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For those mages that want to mess with it, here's a link to a talent calc that you can screw with the talent trees. Included is what I'll probably be using. http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?o0xxxMZZVVcuMAot
Enclosed are the talents that were put up today by IGN. So far, IGN has been 100% correct on their talent "leaks". Enjoy, and as a person who has a frost mage, I'm kinda meh about it Arcane Talents Tier 1 Arcane Subtlety Reduces your target's resistance to all your spells by 4/7/10, and all of your spell criticals cause 17/34/50% less threat. Note: Functionality has been significantly altered. Arcane Focus Reduces the chance that the opponent can resist your Arcane spells by 2/4/6/8/10%. Improved Arcane Missiles Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while channeling Arcane Missiles. Tier 2 (No changes) Wand Specialization Increases your damage with Wands by 5/10/15/20/25%. Arcane Concentration Gives you a 2/4/6/8/10% chance of entering a Clearcasting state after any damage. Tier 3 Magic Attunement Increases the effect of your Amplify Magic and Dampen Magic spells by 25/50%. Note: This talent previously only affected Dampen Magic. Improved Arcane Explosion Increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Explosion spell by an additional 1/2/3/4/5%. Note: AE is now an instant cast spell, so this talent has been altered to add +crit instead of casting time reduction. Arcane Resilience Increases your armor by an amount equal to 50% of your Intellect. Note: Evocation, previously in this location and now a trainer spell, has been traded for one that also gives mages an armor boost. Tier 4 Improved Mana Shield Decreases the mana lost per point of damage taken when Mana Shield is active by 10/20%. Improved Counterspell Gives Counterspell a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 4 seconds. Arcane Meditation Allows 5/10/15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Note: Previously five increments of 3%, freeing up two talent points to spend elsewhere. Tier 5 (No changes) Presence of Mind When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 sec becomes an instant cast spell. Arcane Mind Increases your maximum Mana by 2/4/6/8/10%. Tier 6 Arcane Instability Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 1/2/3%. Tier 7 Arcane Power When activated, your spells deal 30% more damage while costing 30% more mana to cast. This effect lasts 15 seconds. Note: Damage and mana cost have been reduced by 5% Fire Talents Tier 1 (No changes) Improved Fireball Reduces the casting time of your Fireball spell by 0.1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds. Impact Gives your Fire spells a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds Tier 2 Ignite Your critical strikes from Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 8/16/24/32/40% of your spells damage over 4 seconds Flame Throwing Increases the range of your fire spells by 3/6 yards. Improved Fire Blast Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds. Note: Previously in five increments; two skill points freed up. Tier 3 Incinerate Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast and Scorch spells by 2/4%. Improved Flamestrike Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike spell by 5/10/15%. Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 148 to 195 Fire damage and an additional 56 Fire damage over 12 seconds. Burning Soul Gives your fire spells a 35/70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage. Note: Previously three increments -- 25/50/65%. One talent point freed up. Tier 4 Improved Scorch Your Scorch spells have a 33/66/100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire damage. This vulnerability increase the Fire damage dealt to your target by 2% and lasts 15 seconds Stacks up to 5 times. Note: Previously five increments of 20%. Two more talent points freed. Improved Fire Ward Causes your Fire Ward to have a 10/20% chance to reflect Fire spells while active. Note: Was previously 20/35%. Master of Elements Your Fire and Frost spell criticals will refund 10/20/30% of their base mana cost. Note: This is a new ability and, interestingly, affects more than one talent tree. Tier 5 (No changes) Critical Mass Increases the critical strike chance of your fire spells by 2/4/6%. Blast Wave A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 160 to 192 Fire damage, and dazing them for 6 seconds. Tier 6 (No changes) Fire Power Increases the damage done by your fire spells by 2/4/6/8/10%. Tier 7 Combustion When activated, this spell causes each Fire damage spell you cast to increase your critical strike chance with Fire damage spells by 10%. This effect lasts until you have caused 3 critical strikes with Fire spells. Note: Significant functionality change. This used to grant a 100% chance to crit with your next fire spell. The cooldown