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Everything posted by Waldonnis

  1. Waffles > french fries. If you think otherwise, expect a duel to the death, for I must defend the honour of the waffle I agree with Relikk. Many people take their political beliefs as seriously (or even moreso) than their religious beliefs. While I enjoy a good debate and humour surrounding politics and the issues of the day, this really isn't the place for it.
  2. Hoofie has about 43 or so that you can have for free. I'm more focused on AD reputation lately, so I have no use for them at the moment and no plans (or reason) to continue the pursuit of Cenarion rep any time soon.
  3. Hey look, it's Thrall! Bah, politics...don't get me started unless you want pages of commentary to read. Games and political discussions don't mix very well, in my experience (/agree Scryll).
  4. Just remember, babies are really just demons with an Orb of Deception Hehehe, seriously, good luck with the new addition and enjoy it (despite the lack of sleep)
  5. Note the names of the stuff... This is likely PvP gear from the Arena stuff, which is and always has favoured stamina and intellect (for classes with mana, that is) because it just makes sense to do so. No idea about the resilience or critical rating thing, though...more stuff to learn, I suppose. As for the Naxx gear, it seems that mp/5 makes more of an appearance as the tier set numbers go up, which makes sense given the limitations of spirit's effects (5-second rule, most notably, as well as differing ratios per class). Looks like they want to simplify some of the code behind the classes themselves and provide more predictable regen for players.
  6. *adds a tired, but cheery RAWR*
  7. Note: Quote parsing seems borked...sorry for the formatting I've been playing with the default Blizzard UI more often than not up until now, since it always served me well enough, but there were things that I just felt like they did wrong from a usability standpoint in lower resolutions (1280x1024 or less). I'm a frequent multitasker, so having access to a ton of info at once is vital to how I play the game. Titan/Fubar only got me so far and having other windows open started to get in the way of being able to navigate or do the more mundane parts of my playtime (farming, mostly, where I like to chat, look at loot lists, etc...all while fighting easy mobs). From that standpoint, I had to do something and decided to roll the dice and change. I'd been playing with DAB/DUF for awhile, but kept going back to the default for instances because it was familiar...but still not totally practical. As for the meters, there's a big discussion about which damage meter package to include (if any single one is selected). Currently, Recap is folded in and is quite nice...trying it out to see if it provides the info that I would like to see, but others like SW Stats or DM more...time and discussion will tell. From what I've seen, you can still install other add-ons, but they just won't be incorporated into some of the nicer features that this package has to offer (such as the "one place to go for configuring add-ons" window....I always hated slash-commands). Nobody knows the answer to this, actually, save those in BC Beta...and even then, it's not concrete. While there is quite a bit of custom code included in this compilation, it's still a compilation and up to the original add-on authors to figure out what functionality can be salvaged with the new changes. My hesitation wasn't the pet handling, but more the hotkey assignments and layout of spells/abilities in the default class layouts for each. I only took a cursory glance at Kelani's toolbar, but I didn't see wingclip, which is VITAL since I'm working on killing Solenar very soon. All of them are able to be changed, but my criticisms were more with the "out of the box" arrangement than the UI itself. This is no longer a problem for me at all. I can't comment on shaman (deleted my 38 shaman to make Kelani), but I have no problems customising keybindings for each player with this or my previous "default + add-ons". This one actually makes it easier since there's an enhanced (read: organised logically) keybinding interface. I don't bind a ton of actions personally, but what I do keep bound are the things I rely on, so this is pretty important to me as well. I was curious about this as well, so I took some extra time on Hoofstomper to test the druid layout. What I found is exactly what I had been working on myself...toolbars that adapt depending on what form I was in and even skills that "greyed out" when I wasn't stealthed. Toba's was the same way...worked much like the default "stealth bar" does and was just as easy (if not moreso) to use. I configured Rodala, but she's only level 20, so not much "warrioring" that I could do testing with, having only two stances and a handful of abilities to work with. I picked Hoofie, though, since druid forms are the most complex to work with from an action bar standpoint...and so far, I'm quite pleased. So far, I'm not disappointed. I do have to rebind and rearrange a ton of things for the way that I like to play (it's obvious that the author and many testers are more PvE-focused than PvP), but I found it easy enough to work with out of the box to perform adequately in ZG