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Everything posted by Waldonnis

  1. I'll drop the devilsaur leather in the mail tonight (remind me) and will check to see if I have any dark runes left.
  2. Kelani, Tobalaya, and Waldonnis have accepted Warlord's Command, but haven't done any of the steps yet, so I wouldn't mind getting that done with one (or all) of them. Hoofie and V are keyed but can help if needed more than the non-keyed versions of me.
  3. There are far too many of me to keep track of anything relating to who has which patterns
  4. I don't think any of us have the Volcanic Shoulders pattern yet (I know Kelani doesn't...pretty sure Crik and Depaa don't either), so if anyone happens to turn one up in LBRS....
  5. Doh! I know you've been feeling some pressure, especially with the new baby. Take some time off from raiding and spend some good time with them (and out of game). Games are fun and we're all junkies, but RL always comes first Let me know if you need anything...stealth runs, gear crafted, etc. And you know you've always got a home here should your schedule (and family pressures) permit it
  6. ...and Kelani has a quest (or six) to do in there, including her hunter quest
  7. Rawr! Me and my +to-level bonus
  8. Actually, this isn't entirely true...even moreso post-review. It's not easy to do, especially since the DPS is sorely lacking and the gear usually doesn't focus on things to help with hate generation, but there are definitely ways for paladins to grab and keep aggro pretty well if you give them time. I did a small bit of lower-instance tanking on my (now deceased) paladin and rarely had a problem unless I was surrounded by people geared much better than I was. I can't say I like this change much, but I think it was inevitable. Between the Alliance PvPers complaining about the strength of shaman (and hating purge) and the Horde PvEers calling Alliance raiding "EZmode" with paladin blessings/buffs, they had to fill the gap somehow...and new racials just weren't going to do it. Well, since I already played a paladin before and with everyone else thinking of rolling a blood elf paladin, I think I'll go with a warrior this time
  9. Thought you had a warlock class lead, no? *confuzled*
  10. Other way around: Tribal Leatherworker: Daduntell (Honored now, working on Revered for the Corehound belt) Elemental Leatherworking: Kelani (Honored now, working on Revered for the Molten Belt)
  11. I signed Kelani up, but am still on the fence between her, Waldonnis, or Toba...whatever we need most, I suppose. In the meantime, I'll work on getting her into some decent gear and to 60.
  12. I'm sure one of me will go. Perhaps Kelani or Waldonnis...don't think Hoofie's destined for the Core, unfortunately.
  13. Actually, they stated that the coin system was a bad idea, but tokens seem to be more palatable for the time being (still working it out, though, and they have talked about going a different route in the future). I should've known the notes were fake when I saw this: Hehehehe....they'd never fix that one
  14. Also, bear in mind, a shaman can't die or Blizzard will shut the servers down, so if we have one around, we will OBVIOUSLY win.
  15. Waldonnis