is not listed. Frost Talents Tier 1 Improved Frost Nova Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova spell by 2/4 seconds. Improved Frostbolt Reduces the casting time of your Frostbolt spell by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds. Permafrost Increases the duration of your Chill effects by 1 second and reduces the target's speed by an additional 4%/7%/10%. Note: Additional speed reduction is new. Tier 2 Note: Improved Frost Nova has been removed. Ice Shards Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by 20/40/60/80/100%. Frost Warding Increases the armor and resistances given by your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 15/30%. In addition, gives your Frost Ward a 10% chance to reflect Frost spells and effects while active. Frostbite Gives your Chill effects a 5/10/15% chance to freeze the target for 5 seconds. Note: Previously a Rank 6 item. Was also previously five increments of 3%. Two more skill points freed up. Winter's Chill moved to Rank 6, with adjusted functionality. Tier 3 Piercing Ice Increases the damage done by your Frost spells by 2/4/6%. Cold Snap Instant, 10-minute cooldown When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all of your Frost spells. Improved Blizzard Adds a chill effect to your Blizzard spell. This effect lowers the target's movement speed by 40/60/75%. Lasts 4.50 seconds. Note: Movement speed reduced by an additional 5%. Effect duration tripled. Tier 4 Note: Improved Frost Ward has been removed. Arctic Reach Increases the range of your Frostbolt and Blizzard spells and the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold spells by 10%/20%. Frost Channeling Reduces the mana cost of your frost spells by 5/10/15%. Shatter Requires 3 points in Frostbite Increases the critical strike chance of all your spells against frozen targets by 10/20/30/40/50%. Note: Updated. Tier 5 (No changes) Ice Block You become encased in a block of ice, protecting you from all physical attacks and spells for 10 sec, but during that time you cannot attack, move, or cast spells. Improved Cone of Cold Increases the damage dealt by your Cone of Cold spell by 15%/25%/35%. Tier 6 Winter's Chill Gived your Frost damage spells a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to apply the Winter's Chill effect, which increases the chance a Frost spell will critically hit the target by 1% for 15 seconds Stacks up to 5 times. Note: Previously added three increments of 4% speed reduction to Chill effects. Was a Rank 2 item. Tier 7 (No changes) Ice Barrier Instant cast, 30-second cool down Instantly shields you, absorbing 454 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted.
Any good warrior will be able to completely stay on top of a caster. The warrior opens with a charge/hamstring(Very important...I #*$@ing hate hamstring) and then proceeds to bleed and wtfpwn the caster. I for instance usually use fear. Then if the warrior's good they can simply switch stances or whatnot and use intercept to beat me to the ground.
Images of Volonazra entering the Dark Portal from the Covenant
Narsica replied to Huato's topic in CS Base camp
Don't have access. Direct Link me! Wish we could've been there. -
Dabu to Maube for giving me an invite to ZG tonight! I gots me a new healy-majig!
I have a crapload of runecloth hidden away on my alts- any time we need some, let me know and I'll supply(and make if needed) the shoulders.
Just got back home from work. I see edited posts above ^^ No, not backburning my priest. Korgall, the guy that I basically need to do anything productive, has been gone for the past few weeks. So I spend my nights logging on, standing around in Org for a few hours, then logging off. That's not fun. After much frustration with getting myself attuned for Onyxia(and that bunked UBRS raid) as well as our friday night raids having hit a wall, I took a break. This past weekend I've been leveling my troll hunter, Calypsia. She's got a boar whom I love. But to the point- should I have canceled friday? Yea, and I'm sorry I didn't. But you gotta admit even with friday's absence I still have the highest attendence out of all the priests- so hey, I deserved a break. I'll see ya wednesday and friday, and apparantly Thursday now since my claim got shifted to early morning instead of late evening. EDIT: I also thought I was safe because we've had on average 5-6 priests per raid every time. We've had new people join for one raid and we've never seen them again, people who attend the best they can, sometimes only once a week, and people switching classes to become a priest. I thought I was covered.
Sweet I go from 100% Attendance to missing 1 MC and I get the boot. Welp, I'm signed up for Wednes. and Friday, not sure what the deal is.
Having minimal problems.. It's Nar - si - ca. For some reason a few have problems, calling me Nacrisa or Narsisca. And vanidi- it's Vaneedi? I always thought it was vanity!
