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I wish I had the link handy, but there's a video out there of "level-one gnomes raid Hogger"...it's definitely funny to watch
I can act as a fill-in to help get things started. Kelani is currently the only one keyed, but Waldonnis (affliction warlock) and Verissi (deep fire mage, toying with the idea of an arcane/fire respec) have completed the initial steps and are on the fragments now. Adranna is 65, but will likely be at 70 soon enough and I may respec to disc/holy since I'm not as thrilled with shadow as I thought I might be. I don't really want to take up a permanent spot in any raid at the moment (I have several personal reasons for this), but will happily help to get the ball rolling so you can get into the instance, then yield to others once more interest picks up
I'm surprised it took them this long to find out about the exploit (it was in the forums more than once and discussed on several other boards as well). Without going into detail, the exploiting alchemists could get discoveries for no materials cost whatsoever. I'm sure it was initially found by accident...even so, I'm glad to see exploits getting some recognition I just hope they fix the problem and re-enable them soon!
Bah, King Bangalash pales in comparison to the most fearsome foe in Azeroth. Don't let his place in that list fool you...he's deceptively deadly and, since he can't count, he can't keep an accurate kill count. He has claimed many lives, including my own several times... I post a picture now of this fiend, this menace...he is truly legendary...
I agree with Vol and Aletia in regards to the "we're not a raiding guild" vs. "we don't raid" (we're the former, not the latter). I think too many are starting to feel like if they have to look outside of the guild for participation in a raid, then they're a bad fit for the guild...which is NOT the case. In fact, Molten Core was, in the beginning, mostly non-Crushers as many either weren't attuned, hadn't achieved 60 at the time, couldn't make the date/time, or just flat-out weren't interested. There's absolutely nothing wrong with bringing other guilds and people into a raid and it can often lead to some very beneficial relationships being established for everyone involved. As Vol said, put up a sign-up, PM or whisper one of us to advertise it in the MotD, etc...we'll help ya out, but need to know you need help first I'm probably the one who harps most about the "we're not a raiding guild" thing and, perhaps I haven't made it clear what that means exactly when I say it. In short, extreme or hard-core raiding guilds have requirements and demands that we just don't and will never have: time commitments, raid attendance, spec enforcement, damage/healing meter placement, gear requirements, etc. I have good friends in some very high-end raiding guilds (not on this server, these guys make DP/BP look like carebears ) and I honestly couldn't see any of us doing what they do. Things I hear from them include booting people from the guild because their damage/healing sucks, forcing specs, booting people because they missed two raids in a row, etc. To them, guild = raid and raid = guild...with little-to-no room for a good person that is just having some problems. Their entire focus is to raid and be the first/best...that's it...and they'd sell their own family members if it helped them down a particular boss before a rival guild (figuratively, but not far from the truth). I adore my friends, but honestly, they're heartless ######s at times. That is what I don't want to see and why I say what I say. To be the best or first, sacrifices must be made, including the element of fun in many cases. If you think meetings are boring, try beating your head against the wall on the same boss for 5+ hours per night, at least two nights per week until you get it right. In short, raiding is good when you do it for the challenge or to spend time with 10/25/40 people you like...not when it's akin to a job, which in turn makes being in a raiding guild into a job. Basically, let's not make CS into a job...keep raids fun and about the people and the challenge, not the damage meters or loot As for meetings...I'm open to suggestions about format or content, but to be totally blunt, they are what you make of them. If you're sitting back waiting to be entertained or for things you're concerned about to be brought up by others, then that may not happen. Speak up and bring up issues or concerns during the meetings...they're not just there for the applicants, we hold them for YOU. It's a chance to say things, joke around, or even just tease each other since we are rarely all in one spot for any length of time otherwise. This is not a business where management dictates the agenda...it's an open forum. I've said it before and I will continue saying it: without member participation, there's not a bunch we as leadership can do to help you get what you want out of your time at events. If you're less comfortable discussing things in public, feel free to bring up concerns to the Elders or Aletia via PM or whispers (please be mindful of where we are...getting into deep discussions while trying to kill an instance boss...bleh).
I've got a growing list of things on the site that need some love, including the revival of the roster (which is in a "half-upgraded" state), raid sign-up code update, and DKP site revision update to fix some long-standing exploitable flaws and bugs (will be useful in the future, I'm sure). Are there any other features that folks think need to be updated or included that I can add to the list? I don't mind doing the upgrade work, but don't have the access to do so (yet).
