deepholm: TBD [*]Tol Barad: TBD [*]Vashj'ir: TBD Classes: Druid: Rebirth cooldown has been reduced to 10mins. Wacky. Soothe now has a short cast time (1.5sec base, I believe). Natural Shapeshifter now also increases ToL duration by 5/10secs, depending on point investment. The talent still blows for other specs, but at least resto gets something out of it finally. Several other changes to various talents and abilities (mostly small adjustments). [*]Paladin: Tons of changes to base damage/healing of various abilities in all three trees. Professions: Archaeology: Several (if not all) of the related achievements that didn't work before are now working. Digsites now only yield 6 fragments (2 per survey) for non-dwarves. I'm still trying to find a pattern to this, but sometimes you get 3 fragments per survey, so this isn't true. It may be tied to zone level or archaeology skill, but it'll take me awhile to figure it out. [*]Jewelcrafting: Still largely unfinished. Nothing new was added to the trainers. All new gems have new icons (finally), including cut gems. [*]Engineering: Lots of recipes have had their minimum skill level reduced, making engineering much more...able to be leveled. It's possible that engineering is pretty close to being finished (finally). Tinkers are now discovered in a way similar to alchemy discoveries. They're fairly easy to discover, from my experience so far, and pretty varied. [*]Leatherworking: The recipes that previously required 530 skill have been fixed to require 500 or less. Still not a lot to work with for leveling over 500, so it may not be finished, but at least it's workable now. Blackened Dragonscales have a new icon. [*]Mining: Pirium Bars now have a new icon (again). User Interface: GetProfessionInfo() now returns the skill modifier as the 8th return value (thank goodness). Funky UI error that occurs only with engineers (at least that I can tell), which causes the entire profession frame to break. This doesn't happen with current live client builds, so I'm wondering if this is a side-effect of my engineer being a very early copy and not transitioning properly.
Yarrrr.... Notable Bugs: Getting reports that goblins are having issues using their ground mounts, but haven't confirmed this yet. The "Hasty Hearth" guild perk doesn't seem to work (didn't in the last build either). Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Female worgen are still gender-confused in the game itself. Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). On logging in, your chest armour might be broken (or may not be). Some are seeing this happen, others are not, so check just to be safe. Seems to be common with druids, mages, and shaman at least. Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. The daily quests available in the Tol Barad battleground area do not work for Horde currently (they are available, but require you to turn them in to the equivalent Alliance NPC). Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). General: The bug that prevented spells like Lifebloom from being cast from a macro or via /cast has been fixed. Guild: The "Hasty Hearth" guild perk doesn't seem to work (didn't in the last build either). Guild titles are finally in (or really, in and fully localised), based on guild reputation: Neutral - "Initiate of" Friendly - "Recruit of" Honored - "Guardian of" Revered - "Veteran of" Exalted - "Champion of" Zones: Uldum: The quest "I'll Do It By Hand" is still not working. The quest "Colossal Guardians" is also still not working. [*]Twilight Highlands: The quest "The Last of Her Kind" has been fixed. [*]Deepholm: TBD [*]Tol Barad: Dailies in the battleground area now work for Horde...but still don't award reputation. Graveyards are now immunity-protected (finally). On a related note, Alliance have also rediscovered their /dance macros. [*]Vashj'ir: TBD Classes: Druid:As noted above, the bug that prevented spells like Lifebloom from being cast from a macro or via /cast has been fixed. [*]Paladin: TBD Professions: Archaeology:The number of fragments per digsite is now fixed at 9 (3 per survey). [*]Jewelcrafting: Still largely unfinished. I compared the crafting list from a premade to what was available on the trainer and the difference was amazing... [*]Engineering: Azeroth trainers finally shook off their amnesia and now know how to train Illustrious stuff. Truegold is back as a requirement for the goggles (sigh). It actually was a reporting error on my part last patch that it was removed...it wasn't. Sigh again. Still a lot of skill gaps, so it's likely not finished. [*]Leatherworking: Still a bunch of patterns that require 530 leatherworking, so it's also unfinished (like Engineering). User Interface: Trade skill modifiers *might* actually show up now. Let's hope the functions actually return the modifiers too or else the strings won't work...
