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Everything posted by Scryll

  1. Why do you want the Furies card? For Slythe? Because Wrath isn't going to be particularly useful for Rhoach. Even ignoring the extra crit you've got with backstabbing etc, you're base crit chance is too high to derive much advantage from the card.
  2. Scryll


    Brainah, I think you just made up for not being around to bug us ::envious::
  3. Blizzard truly loves us. They gave us a big patch and new hardware together again. I figure we won't get reliable gameplay for a week. Did you see that they're doing rolling restarts for everyone because gear is disappearing from bags?
  4. Bah! Who cares about Netherdrakes. ::goes rampaging through Outlands with a child in tow, hoping to snag the kid's pet::
  5. Yeah, I'm with Ky. I know it involves the pee-tub, and I think I caught the word bathe, but beyond that, I'm clueless.
  6. Get thee behind me, demon!
  7. It got real quiet in here. Hello? Anyone?
  8. Oh yeah, you're just going to have the time of your life down there.
  9. Huh, I'm surprised. When I saw the downloader picking up 200MB of pre-patch last week, I figured this was the day.
  10. Well, there's certainly no Y chromosome in that family
  11. I'd like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to our newest mother Maube, and to all the other parents of the female persuasion in the Clan: Kytae, Xiris, Gwendilyn, Grawuulf, and all those whose motherhood I am not yet aware of!
  12. I'll transmute one when my timer's up and send it to you, Rhoach.
  13. There is a point where WF is better for everyone. For non-combat and combat dagger/fist the point isn't reached with gear from the non-heroic level 70 instances. As for unleashed rage, I went and checked the shaman forum before writing what I did. Neither it nor Battle Shout explicitly say "melee attack power" but that's all either affects.
  14. I don't write it, no, but I've been reading it for a while. I saw the banner ad for it on Ctrl-Alt-Del, and the image of Richard pointing at a burning building and saying "You all saw it! That orphanage attacked me!" was irresistable.
  15. I had this niggling little voice at the back of my head saying it just buffed melee atk power, but I convinced myself I was wrong. Oops. Not quite that simple, unfortunately. All dagger rogues get more from GoA, even if they're combat-specced, and it actually looks like combat-fists also benefits more from GoA, at least with five-man itemization. Combat sword/mace and possibly hemo benefit more from Windfury. They'll also derive more benefit from LotP's crit bonus than daggers and fists. It's not just Windfury. You don't get any dps benefits from SoE or Unleashed Rage either, which we will. Just Windfury/GoA against Battleshout, BS wins hands down. It ends up adding to a difference of between 15-25 sustained dps per rogue between having shaman as their sole group buffer, or a warrior. No, we don't. Not one. Well, actually there's Hemo, but that's like Expose Weakness, it's a debuff on the mob so it benefits the raid, not a group. Expose weakness doesn't stack, does it? Another possibility is slotting you or another EW hunter into a rogue group with a shammy dropping GoA instead of Windfury. Stop looking at me! I'm not even in this raid!
  16. Gah! Must not look at the baby picture. Must not develop that goofy grin I can't wipe off my face for an hour afterward. Must stand stro... damnit, too late! This is your fault, Maube, now people are going to wonder if I'm on drugs for the whole afternoon! Damned babies and their irresitable cuteness *muttermuttergrin* augh!
  17. I think it should be noted that Vendes' Kara group is also planning on running Thursdays, Cal.
  18. I know I'm not in the run, but I like to think I've kept up on the theory-crafting for group make-up, at least for DPS. Pre-BC, the hierarchy for melee buffing was battle-shout, totems, TSA and LotP, and battleshout, TSA, totems, LotP for hunter dps. I don't know how to ranke LotP anymore with the healing proc, though it should be more effective than TSA at least, but I know that shamans have moved up to the warrior slot for melee dps, and possible for hunter dps as well. In a sustained dps encounter, and even more in interrupted dps encounter, an enhancement shaman's Unleashed Rage ability, combined with their totems, pushes past Battleshout. Strategic use of commanding shout might still keep a warrior over a shaman, but it's not really possible to quantify and model its effect on DPS output, it's too variable.
  19. Scryll

    WoW TCG

    yeah.. says the man with the turtle mount and hippogryph pet.. and who knows what else.. *peers into Ghules' bags As Waldy mentions, he's got that magic picnic basket too. How it holds that awning, I'll neve understand.
  20. Gah! Screw Ky's head exploding, how am I supposed to choose between Willy and Peanuts? And where am I going to find bagspace for them? :head asplode:
  21. Mages exist??? *shifty* Just because you abandoned your versatile CC and left me holding the bag with my one-use ability doesn't mean other people don't have sympathy for my plight.
  22. I have a somewhat modified version of that which seduces when the succi is out and casts fear when she's not. I have no idea what's wrong with yours, macro-writing has always left me somewhat lost. The one I'm using is just one I wrote down on paper from the Lock forums and then typed in-game.
  23. Me will miss da presence uf da Suns as ash grup here, agh me wish lat da best uf luck wit lats new organizashun wit da Sisters uf Elune.
  24. Well, I'm up for Cenarion and CoT so far. I'm particularly interested in Heroic Old Hilsbrad.
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