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Everything posted by Waldonnis

  1. I think we're all guilty of putting RL aside for the game sometimes. While I'm glad to see that you're resetting the priorities and putting the important stuff first, I'm also sad to see you go, even if it's just a brief absence. You've done so much for everyone, myself included, and I know I'm not alone in wishing you the best and hoping for you to return soon! Thanks for everything that you have done for all of us!! *hugs Scryll* Good luck to you and we'll be here for you when the time comes for your return
  2. (Since I lack the ability to edit posts or moderate...) We have recently appointed Kytae as an elder as well, so if any (or all) of the rest of us look like this: ...she can be contacted as well for issues that may arise.
  3. Typical forum user responce: "Screenshot or it didn't happen" I believe it, actually...there is still a ton that we don't know about within BC. I've found at least one bugged quest and one "stub" quest chain so far that seems to be reserved for future implementation (which has meant "we'll never finish this" in the past, e.g. revasaur mounts and the Eranikis essence questline). I suppose it's possible that there may be some way to get one, but we just don't know it...guess time will tell. Like Relikk, I'm curious to see what they mean by "seasons"....if it's monthly, then it's not too terrible, but Maube's right...doubt we'll see many Horde with this compared to our counterparts.
  4. Problem is, we're mostly in 5-mans, so the 20% reduction would apply to the warrior also....negates the totem entirely since it would apply to everyone.
  5. *fears the party, but wants an invite anyway* Happy b-day, Depaa!!!
  6. Waldonnis


    Waldonnis - Scryers to compliment Maube's choice tailoring and enchanting-wise Kelani - Aldors, since I wanted to continue her FR leatherworking focus Hoofstomper - (will be) Scryers to compliment Kelani and provide some arcane resist stuff Tobalaya - Undecided..haven't really looked into the new alchemy stuff Verissi - Aldors, although I'm only doing it for the purple tabard...engineers get nothing from any of the new rep vendors in BC Yes, I have my work cut out for me Verissi's at least friendly with every faction (except Scryers, obviously) already and I'm starting to investigate what's needed for keys and such now that I've hit the cap again. Next up will be Kelani and Waldy, not sure in what order (both 62 at the moment).
  7. Well, past blue posts indicated (and the math confirmed) that the benefit from +dmg was based upon untalented cast time only...apparently, they felt the need to rethink this after a very long time. *shrug* I'm still hitting hard, but the difference is definitely there and easily seen. I'm hoping to see it reverted, but I seriously doubt we will.
  8. Understandable, but setting aside the priest SW:P nerf for a second (which makes zero sense to me as well), I just don't get why front-loaded damage output from one class gets reduced while leaving another untouched, despite the two having nearly-identical casting systems (the mechanics of talented shadowbolts are identical to frostbolts, except for the snare check). Math may be the answer (e.g. ((dmg/mana)/time) ), but who knows. I've done some preliminary math and I can deal with the damage reduction for mages without much of an issue (despite that the damage reduction actually gets worse with more +dmg gear)....but geez, I thought they said they checked and rechecked the numbers... As for the priest "change"...not a clue what the thought process was there. Perhaps when mixed in with a total-shadow spec, it became too efficient by the same reasoning as above? *shrug* If that's the case, it seems to me that they nerfed of one of the very few damage spells a holy or disc priest has just to bring one particular spec in line with expectations (short-sighted if this was the reasoning).
  9. I did think about warlocks today after seeing the mage changes...I don't recall any reduction in damage coefficients for warlocks in their destruction cast time reducing talent. I don't mind it, as a warlock, but it just seems...odd...to reduce front-loaded damage for one class while not doing the same for other classes with similar abilities.
  10. Happy birthday, Chemmy!!!! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Now quit celebrating and get back to working on that paladin!
  11. I'm with Uggy on this. Time will tell what happens, though, and who knows when they'll be implementing anything like this. I've noticed quite a bit of discussion recently surrounding a server split, including some rather strong opinions on what we should do regarding transfer options and the like. I'm personally for a "wait and see" stance...quite a few guilds are feeling the pinch of queues and lag (including the Alliance which, if felt in proportion to server population ratios, they're really hurting from it). Who knows what some of the other parties may choose to do prior to Blizzard making any decisions...