having swapped my entire UI out an hour before the run. Some things I'm still getting used to and there are many things that I still am trying to find (TONS of clickable hotspots that open up various panes/windows), but my first impression is very positive. I intend on doing my "click every spot and option" testing and start customising things, but I am trying out the defaults first to see if anything in there improves upon my skill arrangement (so far, I've found a few things that I like BETTER than what I had before as far as how my spells were arranged). Once that bit of testing happens, I'll customise the buttons/bindings and see if I can uncover any bugs (I found one last night, but didn't notice how I triggered it...need to reproduce it to report it). I understand the hesitation...hell, I've half-swapped before to other UI packages and hated it. Having as many 60s as I have, I already have enough on my plate when swapping classes and like having things "feel comfy" is important for me to be effective. Also, with things liked the Nurfed UI, it just required so much time to get things arranged that I just gave up and went back to playing. The biggest "win" with this one for me was being able to have a place to start (i.e. configured bars) and being able to rearrange from there. Also, some of the little things that annoyed me before are handled without me having to learn how yet another mod works (transparent maps, reminders to buff or turn on tracking, etc...all configurable from one window with no slash commands). I'll keep testing it and keep you all posted on any expected release dates. Having only used it for one night, I'm impressed, but I'd like to get more time with it to try to break it and report any problems so they get fixed. And regarding BC...well, we all know big changes are coming, so we'll just have to wait and see...and hope that Blizzard releases enough info so that any major UI problems can be avoided through planning.
  8. It's called MazzleUI, compiled (with quite a bit of original coding) by Mazzlefizz (Clicky for the portal). It's been in development for a very long time, but having used it, I can see why. It's much more than a compilation and just feels more "complete" than anything that I've tried before (drop it in, run the configuration thing on each character, and start playing). To answer Baracko's question, this one does have a shaman layout, but since I don't have a shaman, I have no clue what it is. The layouts basically pre-configure your action bars with your highest rank spells in an order suggested by those who submitted the layouts (also configures some handy keybindings, but remaps some that I'm used to). I'm not too fond of the warlock or hunter one, but the mage and druid ones aren't too bad. The action bars can obviously still be customised so you can fix things the way that you want (which I'll be doing a bit of). The configuration also selects any class-specific add-ons automatically, which is handy...didn't even have to worry about Necrosis being in there for Waldy
  9. I figured that I'd bite the bullet and finally switch my UI drastically. *waves goodbye to the default plus a zillion add-ons* I still haven't done any customisation yet at all...this is the default mage layout as packaged. The UI is still in closed beta, but if folks are interested, I'll let you know when it's released. Oh, and yes, the 3D models can be rotated freely. It also has a HUD, which I'll post another shot or two of. In all, during ZG, the entire thing was 54MB in memory and smooth as glass. ..and in combat, with the HUD:
  10. *sings "Viva Las Vegas" and does the "who's your daddy" gnome dance*
  11. I'm scared now...somebody hold me! (ok, somebody that isn't Rhoach, since I still have nightmares about the pictures that showed crack)
  12. EXCELLENT work in BWL. Again, I apologise for the very lengthy talking session, but as you could see, there was a ton that needed to be explained (and I still have more to pass along). I've known raids that go for weeks without getting as far as we did on that fight and am quite proud (16 eggs popped on the second attempt ever!). Looking around at one point at the corner groups, folks were starting to find the good spots to stand and what the different mob types looked like on the second attempt, which is great! I'll be chatting with the leads about some of the finer details of the fight that there just wasn't enough time to cover tonight. In all, with a bit more familiarity, I'm much more confident that Razorgore will fall more quickly than I had planned. Key thing for the raid to know that I didn't explain well is exactly what Odenn said in another post: the sole goal of the corner groups and kiting trains is to keep enough of us alive while the eggs are being popped to kill Razorgore after that phase ends. We kill the mages because their AoE *hurts* and kite the melee mobs (dragonkin and legionnaires) because, frankly, they hit quite hard and don't do ranged attacks....ideal candidates for kiting I did receive a number of tells after the raid asking some excellent questions about the fight and how we're approaching it...keep those coming! The more informed we all are about the fight, the better, and it's much easier to field questions when I'm not in BWL with everyone than it is otherwise.