New build within a day...joyous. Hopefully fixing some of the bugs. Due to the rapid onset here, I'll just copy the 13189 post text here and amend it as needed. Apologies for the lateness - every so often, even I need sleep Notable Bugs: Druids aren't auto-shifting out of forms when casting mounts (annoying!) and get an error that we can't mount while in a form. Seems to only apply to moonkin (possibly only trolls, but I can't confirm). Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Female worgen are still gender-confused in the game itself. Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). The loot rolling window appears when a keystone is looted (archaeology) even when not in a party. Hotfixed, yay! On logging in, your chest armour might be broken (or may not be). Some are seeing this happen, others are not, so check just to be safe. Seems to be common with druids, mages, and shaman at least. Druid swift flight form's speed is affected by Master Riding finally, but still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. The daily quests available in the Tol Barad battleground area do not work for Horde currently (they are available, but require you to turn them in to the equivalent Alliance NPC). General: Video and sound options are being saved between sessions again (thank goodness). The SetVertexColor() errors on the character selection gluescreen are fixed as well. Small patrols of flying guards have been added to all of the capital cities. I'm not sure how effective they'll be, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. The Rustberg Gull pet has a new seagull-ish icon and has been renamed to Rustberg Seagull (or at least the spell has - the pet's visible name is still Rustberg Gull). Guild: Another attempt to fix the News frame. This one just might have worked. A new chat message lets you know when you have earned the maximum amount of guild reputation that you can earn for the week. Side note: Guild titles seem to be a function of guild reputation. Revered is "Veteran of", exalted is "Champion of", and so forth. Zones: Uldum:The intro cutscene is a little funky. It works, but it's not quite showing what it should be (and used to). [*]Twilight Highlands: Quest rewards should be in, although not sure how completely itemised the zone is. The "Total War" daily quest now works. [*]Deepholm: Therazane finally has a new model - yet she's still pretty hideous. A new quest leading into the Stonecore instance is available from Therazane. The previously one-time quest "Beneath the Surface" is now a daily at the Therazane's Throne quest hub. The Collosal Gyreworm in the Crumbling Depths now picks you up and slowly consumes you if it manages to catch up with you. Best to avoid it if you can. [*]Tol Barad: A new victory quest has been added at HellScream's Grasp to win Tol Barad. Rewards 64 honor points. This appears to be a weekly quest. Daily quests in the Tol Barad battleground area are still not completable for Horde. The Spectral Wolf and Drake of the West Wind mounts now require more Tol Barad Commendations to purchase (150 and 175, respectively). The "Baradin Hold" instance appears to be open (supposed to be the new Vault of Archaevon). Daily quests from Hellscream's Grasp on Tol Barad Peninsula now (finally) reward reputation as well. Siege vehicles now have a lot more health (10 times more). [*]Vashj'ir: NPCs and mobs no longer fall through the floor in Nespirah. Classes: Druid: Wild Mushroom and Detonate got new icons (much nicer than the old one). New moonkin form models for trolls (and likely worgen). New Tree of Life models as well! Trolls now also have their own flight form model (could be the same as the Tauren model, but I haven't verified yet; worgen are likely to share the night elf model). Druid swift flight form's speed is affected by Master Riding finally, but still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Several small spell cost adjustments. Base damage of Insect Swarm has been reduced (drastically, but it wasn't unexpected). [*]Paladin: TBD Professions: Archaeology: Completion count, dates, and times have been added to the tooltips of artifacts (wacky!). Map updating is now working properly! [*]Engineering: Still no love from Azeroth trainers for aspiring Illustrious Engineers. Outland trainers still seem to know how to train the new stuff, though. Material requirements to make some of the new goggles (at 500 skill) have been reduced to not require Truegold (thank goodness). Still a lot of skill gaps, so it's likely not finished. [*]Fishing: The gears icon is gone when mousing over the bobber. Instead, we have a little goofy fish! Fishing pools have been added to Tol Barad Peninsula, including a new type of wreckage pool that drops crates of food and lots of cloth. [*]Leatherworking: Same situation as last patch, although some new patterns have been added at 500. Still a bunch of patterns that require 530 leatherworking, so it's also unfinished (like Engineering). [*]Cooking: A couple of new achievements have been added for the new cooking dailies in Orgrimmar (and Stormwind). [*]Herbalism: Volatile Life has a new icon (and it's red?). [*]Mining: Volatiles obtained from mining all have new icons as well. User Interface: Reanchoring the WorldFrame no longer causes extremely weird things to happen with water if you have the new water effects enabled (FINALLY fixed it, yay!). The currency tab should work properly now instead of randomly disappearing.