Hehehe, yep, these kinds of things happen on PvP servers more often than you'd think. I played on one in WoW for a very short time, but was on one in another game for awhile, as well as being a long-time jedi in SWG (back when we were perma-flagged to everyone, but crazy-tough to kill). On the jedi, aside from the standard game-mechanic bounties, I had 2-3 player-sponsored bounties on my head at one time, but I was almost always one step ahead of those who tried to collect on them Things I realised when playing perma-flagged: It was not for me...I play to relax, not always look over my shoulder It is very good to be the second player on the server to hit cap level...nobody messes with you Escalation rules always apply - kill someone and they'll bring two buddies to return the favour, and the numbers go up quickly Even when everyone is a target ("FFA" servers/games), not everyone is really a target...learn who's who quickly or you'll find yourself being dead longer than you're alive...every time you log in It can be fun and makes trivial tasks more complicated. Instance entrances and farming areas are only some of the obvious places you'd have issues getting to...there are many more (annoying) spots where you will need great patience to endure what you'll get
That's so true, Kailand, and goes for 'not enough' and 'too many' people scenarios. When we were doing MC and BWL, both of which usually had a surplus of signups for the raid size, Maube and I frequently had people that would forget to sign up, but thought they were going....it's a common problem for any raid that doesn't use a fixed roster. Also, I encourage people to sign up that want to go even if you aren't picked for previous ones (but still want to go). I always worked off of the 'in queue' list for my raids in the past, personally, since relying on friends lists tends to be a bit...unreliable...for filling vacancies. My personal philosophy is to use the queued list because the folks there are at least known to me (or should be). I know what they can do, and they have already planned to be online that night for the duration of the raid. I made the decision a few times to go with fewer people over replacing/introducing new people for many reasons. Given everything that Amahli and other raid leaders have to deal with, pestering people to sign up shouldn't be one of them. If you want to go, sign up. If you don't sign up, don't expect to go or get a "Are you sure you don't want to go?". Also, if you do sign up, but can't go for some reason, at least send your raid leader a PM or cancel your signup....no-shows are much harder to plan for than even a last-minute cancellation or "I'm going to be late". Leading a raid is like planning a wedding every week...it's difficult work and unless people RSVP, you're stuck shrugging at the caterer when they ask about headcount. Nothing sucks more for a raid leader than starting the night's invites while looking at a light roster...1% wipes are easier to deal with than that
*waves to Benea* I'm glad to see so many have spoken up! I hope the posts in this thread help keep you away from the Alliance side of the fence Seriously, though, if I'm available (read: not seriously farming or on a lower-level alt), I'm usually up for going anywhere...I just prefer not to form/lead groups these days and try to avoid doing too many instances in one session. I often hesitate to reply to guildchat party requests so that I don't take up a spot with an alt that someone else's main could use, but if you find yourself looking for one more and not getting any other responces, just shoot me a whisper and check
Unfortunately, there are many classes that are plentiful compared to others. The last data that I looked at still showed that warlock and druid tend to be the least played classes (believe it or not), with warriors, hunters, mages, and rogues duking it out for the most played (notice that no healing classes are in that short list). To make matters worse for the heavily-played classes, BC's smaller group sizes have enabled more "group of 5 friends" instance runs, leaving a smaller demand for damage and tanking classes (since friends tend to pick classes that support each other somehow). In short, there just isn't the PuG demand that there used to be for a protection warrior, mostly because people are finding it easier to coax their friends into going than they used to be able to when some didn't want to run Scholo for the nine hundredth time. Trust me, I think many people are in this boat. On my priest, I get at least 20-40 whispers per day for PuGs looking for a healer, but Kelani (hunter) doesn't get one single whisper. I really dislike PuGs, so I never take them up on the offers, but I've found that the classes that are least played are the ones who get the most offers. As for what you can do in the absence of invites, there are several options for a protection warrior. As Bula brought up, RP is a great "time sink" when you're in between planned activities. Make a campfire near a town and have a seat...you'd be amazed at how many people will stop and chat in-character, telling their stories or just joking around. Another option is to start your own groups for instances. You'll likely find the same people seeking groups regularly...add those folks to your friends list and build it up so that you have people that you're confident in and that don't have many other options for groups. Several players on AD have done this and it's worked out great (Anixus is a great example...he'd go anywhere, anytime and didn't mind putting something together if nobody else wanted to...and it's worked out well for him). Also, don't limit yourself as to what you want to go to...help tank places like Hellfire Ramparts for those new to Outland and other low-60s instances to build the list of people as they grow in levels. It'll pay off as they reach 70 and think of you first One last thing...don't discount a non-protection warrior's ability to raid. Several RL friends of mine are fury and raid regularly, even post-BC. Sure, there are drawbacks (lack of aggro dump/reduction for one), but there are ways to work with that.
That's not totally true...there just isn't much craftable for hunters that's better than that. The Stylish Purple Hat is one of the better druid tanking head pieces and a few other leather pieces are quite nice for rogues/feral druids. For hunters, there seems to be nothing craftable that's all that great, unfortunately. Hopefully, the profession review will help.