  13. Just a quick follow-up... I've intentionally not provided much info for our first night in BWL...new place, new strategy, new organisational structure...it's alot to take in all at once. Couple that with some strategic differences between what I want to do and some of the guides that I've seen, I just want to make sure that we don't have a ton of confusion before walking through that gate. I'd rather go in there and introduce everyone to the fight together where we're all actually seeing the same thing than have 40 people walk in with different ideas in their heads. Class leads (with a few exceptions...working on helping Molox out with an alternate) know the duties and will be able to answer questions and make assignments for tonight's entry, so we're not totally walking in "cold". Honestly, it's really a fight that you have to see to comprehend how crazy it is...describing it almost doesn't do it justice and I'd rather experience it together and learn that way than link some guide on how Alliance Guild #112589234 takes down Razorgore. We worked through MC together, often deviating from some very commonly suggested tactics, and I'm sure we'll "do it our way" again in BWL That having been said, one more thing worthy of note is that class leads do have quite a bit of power AND responsibility. Don't beat them up too badly and if there are any problems with the structure of the raid, please let myself or Maube know in private...but please try to work with the class leads first. I want this raid to almost run itself performance-wise with me playing more of the part of a conductor than a dictator, so work with the others in your class, trade tips, etc....I've learned tons from the other mages as I'm sure that I've passed along some useful info as well. I'd like to see that kind of spirit throughout our time in BWL.
  14. The only problem with running an alt-friendly raid is that it will inevitably bump up against a raid that the main has signed up for or other activities such as RP or BRS/Strat/Scholo/PvP/etc....which may leave that run VERY short-handed or irregularly attended.
  15. Waldonnis


    Well, I appreciate the offer, but let's approach it as let's see who can stay before walking down that road. Also, this REALLY isn't like MC (I cannot reiterate this enough, although I don't think anyone really gets the point)...it's not about craploads of DPS, but moreso doing what I call "the dance". Most of the fights are technically challenging to at least one class and, often, it's not about raw dps....more about how well we can control the fight. If you thought Jin'do was a tad crazy, wait until you see Razorgore's room....makes Jin'do look like he belongs in RFC. As such, it's not as simple as "we have an empty slot that just anyone can fill" in many cases...I may need specific classes for specific duties, so it'll be situational. In essence, no promises, but if I have a spot for a mage, I'll keep Chrys in mind
  16. I'm sorry to hear about your loss...it's never easy at times like this, but it's good that you're taking the time to deal with things and try to pick up and continue on. Like others have said, we'll be here when you are ready to return and know that we'll all keep you and your family in our thoughts.
  17. Waldonnis


    Oops, misread the question (replied at work)... The answer is...it depends. There won't be an independent signup for BWL until it has its own night, so priority goes to whomever is in the MC raid when Ragnaros dies. Inevitably, we will have people that cannot stay for various reasons, however, so I'll most likely have to yank more in to fill some empty spots...so you're not totally SOL if you're not in MC already, but there may be times when we just don't have anyone leaving. Hope that clarified it a bit!
  18. Waldonnis


    That is correct. Opening a new day or moving the time puts a strain on raid attendance that I don't want or need. Fridays are generally well attended and agreed upon as a decent time slot (that's already been allocated for many), so I'd like to keep it. Eventually, I'd like to crunch MC down to just Wednesday and save Friday exclusively for BWL, but we're just not there yet (working on it!). I know it sucks for those that can't make it on Fridays or stay past Ragnaros, but I'm stuck in the unfortunate position of knowing that I cannot please absolutely everyone with scheduling. In time, we'll be able to shuffle some nights around, I'm sure, or open up a second run, but it's just the best choice that I could come up with for now. *smirks* Tables have turned! Hehehehe....it's usually my job to sit there and look pretty!
