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Everything posted by Waldonnis

  1. I'm still trying to figure out why yours doesn't show the times (it's not that I'm ignoring the request for help, btw...I've been digging for a cause). I'll try to grab a screenshot of mine since it's hard to describe what to look for. I'll also see if I can capture screens of Verissi's raiding CTRA settings for reference (I have many sets that I alternate between depending on what I'm doing). NeedyList is actually not bad...I don't use it anymore, but it worked nicely for ensuring that the recently-revived got some buffs. There are other mods that handle buffing pretty well also...if I find any that I like, I'll post about them.
  2. This is actually a pet peeve of mine. Just a reminder, it is BOTH the buffers'/buffee's responsibility to ensure that everyone is buffed. Waiting until people say something before rebuffing them causes unnecessary delays and last-minute mana regen. Tips for buffing classes: * Watch your CT Raid buff timers. I mouse-over the entire raid's buffs before every boss fight to make sure that all buffs have more than 10mins remaining....if not, I rebuff. * Organise buffing with the others in the raid. There's no need for one priest/mage/druid to be buffing the entire raid normally. Coordinating buffs ("I'll take odd groups, you take evens", for example) saves time and lessens the burden on any one player to fund the reagents. * BRING REAGENTS! I can't stress this enough. I don't know about priests, but for druids and mages, I suggest at least one reagent per member of the raid. So, in essence, that's 40 arcane powder/thornroot per MC run. You'll likely not even go through half of that if you coordinate, but it's always good to come prepared. Also, for shaman, I suggest at least one ankh per cooldown cycle for the duration of the raid, if not more. You never know when you'll be the one who's in the best spot to pop...or who will run out. Help the raid, yourself, and your fellow shaman out by bringing extras and being prepared. * Rebuff the dead IMMEDIATELY. Don't make them ask, because they'll frequently do so during combat, when you can't drink or don't have the mana. For the buff recipients: * Be patient. Buffing classes have alot of demands put on them and buffing often takes a crapload of mana just to cast on one group. You won't get buffs faster by saying "Oh, I need a paw/AB/fort/spirit/shadow protection too" than we have mana to cast. If the buffing classes heed the advice above, you should rarely need to ask anyway. * Try not to be the "me too" person. If you see two or three groups individually asking for buffs, take charge and see if you can't help the buffers out by seeing which groups need buffs. Seeing someone say "groups 1,4,5,8 need fort" is much easier to handle than seeing four individual "group x needs fort" messages (or 20 "I need a fort" messages). * If you need a single-target buff, please use raidchat or whispers. Entirely too much of TS is tied up in "I need a fort/paw" when it could all be handled with a tiny bit of typing. * Sometimes, take notice and learn to live without. If you have a single druid in the raid, for instance, you may find that getting a mark is tough. See the first tip on patience, but also bear in mind that one person can only do so much...and you may have to enter combat without the buff a few times. Honestly, it's rare that any one of our buffs makes "the difference" and I've gone through many boss fights without at least one of the usual buffs up...it's not that big of a deal. Feel free to click "no" on a ready check for these cases, but trash mobs are hardly worth stopping the show because a person or two hasn't been fully raid buffed. * Before asking for a buff, be sure you are unstealthed and in-range. I've had stealthed rogues ask for a fort that were literally five rooms away...buffing has a max range, folks, and stealthed rogues/druids do not always get buffs. Many of us do know the mechanics of buffing and there are some tricky elements regarding stealth (sometimes you'll get buffs, sometimes you won't when stealthed)...so please just eliminate the guesswork and unstealth for a moment (this includes hunter pets). This is probably the wrong thread to do this in, but I just had to post these again. Let me tell you, it SUCKS playing a buffing class, so have some heart, folks....we're often doing the best we can. If you think or notice someone that isn't pulling their weight buff-wise, though, please point it out to the raid leader. I've blown through more arcane powder in some 20-man raids than I do in MC because of some slacking/unprepared mages...I don't want to see that happen to others if it can be helped. Last tip...if you're PvP flagged, do everyone a favour and do not zone in at all until it drops. PvP flags are infectious and inevitably will spread. Totems and buffs do discriminate between flagged and unflagged, so mix-and-match flagged/unflagged does not work for raids unless it's part of a strategy. When the time comes for BWL, you will be kicked from the raid until your flag drops to prevent excessive delay...word of warning, so be responsible please.
  3. I'll be making macros and probably some organised posts for BWL when the time comes. I think some of the reason that people go AFK right before boss fights is because most have heard the explanations already and it becomes a logical break point for them to grab drinks, take bio breaks, etc (just wish they'd tell the raid leader when they do!). Also, raidchat tends to be a pretty steady stream of text otherwise, so I'm wondering if macro explanations would get "lost" in the chatter.... The only issue with making web pages or posts for raids like AQ20 or even MC is that we tend to get some last-minute invitees that wouldn't have had to sign up for the raids, but it's probably worthwhile since most of the people who sign up do end up attending.
  4. Had to make it demonish...it's a warlock thing !!!
  5. Waldonnis