New build, new bugs...wheee! Notable Bugs: Video, sound, login, and other settings are not being saved to the Config.wtf file. The client is also not reading from existing Config.wtf files, so you have to redo the options every time. Really hope this gets hotfixed soon, since it's quite annoying. The first character on the selection list often returns a "SetVertexColor" error and the character may be unplayable at times. Again, hope this gets hotfixed (stupid gluescreen bugs). Other characters may show this as well from time to time. All kinds of character creation problems and sometimes certain ones may not show up at all on the list on the character selection screen. Item caching seems extremely slow, if it's working at all. Not sure if the client is even receiving the information or if it's a write problem. This appears to have been hotfixed. Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). Female worgen are still gender-confused in the game itself. Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). The loot rolling window appears when a keystone is looted (archaeology) even when not in a party. On logging in, your chest armour might be broken (or may not be). Some are seeing this happen, others are not, so check just to be safe. Seems to be common with druids, mages, and shaman at least. Druid swift flight form's speed is affected by Master Riding finally, but still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. The daily quests available in the Tol Barad battleground area do not work for Horde currently (they are available, but require you to turn them in to the equivalent Alliance NPC). General: Small patrols of flying guards have been added to all of the capital cities. I'm not sure how effective they'll be, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. The Rustberg Gull pet has a new seagull-ish icon and has been renamed to Rustberg Seagull (or at least the spell has - the pet's visible name is still Rustberg Gull). Guild: Another attempt to fix the News frame. This one just might have worked. A new chat message lets you know when you have earned the maximum amount of guild reputation that you can earn for the week. Zones: Uldum:TBD [*]Twilight Highlands: Quest rewards should be in, although not sure how completely itemised the zone is. The "Total War" daily quest now works. [*]Deepholm: Therazane finally has a new model - yet she's still pretty hideous. A new quest leading into the Stonecore instance is available from Therazane. The previously one-time quest "Beneath the Surface" is now a daily at the Therazane's Throne quest hub. The Collosal Gyreworm in the Crumbling Depths now picks you up and slowly consumes you if it manages to catch up with you. Best to avoid it if you can (you can eject from it at least). [*]Tol Barad: A new victory quest has been added at HellScream's Grasp to win Tol Barad. Rewards 64 honor points. Daily quests in the Tol Barad battleground area are still not completable for Horde. The Spectral Wolf and Drake of the West Wind mounts now require more Tol Barad Commendations to purchase (150 and 175, respectively). The "Baradin Hold" instance appears to be open (supposed to be the new Vault of Archaevon). Daily quests from Hellscream's Grasp on Tol Barad Peninsula now (finally) reward reputation as well. [*]Vashj'ir: NPCs and mobs no longer fall through the floor in Nespirah. Classes: Druid: Wild Mushroom and Detonate got new icons (much nicer than the old one). New moonkin form models for trolls (and likely worgen). New Tree of Life models as well! Trolls now also have their own flight form model (could be the same as the Tauren model, but I haven't verified yet; worgen are likely to share the night elf model). Druid swift flight form's speed is affected by Master Riding finally, but still unaffected by the Mount Up guild perk speed boost. Several small spell cost adjustments. [*]Paladin: TBD Professions: Archaeology:Completion count, dates, and times have been added to the tooltips of artifacts (wacky!). [*]Engineering: Still no love from Azeroth trainers for aspiring Illustrious Engineers. Outland trainers still seem to know how to train the new stuff, though. Material requirements to make some of the new goggles (at 500 skill) have been reduced to not require Truegold (thank goodness). Still a lot of skill gaps, so it's likely not finished. [*]Fishing: The gears icon is gone when mousing over the bobber. Instead, we have a little goofy fish! Fishing pools have been added to Tol Barad Peninsula, including a new type of wreckage pool that drops crates of food and lots of cloth. [*]Leatherworking: Same situation as last patch, although some new patterns have been added at 500. Still a bunch of patterns that require 530 leatherworking, so it's also unfinished (like Engineering). [*]Cooking: A couple of new achievements have been added for the new cooking dailies in Orgrimmar (and Stormwind). [*]Herbalism: Volatile Life has a new icon (and it's red?). [*]Mining: Volatiles obtained from mining all have new icons as well. User Interface: Reanchoring the WorldFrame no longer causes extremely weird things to happen with water if you have the new water effects enabled (FINALLY fixed it, yay!). The currency tab should work properly now instead of randomly disappearing.
Guild's up and running again, yay! Join the MisfitsAD channel if you want to see who's around for an invite back! Raztoka's the guild lead this time around and guild/bank permissions are already set up. Incidentally, guild rep and guild xp gains are insanely high now (for testing purposes), so enjoy the flood.
We have four sigs, just need a fifth! Let me know if you can help out and I'll arrange to be around when you can, if I'm not already (I'm often on most of the daytime, so just log in and join the MisfitsAD chat channel if you're around).
Here we go again. Guilds were wiped again tonight during a brief maintenance today (1 October) to fix a number of bugs related to the guild xp, leveling, rank, permissions, and rep systems. This means (yet again) that we have to get folks to log in to sign the guild charter. When you do, please join the MisfitsAD channel so we can see each other. Please log in to help, even if you rarely (if ever) log in. We only have 3-4 semi-active people and I need at least five signatures to get this done. This time, I'll likely have Raztoka be the guild master, since I'm on her more often than not anyway. Go figure, I had just copied over a bunch of gold and bought all of the bank tabs AGAIN. Oh well...