  19. Personally, I'd prefer not to add yet another raid night, hence my preference to use available time on Friday for BWL rather than open a new night. Many of us enjoy raiding and would like to finish the instances, but I would rather ensure that we provide enough time for the Clan members to enjoy other activities with each other (or in real life). Going to a 5-night raiding schedule really limits when RP events or other, less-intensive instance runs (or PvP) can be organised....if half of the people online are in ZG/AQ/MC/etc, really fun events like the Council of Honour or Kytae's recent fishing competition wouldn't really draw much attendance or participation. Summary for Uglutz: No additional raiding nights, more RP/event nights.
  20. *waves to Trisper* Long time no see! Toba needs to hang out in the Barrens more often again No worries about blaming the whole guild...as others have said above, we aren't subscribers to the "one rotten apple spoils the bunch" philosophy and also understand that sometimes people have bad days or that misunderstandings happen. Many of us have spent quite some time in MC and other places with members from EoM...the quality of and kindness shown by them has been immense and, at least in my opinion, speaks volumes.
  21. While I don't disagree that it will likely be adjusted, bear in mind that we not only have no clue what types of encounters we'll face in BC (that may required that kind of firepower...which incidentally WILL kill us quicker than it will kill them in PvE), but that the talent is pretty deep in the arcane tree, meaning that PvP mages will have to make some very tough choices about which damage-increase talents to take. So far, I see TONS of conjecture on what should/will be nerfed, all based upon the game model that we play today. The interviews that I've seen with folks from Blizzard have said, while there won't be a fundamental shift, there will be some totally unfamiliar experiences to be had (more than just a change of mob skins over the same "AI"). If they were just raising the level cap while doing nothing new otherwise, I'd say it would all be in line for a nerf (every class has at least one talent/ability in BC that appears to be overpowered in its own way)....but we have yet to see what's to come and why any of the new stuff would be any more beneficial than keeping the cap at 60 or just giving us another few rank bumps in spells/abilities....
  22. Waldonnis

    Raid Rant

    Actually, I am mean and I hate everyone Seriously, though, Odenn brings up some good points. We really need to tighten up and focus on consistency. Wednesday and Friday couldn't be more different this past week, with Wednesday being superb and Friday being...lackluster. I really wanted us to go to BWL that night, but we were in pretty bad shape at that point and had blown quite a bit of time that I had hoped to spend talking about the Razorgore fight. At any rate, PLEASE let's focus during this week's MC nights and use the "easy" fights to get more comfy with things like aggro management, waiting for DPS calls, and awareness of our surroundings. Also, I know I've said it before but you'll hear me repeat it, concentrate on the fight in front of you before looking beyond it. People seemed to take Ragnaros for granted after mentioning BWL...and we all paid for it. Every fight (including trash mobs) can be deadly if we don't manage it correctly, which only becomes 10 times worse in BWL. I won't lecture more here, but we have some rough fights ahead of us and I want to see more nights that were like Wednesday and less (or no) nights like Friday. Oh, one other thing: I do watch things like reagent use, durability, FR, and even for some items that are beneficial to have...so no slacking off on repairs or reagents!
  23. Looks like most/all of the threads were deleted...hehehe. Little known fact of most NDAs is that, even though the period was lifted, restrictions are still (frequently) in effect for some/all information gathered during the NDA period. I almost got bitten by this once, so carefully read any NDAs that you even contemplate entering into. Let's just hope nobody incurred some legal trouble for trying to pass along some answers to questions that we all have....
  24. Same with Toba's, once Zak's transmutes are done. I think he's nearing completion of his stuff, so it shouldn't be long. Once we get to the point where we're seeing elementium ore drop, we should be far enough along to have people learn to smelt it. If not, I'll see what I can do to get into another run one night and get that taken care of. I'm very happy to see the other binding drop and the completion of the quest item set for Relikk! I've heard horror stories from friends about how long it took them to get both to drop...we really got lucky
  25. You need to add me in there getting bombed to death while mining
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