OK here is what i have gotten form people in the test server for stuns. you can agree or disagree i dont care. but for the most part all classes but shammys think that we need a stun. some other friends that are not shammys agree. and alot of people on the test server that for the most part that dont have a shammy say they want shammys to be buffed more kuz we got the short end of the fin ###### stick. exscuse me language.
Wind Shock
will knouck down player or take the wind out of him and stuns for 4 secs.
450 mana.
15sec CD
normal shock range
Twister Totem.
summons a totem that causes a tornado within 5 secs. enimys within the totems range will be stuned for 4 secs.
500 mana
15 yards
2 min CD
Earth Grab
grabs aponent and pulls into the ground while laughing at him/her and stuns for 5 secs. chance of causing 600 nature damage
600 mana
normal shock range
30 sec CD
Totem Smack Down
totem that is already summond will be picked up and thrown at aponent knocking him/her our for 5 secs, causing 300 damage.
250 mana
25 yard range throw
40 sec cool down.
Earthquake totem
causes all enimys in are to be stund from trmmors in the ground. stuns for 6 secs. chance to cause 700 damage from falling in the ground
950 mana
40 yards
5 min cooldown
some of them are my ideas and some are others. really i think from this disition we need something from all of this. you will want a shammy having a stun when this patch comes out. youll hate pallys, warlocks, and hunters in the pvp if your a pvp person. really i cant stand hunters 3k shots and critting every shot to every other shot. give me your opin of all of the ideas for shocks ill put up later when i get more of them from people on the TS. PEACE!!