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Everything posted by Scryll

  1. Just forgot to put the smilies in, I guess. And damn you, I want my suicide title back!
  2. Happy Birthday! Are you being serious Scryll? No, I wasn't being serious. It was just the topic de jure. I couldn't reply early, though, because that would have been hypocritical. Besides, I'd realized the casino would probably more than meet the needs this thread was designed for.
  3. Scryll


    I'll miss having you around for a late night snack, Sal.
  4. I can't believe so many of you are showing such a blatant disregard for ethical standards!
  5. That is no sort of study. Yes, there is plainly a difference. Quite an astonishing one. Well and good. But if you're trying to do any sort of actual analysis, you can't just offer theories, list a few pros and cons, and choose one as explaining reality. You have to demonstrate why, with data, that theory is the best available. Nothing, NOT ONE THING, is done to substantiate the claim that the reason for the different is that the cost of farming gold must be cheaper on EU servers, nor is anything done to substantiate the second-order claim that this is due to differences in how they police the respective server-zones.
  6. Cloak of Shadows A) doesn't need a nerf, and B) is the only thing that keeps rogues in shouting range of other classes in the face of current focus-firing tactics. We've got very little mitigation and with the way Blizzard distributed the points in our itemization, damn few classes end up with lower hit points. *hell, just look at Waldy and I. He's well on his way toward having double my health*
  7. Plus that red gold armor look it has is just awesome!
  8. Finally, frost traps won't take us out of stealth! Maybe it's time to go back to assaulting the Dun Baldar bridge. They've finally broken down and made imp. sap trainable, too. Warlock/rogue battles just got nastier for us, though. We can't pvp trinket out of seduce anymore, and they can now trinket out of stun. That's going to smart.
  9. Warlock and Paladin epic land mounts are cheaper than the standard *I'm including both the skill level and the mount for that total, since you get both from the quest lines* I don't have the figures for the Pally other than that it's cheaper, but the Warlock epic can be as cheap as 250 gold payout over the course of the questline, if someone else is sharing the mats for the final quest. If you pay for them youself it's more like 600. Compared to 800 odd shinies for the standard epic land mount.
  10. Nope, but don't worry. Because the point of all these changes to alchemy is to reduce the need to farm so much to tackle end-game content, they're reducing the potency of flasks in addition to their material requirements, so that people won't be as tempted respond to the MASSIVE NERF by flasking where they would have just stacked elixers.
  11. I think spamming for gold is something most people aren't going to bother doing. Too little return for the effort :collects his twenty:
  12. You don't need to be 29, no. You might end up getting frustrated if you're not, though. The 10-29 and 20-29 brackets have plenty of people who take their twink-PvP seriously. Trying to work around a nine-level difference can be difficult even under "normal" conditions. Working around a nine-level difference and a major gear differential on top of that is downright painful *albeit, massively satisfying when you pull it off* OTOH, We'll be running as groups and that should take a lot of the sting out of any differential.
  13. Do we even have a shaman around for flag-running, anymore? Ooh, does anyone have/intend a pally for the bracket? Having blessing of freedom sure would be neat.
  14. I'm afraid I won't be much help on this one. I never had much luck with the high-end gems and don't have any emeralds, while I sent my stock of thorium to Vrugz some time ago. Ronstin hasn't mined any since, he's focused on questing, not gathering.
  15. Hey Bar, do you suppose Morgh's nemesis FarmerJohn is still in the bracket? To add on Maube's comments, the first step to twinking your character is to know what gear/enhancements will allow you to smite the most Alliance. I used the following guide, here which Maube showed me, and which I have since shown many others who joined Vegonna's Pack. It's a bit dated, but it provides an excellent place to start. Some items can be individually farmed, some can be group-farmed, and some you will probably only find on the AH. Thoroughly twinking a character does require an investment in both time and shinies, but the rewards can be well worth it.
  16. My poor, struggling little gemcrafter has reached the first noticable hump in gem-crafting. If any of your alts come across lesser moonstones or jade that you don't need, I could use them.
  17. Well I'm glad to see an effort is being made to deal with that problem. Jumping up and down on you is a privilege reserved for Crushers who are of grunt-rank or higher!
  18. I'm leery about letting children play, and I think it's a really bad idea to let little kids play. What reading I've done on child development suggests that young kids should not be dealing with the heavy visual stimuli that they'd get from a lot of TV, and from most video-games. And for kids in general, I'm hesitant about the idea of them getting involved in a game that so heavily focuses on rewarding spending massive amounts of time playing.
  19. I don't think anyone's rube enough to take that bet, Bar.
  20. Cheating on the weight! Insider info is against the law! 7 lbs, 10 ounces. And let me see... I'm thinking April 8th for the birth-date.
  21. Happy Birthday Gwen! And to the orcling, too.
  22. I'd be glad to join you if you wanted some poor-man's CC there, Ky, once I've gotten the rep.
  23. For anyone who's wondering, that's me she's whacking with the axe.
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