For starters, I will again point out my spec- it's a solo spec, not aoe. What do I do on raids? I spam frostbolt. This is the spec I've chosen, and I picked talents that helped improve my frostbolt's damage, range, casting time, etc. I liken "damage scaling" like this- the better the gear, the better +damage, the better damage you do. Take a warrior's weapons away, and guess what? He'll hit you for garbage damage. You can't really say this about a mage. They still have base damage that their spells deal, and that damage was increased in ranks as you've progressed in levels. My fireblast crits for over 1000. My frostbolts crit(got a new crit of 2345 last night) for around 2200. I will agree, giving a melee/ranged class better stats improves their damage, whereas you do the same thing for a caster and it basically does squat for us. Sure it's about(I can't remember if it's 70 or 90) 70 int per +1% crit. This is where making your character the way you want comes into play. If I want to be an ignite fire mage with a huge amount of int and +crit gear, then fine. If I want to be like I am and go full +damage rather then any crit, then that's what I do. I think you're being too picky with the class. Sure a rogue/warrior/etc gets more input from their stats(increased dodge, increased crit, damage,etc), but that's where the +damage and crit gear comes in for a caster. Sure blizzard originally goofed with the gear for the casters, but they've fixed it just fine. I can see where maybe factoring in X amount of int = Y amount of +damage, but I really think it's unnecessary with the gear they've given us now. As far as damage meters, mine was synched with the rest of the raid. I was pretty proud of the damage I dealt, especially conscidering how in several of the fights all I do is spam decursive. A rogue doesn't have to do anything but DPS the entire time. Hell, during the Majordomo fight each mage gets a priest they have to keep sheeped, so you're really not doing any damage then either. Where PVP is concerned....maybe look into a different spec? I have no problems in pvp, and again(Epeen ahoy!) I'm usually the one up top on killing blows because of my crits on frozen targets, and killing a person even though they had 2000+ health left. When I talk about the pvp mages, again realize that 90% of them are the aoe variety- they really don't rely on the damage trinkets. They rely on blast wave, PoM/Flamestrike, frost nova, cone of cold. Some use Improved Blizzard. Like I said for my mage, I'm the solo variety. The only class I have trouble beating at all is the warlock, and this is thanks ONLY to the stupid seduce that no class has any power over. What do I have in pvp? I have frostbolts that have a % chance of freezing my target in place. I have an ice shield that when I'm struck again has a chance of freezing whomever hit me in place. I have ice barrier, which gives me more health and allows me to cast more spells without being interrupted. I have ice block, which is the immunity all spell(it is THE only spell you can cast in the game when you're feared, seduced, etc). I have cold snap, which brings both my ice barrier, frost nova, and ice block back. I have sheep. Sure you're gonna say "but hey! They regen health!". I don't agree with it either, but still it is the best form of CC in the game. I can cast it repeatedly on a target, I can use it to take out a hunter, I can do the same with a warlock. And blink- we also get a spell on a 30 sec cooldown that allows us to teleport 20 yards away. Breaks stuns, roots, etc. Much <3 to this spell. Sure there's errors with it(when it comes to blinking when you're already close to an area that is seperated, i.e. a tunnel entrance, ramp seperation, etc. But it's still the best get away quick ability in game. Let's address these "bugs" Blinking and terrain - as noted above, it's a problem with areas that are "seperated". Solution until they fix it/if they fix it - make sure not to get caught around terrain like this? Sure it sucks to blink and you end up in the same spot, but I think it's something you shouldn't rely on all the time anywho. Frostbolt resists - I have minimal, if any problems with frostbolt resists. Every spell has a chance to resist. If you're not liking the frostbolt resists, switch to fire? Arcane missles? You have more then one spell Coldsnap- this is a bug that has an on again/off again fix. One patch it worked fine, but I have noticed once where it didn't reset my cooldowns. Solution- be a quick thinking person and not rely on cooldowns all the time? The mage is a dangerous class to play- but at the same time, the most versatile imho. Delay in snaring? Meh, I do and don't see it. I see it when you frostbolt something that's already snared- if the snare has a second left, and the frostbolt lands, the snare isn't re-applied. This is a fact; if need be cast another frostbolt, frost nova, blink away. The choice is up to you. Cone of cold aiming- um...make sure you're not strafing when casting it? Sure there are times when I'm strafe kiting someone, and my cone of cold actually lands on the person that was in front of me but the cone went to my side...just chaulk it up to the gods of fortune. And if you cast it straight ahead, but nothing happens- do something else? adapt? I will agree here I hate the downtime. Alot of times I will purposely die just so I can come back at half health. I think they're addressing this with the evoc, by not only making it a non-talent spell but also decreasing the cooldown. Kudos! * Least likely to live through an "oh crap" moment while solo - eh, again- I'm a solo spec person, so I know how to adjust when something doesn't go my way. * Mana replenishment inherent to the class are lacking (mana gems were great in the "Tier 0 only" world, but...) -Mana gems <3 Robes of the Archmage <3 Evocation <3 My own food/water! Buy mana pots? learn to alternate mage armor/frost armor when needed? * Lackluster (dare I say "really not useful") set bonuses on everything shy of Netherwind. Better gear is obtained in DM and the new loot