  12. Pretty much my thought as well. Also, we're already taking a hit as frosties (84% benefit from spell damage gear), so we really don't need more shaved off. I may try it first and see how it goes, but I don't think I'll like the reduction at all. I'd rather spend those points elsewhere or go fire/arcane.
  13. Yep, with reduced casting time comes a reduction in damage...looks like I'll be playing with the talent calculators a bit today....
  14. Hunters - "Silencing Shot" now does only 50% of weapon damage instead of 75%. - The base damage for "Arcane Shot" has been reduced by about 9% and the bonus damage from ranged attack power reduced from 20% to 15%. - The bonus damage for "Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3. - The bonus damage for "Improved Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3. Mages - Each rank of "Improved Fireball" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%. - Each rank of "Improved Frostbolt" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by 2%. - "Counterspell" no longer triggers the global cooldown. - "Mana Shield" now absorbs magical damage as well as physical damage. Priests - The bonus coefficient for "Shadow Word: Pain" has been reduced by about 9%. This should result in about 5% less damage done by "Shadow Word: Pain" for the typical priest. Bug Fixes - The "Frozen Shadoweave Boots" will now properly increase shadow damage. - Players will no longer lose control of their character if they try to talk to an NPC while mobs are aggro on them. - The /equip command will now work on pieces of gear that are not in your primary bag. - Fixed an issue that was causing some players to disconnect in Hellfire Citadel:Blood Furnace. - The "Corruptor" 4 piece set bonus will now be properly applied. - The Legion Fel Cannons at Forge Camp Anger in Blades Edge will now properly spawn above ground. - The Arena queue tooltip will now show the arena that the player is queued for. - Fixed an error that was causing players to disconnect if they tried to socket a gem that had been gift wrapped. - Fixed an error that was causing players to disconnect forming a party with other members in the same area. - Pet icons will now properly update in the Stables window. - Improved the robustness of the pet action bar display. It is now less likely to be accidentally blocked by addons. - Players will no longer hear the gong sound repeated after initially joining a queue for the battlegrounds. - Having a group invite declined while queued via "Looking for More" will no longer remove you from the queue. - Nethershards will no longer cost honor to purchase but will cost gold instead. - Players will no longer be given access to both quest lines following the Declaration of Allegiance to the Scryers or Aldor in Shattrath City. ------------------ Oh joy, just what I wanted...a reduction in damage in exchange for a talent point investment...
  15. Bahahaha..... *breathes* Hahahahaha..... *coughs* Hahahahaha... *grins* I'm half the drinker that I used to be, so it might be true...emphasis on the word "might"
  16. Argh, another priest that needs water! Hehehe, very cute
  17. Oh noes!!! Hehehe, hope you all had fun meeting up! I must say, if I hadn't had to take an emergency trip, I'd probably....still have stayed home
  18. Geez, get a few of you together and suddenly you get all uppity... Please, I think my house during my divorce was tougher than this thread Oh, and only Baracko could hijack his own thread
  19. Hehehe, very much so....but it's still funny in a way. Gave me a good chuckle this morning! *joins Raeda in pelting Relikk with snowballs*
  20. I'm working on finding a way to do this a bit better, but haven't had much success yet. One of my problems with macros and clicking/hovering is that I can't move very well while I do it (becomes pretty important in some fights where getting in/out of line of sight quickly is important). For fights like Gehennas, it's easy enough to do something like this (and a good solution, actually), but there's got to be a better way. People are already finding work-arounds to some of Blizzard's new restrictions, so time will tell if we can ever recapture even a portion of Detox/Decursive-style behaviour... In the meantime, though, this really is a good idea...I always overlook the mouseover targetting for some reason when I'm playing with mod coding. I'll have to take another look to see what other functionality is in there that I may be overlooking. Gah, if only there were more hours in the day! As for displaying all 40 players without cutting into the screen too much...welcome to a healer/raid leader's world I have very little actual "display area" where I can see the fights while playing Verissi (even less when I played a paladin) because I need to see things like health/mana levels, buffs, debuffs, etc. I used to shrink the boxes to give me more room to see what's going on, but I found that I was straining to read names and couldn't do quick-glances to see how health/mana were doing. I fixed some of this by having the boxes recoloured if certain conditions were met (debuffed, afk, etc), but sometimes I need a bit more detail than the colours provide.
  21. Why do you think she does those deep breaths now? She's obviously trying to clear out the taste and smell after phase one!
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