Finally, we get a new build before PTR does. Notable Bugs: Female worgen are playable! Well, okay, maybe not. Technically, you can create one, but it uses the male model when you enter the game. The API functions even indicate that the character is, in fact, a female. Oddly enough, they still show the female model on the character selection screen too. Wacky stuff. Some (all?) players are not gaining guild reputation at all for completing quests. This seems to be affecting players of all levels. Notable unfixed bugs from the previous build: Usual proviso about deleting the cache directories in your installation directory if you're having issues loggiing in after the patch. See a previous build post if you need more info (or just post a reply and I'll elaborate). The vendors on Traveler's Tundra Mammoths seem to have gone on holiday. Some archaeology races' artifact fragments don't show up in the UI and can't be combined (they require a higher skill level than you have, but can still be gathered). Many riding training levels appear as unlearned in your spellbook. Master Riding appears for all characters as "learnable" in the spellbook regardless of level as well. The loot rolling window appears when a keystone is looted (archaeology) even when not in a party. On logging in, your chest armour might be broken (or may not be). Some are seeing this happen, others are not, so check just to be safe. Seems to be common with druids, mages, and shaman at least. Druid swift flight form's speed is still unaffected by Master Riding or the Mount Up guild perk speed boosts. Reanchoring the WorldFrame still causes extremely weird things to happen with water if you have the new water effects enabled (long-standing bug since alpha). The daily quests available in the Tol Barad battleground area do not work for Horde currently (they are available, but require you to turn them in to the equivalent Alliance NPC). General: In-game voice support has been readded to the sound options. Macro issues have been resolved. Brazie's Sunflower (a.k.a. Singing Sunflower) companion pet has a new model...and talks/sings periodically. Retroactive reputation seems to have been awarded to players who completed Mt. Hyjal and Vashj'ir prior to the implementation of the respective reputations in each zone (Guardians of Hyjal and The Earthen Ring). Quest achievement completion for Mt. Hyjal has also been granted for the same group (but not Vashj'ir). Guild: Guild news page and filters are still messed up and throw lots of Lua errors. Zones: Orgrimmar:Portals leading to Vashj'ir, Uldum, Deepholm, and Twilight Highlands are now functional instead of just looking pretty. [*]Uldum: "Camel Tow" (quest) is working! Doesn't seem to be any follow-up, though. From what I can tell, the hyena quest was removed? I didn't have it in my log before, so I could use some confirmation from anyone who had kept it in there. The zone *should* be fully itemised now (meaning quest rewards are in and the mobs should be dropping money/cloth/items now). [*]Twilight Highlands: TBD [*]Deepholm: "Lingering Twilight" (Therazane daily) seems to have been removed, which doesn't bother me since it never worked. It might still be in, but I'll have to check tomorrow's daily cycle to be sure. Therazane had her PH tag removed, but she still has the same model *shrugs* [*]Tol Barad: Exploration achievement for the zone is no longer marked as NYI...but still doesn't register discoveries of the areas. The daily quests available in the Tol Barad battleground area do not work for Horde currently (they are available, but require you to turn them in to the equivalent Alliance NPC). [*]Vashj'ir: "Nespirah" (quest) is currently not working and hasn't for two builds now, gating players trying to progress in the zone (NPCs are out of phase). Classes: Druid: Small changes to several feral, balance, and restoration skills/talents (almost all are reductions in proc rates or effectiveness), including Savage Defense, Efflorescence, and Fungal Growth. Lifebloom now has two spellIDs (one for the ToL version, one for the non-ToL version). Unfortunately, the client seems to be picking the wrong one unless cast from the spellbook or action bars, so a macro with /cast Lifebloom or using a healing addon won't work with Lifebloom unless you can force it to cast by spellID. [*]Paladin: The "Exorcism Damage Yo-Yo" continues, this time with exorcism's base damage increasing again. Two-Handed Specialization (retribution) got a damage bonus boost. Professions: Archaeology: The light on the survey equipment now flashes at different rates for each colour (this was done to help those with colour blindness determine distances indicated more easily). Red flashes very slow, yellow a bit faster, and green flashes rapidly. A new achievement has been added to recover fragments of each "race". It's not working yet, though. [*]Leatherworking: Still significantly buggy, with many patterns on the the trainer requiring 530 skill to learn (525 is max for Cataclysm). [*]Cooking: Several more recipes have been added for skill levels above 450. User Interface: Issues with macros not working or not being able to be dragged onto action bars have been resolved. POI markers on the world map have been updated (FINALLY) for Cataclysm. Glyph spell tooltips should refresh properly now after scrolling. Fixed the reverse logic in the consolidated buffs code (again, tired developers are tired!). The Game Menu icon in the micro bar switches icons to indicate download/caching status. The spell critical chance provided by Intellect in the Character Sheet's tooltip is now correctly displayed. Tol Barad Commendations aren't listed on the currency frame (bug). If you have some and you want to see how many, use this command: /run print(format("%s: %d", GetCurrencyInfo(391)))