tables in "lower instances" compared to our tier 0/1 set pieces. -My mage has gear comprised of things that were made or gear I've farmed. If you're going through this game with the idea that set gear is the best, any player from any class will tell you you're wrong. The good players use a mix and match approach, getting the best of what they want. * Ranged class that needs to be in melee range to use critical crowd control then get back out of melee range to cast before the effect breaks (nova, cone of cold..poly could use another five yards) - Use blink? Poly something then simply move to max distance? I dunno what else to tell ya here.... * "Masters of magic"...that can't even resist magical spells that well or get rid of negative magic effects -Mage armor is your friend. Resists gear/enchants are your friends. Removing magic effects? I agree- but look at the other classes. Druids with curse removal? Priests with magic? It should've been Mage-magic, warlock-curses priest- disease druid - poisons. Meh. * Mana shield is horribly inefficient to be a viable defence, and that's not even commenting on it being used as a preventative measure (since it takes away our ability to fight)...not true of priest shields... -Recast the shield? Use frost nova? Again, not sure what to say here * Melee can resist our damage but we can do nothing against their damage. Warlocks' inherent stamina stat bonuses mitigate this for them quite a bit, priests can shield and heal, mages can...blink backwards and get brained.... and sheep their targets, root them in place, blink away, dot them to death, stun with blast wave, stun with impact? * Total immunity to crowd control is entirely too prevalent. I'm ok with some mobs being unable to be polymorphed, but too many are also immune to nova AND the frost spell snares. As I mentioned before, I literally lost count of how many mobs have this total immunity...and I don't even bother fighting them since there's no way that I can win. Only thing I can think of is hunter pets- kill the hunter, bye bye pet. They've toned down beastial mastery alot, and this is a good thing. As far as mobs themselves having immunity- use fire? Arcane missles? Fireblast? Arcane explosion? Kiting is key here * As you mentioned, not all specs are viable from any one perspective. PvP, PvE, high-end instances, etc...each requires certain talent selections or complimentary classes. - This is where my spec comes in It's great for pvp, pve- whatever! Give it a try some time ;0 Waldy, this is in no way meant to be a post specifically against you. I'm just addressing the ideas/opinions.
I used to have a macro on my alliance mage that would inform everyone, be it if I was in raid or group, what I was sheeping, what level it was, and whether it was male or female But eventually I got rid of it because it created a lot of spam after I was forced to resheep things because people STILL attacked the thing I was sheeping. As far as the mage review... I honestly have to say this, and I know I'm going to be hated alot for this , but I think mages are pretty good the way they are. Blizzard addressed the issue of damage scaling for 60's by providing armor with better int/stamina stats and plenty of +damage. Sunday night I had the oppurtunity to play my alliance mage again(I haven't played him since December). I went to MC with the same gear I had back then. It's basically teh best blues I could get from the non-high end instances(MC/BWL/AQ) and certain epics I've come across(two freezing bands for instance and some flarecore gear). We cleared all of MC minus Rags in a few hours, and at the end of the night I was beating their mages equipped in full arcanist's for damage. I came in 3rd overall, behind two epically equipped rogues.(They even had Blackwing's claw or whatnot for daggers from BWL). If you can just grind the UBRS/DM/Scholo/Strath instances, your gear will be great enough for you just about out dps anyone. The problem with the mage is not the survivability issue, rather the playstyle. Look at the best pvp mages on both allliance and horde side. What do you see? The same cookie-cutter spec. They rely on instant cast spells almost entirely. This is the only gripe I have with the mage class. Sure they can do teh best damage, but that's only if you leave them alone to cast their spells, or if they're spec'd for PoM. They either need to give PoM as a spell rather then a talent or give the mage some other way to cast spells without the interruption we get, and the class should be fine.
HAHA Finally yep! After wiping several times on Drakk <X< But at least I got it!
Welp, 7 runs still no blood. I'm giving up. Just finally successfully finished a run, and only 2 blood dropped, 3 people needed it and guess what? I didn't get it. I EVEN stated that I was making this solely for the purpose of getting a blood, that was all. I passed on everything else. I'm so tired of that place.
Welp, alot of shamans then? heheh
Hehe thanks very much for the help Yeah, how many do we have for tonight? Hope we have at least 4 =X
Okies I'll try and be on around 5 then. Thanks!
Honestly thinking about it...
Need Drakk for the blood! Maybe a raid before Onyxia, making sure we go strictly for the blood(and if need be skip father flame, the Beast, etc)?
Thanks again for the dragon kills last night. All we need now is UBRS! Here's some Screenshots!:
I'll be on in about half hour to 45 mins. Chrys and I need to kill the three named, then return to the Dustwallow marsh and turn them in. Then we get the quest for the next world dragon, kill it, and return again. Lastly, we have to do the UBRS for teh blood. Any help is appreciated.
Any chance at getting a group to kill dragons before then?
I will hopefully be there...still have those pesky world dragons to kill. Is tonight's ZG Canceled? If so, anyone want to group up and take out them dragons?
Hehe same here.... big Polish Dinner tonight(Though we had ham too). I must've gained 5-10 pounds and I didn't even touch any of the candy.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy one!