    It's not, really...when the cooldown on making one piece of mooncloth is four days, saving it is smart I seriously need to go on a felcloth farming expedition myself. I've been meaning to make Waldy a Robe of the Void for ages now...
  6. Sounds like a good opportunity for Kelani (and her trusty jubling) to fish up some food for the Clan...and her pets! Nat Pagle has given her some tips, so she'll be ready... Incidentally, Kelani and Waldonnis are both at 300 cooking (and Toba's an alchemist), so if we want to cook the day's catch (or make stonescale oil), I'd be happy to help with that.
  7. Verissi will likely be first. The gear differential alone will make it easier to level V than any of the others. As for why Toba and Hoofie (and Waldy) show up as female...not a clue, but it seems that a few others have the same problem in the roster.
  8. 4 large brilliant shards, 12 greater eternal essence, 4 essence of fire, 4 essence of water, 4 essence of air, 2 golden pearls. And yes, it is +30 spell damage/healing.
  9. Blizzard finally made it public (at least most of it)...check out the link below for info on the new talents and spells available in the expansion: CLICKY Yes, mages get invisibility AND a summon water elemental talent
  10. Waldonnis is still seeking his missing mandible (the steel one is working out quite nicely, however), so if you find it...
  11. Verissi elegantly signs Tobalaya licks it, signifying approval Waldonnis nods, signs, and goes back to sleep Hoofstomper gives it a bearhug Truffles, Feathers, and the blue kitty approve, so Kelani does as well Rodala can't read yet, but agrees once it's explained to her
  12. ...and you always forget that you don't have to push something to talk when you're on the phone while on TS with us at the same time
  13. Waldonnis