    There are tons of maces in the game, but not many really have rogue-friendly stats or procs for some reason. Then again, look at fist weapons, I can't say I'm too shocked at that Persuader is actually not a bad mace overall, though...even though it's more of a tanking weapon, the equip bonuses are beneficial for rogues as well and I could see it being an option for instances especially. Interesting maces that I've seen around: Ironfoe - BRD drop from the Emperor, but very rare Sand Polished Hammer - AQ20 from Ossirian...sexeh! Empyrean Demolisher - Kazzak drop...pain to get, but nice damage and proc. IMO, the best mace available outside of an instance drop Now, for the "more attainable" aisle... Sceptre of Smiting - Random drop within ZG Timeworn Mace - DM drop from Prince Whatshisface...more of a tanking weapon, but still a very nice mace Mass of McGowan - Not even linking it, since I know you've probably looked at it already...in your inventory! Yeah, I'm a dunce Bonechill Hammer - Ras in Scholo...seems like every rogue that I know that has tried mace spec has one of these
  16. So that's what you kids are calling it these days....
  17. Some good, some not so much... The druid changes look....great! The changes to the acquisition of armour sets looks...bad, but in a way, may make it easier to acquire Tier 1/2 more quickly across the board. I also like drink recipes (FINALLY!), and it looks like quite a few of the long-time bugs are at least slated to be fixed, if this is accurate.
  18. Before polymorph: turtle, I never thought that my enemies could be so....cute and huggable
  19. It was simply an observation, not a question as to why someone would take it personally. If that's perceived as unwarranted, I daresay that the entire rant could've been handled in a PM to Maube rather than in a public forum which would invite commentary. Honestly, I don't care how anyone specs or if they even chose not to get talents at all. Having two feral druids currently (one Alliance-side), I know all about being singled out, so please don't assume that nobody else understands why someone would rant. I just don't think the intention of Maube's post was to force a spec on anyone or alter their playstyle, as was the implication.
  20. How did I know someone would take this personally within an hour of the post? Oh, and for the record, we *have* said that we've had too many of one entire CLASS on some raids, regardless of their spec (try doing Onyxia without enough ranged DPS)....
  21. *loots Tazzak* *sighs and dons his "I killed Tazzak and all I got was this lousy [Troll Tusk]" t-shirt*
  22. Bah, one spec > another spec...yawn. Try em all, see what you like, and go with it. For pure damage classes, it's really all about how you like to play and what you think you'll be facing. Considering that we're not fighting Nefarion next week, I don't think it really matters which excels in that fight...I'm sure he can afford a respec by then if it's that important Daggers are positional and tend to be more crit-dependent, but if you don't mind running around alot, who cares? Swords are great for higher white damage and steady DPS rather than the spiky nature of dagger damage, but reduces your ability to deal higher burst damage. *shrug* Up to you how to spec...I like my cookie-cutter build quite a bit because it grants me enough flexibility in PvP and PvE to be able to contribute in the way that I enjoy...sapping, stunlocking, backstabbies, etc....most of it worthless in MC or above, but I could care less about that
  23. Just a reminder... Herbs aren't the only thing we could use! Consumables are a big part, but there are other things that need to be made that require some gathering and/or crafting. * Repair bots - Some materials include rugged leather, thorium bars, fused wiring, umm...fused wiring...and did I mention fused wiring? * Dark iron ore - Used to make dark iron-based plate and mail, but also used to increase reputation with Thorium Brotherhood (needed by Kelani and Daduntell, who are currently working on getting more of the FR leatherworking patterns) * Dense stone for sharpening stones for the melee folks. If I knew the mats for the elemental sharpening stone, those would be welcome too, I bet * Fish, meat, or any of the other stuff that can be cooked into spirit, mana, strength, or stamina boosting food. I don't mind cooking it (Waldonnis has most recipes, as do others), but please do some checking before just sending anything...make sure the buffs are worth the time I'm sure there's stuff that I'm leaving out, but every profession can contribute...not just herbalists
  24. Actually, I'll disagree about paladins and fire/arcane mages, both of which I've played. Fire mages in MC can turn out comparable if not more DPS than a frost mage, but require a little more support (e.g. curse of elements to reduce some resistances). Sure, their primary school is useless against Rags and other pure-fire mobs (fire lords, etc), but they still can cast frostbolts and arcane missiles like the rest of us. They only suffer a damage hit with frost with crits, since they get 1.5x damage rather than 2x. Other than that, fireballs get full effect from +dmg gear (frostbolts get 84% of +dmg) and mobs like Mags are actually fire vulnerable...it adds up, believe me, but it takes a smart fire mage to know what school to use and when. Downside is mana efficiency, but that's not as important now that we all have evocation. As for paladins, it's a moot argument on the Horde-side, but their buffs are very useful in certain situations. Sure, they may not be ideal for every case, but make good back-up healers and some of the blessings really do help make things easier. The downside is the nature of their buffs (timers, specifically) and trying to curb them from using their weapons
  25. Waldonnis


    The objection to MS usually stems from available debuff slots being filled/pre-assigned to maximise damage potential or serve another very specific purpose....I'm pretty sure we all know this, but worth restating for those that may not have. That being said, there are some guilds/raids that operate in a strict "this is how we fight all of the time" mode and don't vary from it unless something stinky hits the fan. As such, they like their trash fights to go exactly the way their boss fights go with little-to-no variance, including sunder count for DPS calls, debuff slot assignments, etc. We tend to be more fluid and flexible, which I enjoy about our raids. Personally, I don't object at all to the use of MS during any fight if curse of doom isn't being used or isn't an option for a particular phase of an encounter...or if it will displace something with a greater benefit (shadows/elements and such). I think our warriors have good heads on their shoulders and can make the call unless we want to start assigning the debuff slots on everything.
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