*grins* I think everyone here should thank you for talking me out of using this one:
Of course, I went straight to Mr. Pinchy... Great find! I've always hoped someone would come up with a site like this
I'll try to keep it updated as new stuff comes out or gets fixed in future content patches. I'm also working on a revision that lets you look at a master list of all profession drops or focus in on a particular zone or profession. Google's spreadsheet functionality is great (mostly because it's free), but it's not too flexible for sorting and display filtering. I'm still debating on whether or not to add reputation-based patterns. While a one-stop list would be great, it would also add a bunch more data and I'd have to expand the number of columns quite a bit to note vendor locations and rep levels....may defeat the purpose of having an easy-to-view list if there's just too much info. Perhaps I'll make a second spreadsheet for that sometime soon.
I got tired of constantly hitting Wowhead and Thottbot, so I threw a list together of the BC pattern/recipe drops for all of the professions. So far using this list, we've managed to farm several jewelcrafting, alchemy, and enchanting recipes, so I am very happy that I put it together and hope you all find it equally useful. Notes: Bolded pattern names are bind-on-pickup All of the BoP patterns appear to drop from specific mobs Bolded NPC/Zone names indicate that the pattern drops from an instance mob or boss Skill levels are noted to help plan ahead or see what you may have missed along the way Mob names with (Any) after them indicate that any NPC mob of that type may drop the pattern (e.g. Deathforge (Any) indicates that any mob named Deathforge <insert type here> has a chance to drop the pattern) Since the forums won't let me post tables, I uploaded the first version of the spreadsheet to Google Docs, so it should work for everyone CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE TABLE
YOU ARE NOT PREPARED! Sorry, couldn't resist.... Anyway, yes, very important meeting, so please do your best to attend. Also, the change of scenery should afford us a bit more room as well and hopefully will reduce how many passers-by stop to jump up and down on me.
FYI, the original patch had a problem with the Realtek HD sound driver control panel, which would pop up a (really deceiving) error message on login. If you have a motherboard with one of Realtek's built-in HD sound chips and have an error pop up like: Rthdcpl.exe - Illegal System DLL Relocation The system DLL user32.dll was relocated in memory. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL C:\Windows\System32\Hhctrl.ocx occupied an address range reserved for Windows system DLLs. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL. ...check this article as well for a hotfix: CLICKY
I had to stop raiding as well, so I sympathise. It just stopped being fun and was getting in the way of the other goals that I had for my various personas....there's just too little time in the day. When all of 'me' were level-capped, it was easy...now it's a chore with them all at different stages of rep, keyings, crafting, etc. and I didn't have the variety that I always enjoyed. I've been a thousand percent happier and less stressed since my decision....and have gotten more acquainted with the new stuff in BC (mostly crafting and where crafting stuff drops so far). On the Clan front, I want to stress that we have an important meeting tomorrow, so do your best to make it. Some interesting announcements coming
Yeah, we just went into production mode on a global Citrix farm coupled with a new version of scheduling software for field service. It's been crazy, given that calls may (and have...poor Kantus!) come in at any time of the day/night depending on what part of the world the sun is shining upon at that moment. Ordinarily, this shouldn't have been a big deal, but there were too many "new" elements to this and it's been a big-bang for the end-users, so tons of questions, concerns, etc have popped up. Nothing like having critical-priority calls because something runs slower from a Citrix server halfway across the world than from their desktop (DUH!). Ah well, such is life in this crazy corner of technology... At any rate, I've noticed some decline in quite a few peoples' playtime lately, some of which is probably related to work and spring break/family...it's natural, I suppose. I know that I'm pretty tired lately and can barely focus long enough to complete a flight from Undercity to Tarren Mill at times....running around Nagrand on those nights is akin to a bicycle trip around Europe I'm sure we can get a group together...I never completed those with Waldy, so if I'm not sitting in my chair zoning out while running in circles in-game, I'll give you a hand.
*shrugs* Dunno what to say, but for me, this week (or really this entire month) is bad for predictability...I could be home at 7pm...or even 11pm, depending on work. Committing to anything is rough for me lately unless it's several days in advance, and even then, it's still iffy. Just this week, I've had to cancel commitments twice due to unexpected job demands. Also, bear in mind that far less than 40% of our members actually read the forums at all....
We're not all forum whores like some people I know *cough* Do some work, Huato! *cough* Hehehe
8's probably a tad too early for me to be reliable for, especially for the next few weeks (very busy at work, so my schedule's a bit extended on some nights...and I really should start eating dinner again soon ).
I'll do heroics...just let me know.
Well done indeed! With the Karazhan raids making progress, I suspect you'll start killing more than just Blindeye soon enough