    You're not alone. Quite a few folks are posting on the forums that none of their characters are showing up at all. To make matters worse, some morons are getting childish and creating new characters with the same names as some of the forum personalities, which is bound to cause some conflicts when they try to straighten this mess out... They *really* messed this one up, in my opinion. Given how complex the game architecture must be, I can see how it could happen, but it just screams of poor planning. I'm hoping for things to be ok for MC tonight, but since even fishing was screwy last night (and now this, with the characters not being there), I'm not overly optimistic.
  14. I've tried to get it as well...and failed. Clearing that room repeatedly isn't a bad idea, though, and I'd be up for it. If we do that, we should probably get a couple of them since many of us have alts that may want that enchant someday I *might* know someone that has it, though...I'll ask if I catch them online. We should probably ask some of the folks in the MC run, since it's likely that at least someone within the represented guilds could help.
  15. I can exceed 150 without gimping stats (or the raid). And you're correct, I don't do math when I haven't slept Find me 500 mana per cast and I'd be happy to do it, but until then, that amount of mana is worth about 2-4+k in damage and I just don't have it to spare, especially when I'm mana-burned. It's not time that I'm worried about, it's being tapped out and having to wand when Rags emerges. I'm still trying to figure out how to better time my gem use, so if I can work that out and have the mana, I'll give it a shot. I did manage to squeeze in a mana potion during the attempt, so perhaps I can find a way.
  16. I already have two stacks of nightfin soup and more on the way (with Kelani getting her quiver, I can finally leave AV and continue to work on fishing), so that'll be covered. Casters need more than 50 FR...sorry to correct that, but we're rarely within range of a shaman on that fight, so the totem is not an option. We're just too spread out for that. I don't think we really did anything wrong, but rather just had some unlucky punting. I was absolutely hammering Rags with some really big crits (when I had mana...working on improving that for this week), as were others. Coulda, woulda, shoulda aside, at least a few of us are going to be punted no matter what (there's no way to guarantee a resist)...just need to make sure we can recover. A tip for the mages: keep a finger on blink and nail it the instant you get punted. It saved my butt last time Only other thing that I can suggest is stock up on absolutely every consumable that buffs you and your damage...food, elixirs, flasks, etc. I was amazed at how much more damage I was able to dish out with a flask and oil alone...with a few more buffs and some more +mana/5 food, I should be able to pump out even more this Friday. Oh, and on the dampen magic front...that lasts 10mins, so we can knock that out on many people pre-pull if it'll help. Bear in mind, though, that it does reduce healing...
  17. Toss Kelani and Tobalaya on the list of those needing Warlord's Command as well.
  18. Skah! Knew I was forgetting something...I'll farm those up this week, as promised before. I seriously need a notepad by my keyboard...
  19. Onyxia's Lair resets every five days, so it's difficult to establish fixed days of the week for raids. Here's a link to the raid reset calendar, for those who haven't seen it.
  20. Unfortunately, my only talent is killing things...which I daresay is not exactly unique around here. Oh, and having pretty good luck with random world loot drops, but that's not something I can do for a show *is talentless and sulks*
  21. Waldonnis


    *sighs* Point was missed again... I'm not criticising it...hell, I offered to sacrifice Waldonnis to *help* with it. My point is that we'll be making a trade-off and I want that understood. My umbrage was to the raid progression comments, not the summoning idea. I didn't join a raiding guild and it's starting to feel like I did. Yeah, still a bit crispy about last night's Ony... Meh, I give up...I'll park my entire 60 family in that tunnel if it's desirable.
  22. Waldonnis


    Guess I'll be on those BoE crusades...along with a good chunk of the raid. Is there some big rush to the finish line going on that nobody mentioned to me before as a participant in the raid? Perhaps it's time I rethink why I'm in Molten Core, because I thought it was for fun with others, not some insane progression pace that leaves many to flounder in relative "crusade" PuGs or a second raid for their gear. Look, I agree that killing Ragnaros will be a big morale booster, and I'm all for getting as many attempts as possible at him, but my concerns are stability of raid participation and gear improvement overall (making for better attempts). The more geared we all are, the easier it becomes, as we've seen so far. I just wanted to point out that we'd be sacrificing some opportunity for the sake of time...and I'm personally not sure it's worth it at this stage. Oh, and you never "graduate" from MC...we'll all end up back in there time and time again. I know people that have been trying for the better part of a year to get their pants from Rags...
  23. Waldonnis


    Better to park two warlocks up there with one other, if possible, to lessen the shard count that any one would need to stash. Waldonnis doesn't get out much and doesn't have enough room for 37 shards, but I could probably stash 15-20 (easily gathered in the Gorge). Getting three people to dedicate mains to sitting in the tunnel may be difficult, though (two, if Waldonnis is used), since those are probably their best-geared and most capable toons for other instances or uses... Also, the better bet is to keep clearing to Sulf if possible, or push hard to clear Golemagg as well. Stopping at Shaz is like adding at least one extra boss to the list for the second day, leaving less time for the FR buffs and attempts. Before thinking down that path, though...realise that we'd be foregoing some BoE drops that can be traded or used to further benefit the raid, as well as a few lava/fiery cores. There are still plenty of people that do not have every Tier 1 BoE available and they'd be making a bigger sacrifice than those with them.
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