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Everything posted by Scryll

  1. Sure it will. But that's already happening quite a bit with the instant queues.
  2. I gotta say, this is not what a girl is used to. I was having massive parties thrown in my honor, driving around Kezan in a luxury vehicle, on top of the world; (ok, so I wasn't literally on top of the world. Yes, I know that's Icecrown, give a lady a break, it's a figure of speech) now I'm in a semi-mercenary band. I'm not even the leader. I don't know small-unit tactics. I'm following the orders of a goblin shaman named Wurgle. We've been in half the Horde's hot-spots, at this point. We made ourselves known locally first, of course. Fighting in that forest abutting our new home, Ashbale something or other. Hey, do I look like a detail goblin? Anyway, we killed a lot of elves and their new Worgen pals there, helping the orcs of the Warsong Clan. Kinda aggravated about that to be honest. They're like the personal guard of Fathead or something (I told you, I'm not a detail goblin. Details are for hobgoblins' small minds) and I harbor him no good-will, but he is the Warchief, the man to impress, even if he does have boars where a goblin keeps their brains. Where was I? Oh yeah, Aspendale. So we became quietly known in the right triangles for fighting in a bunch of those small box canyons and gulches against Alliance who were dead-set on keeping us from building low-budget housing units and selling them at prices which would make that Pilton skank scream, by denying us the resources we need for all the poor dispossessed goblins of Kezan. Eventually we got a contract-nibble to help some of the undead out in Arathi. Seems they and the humand have been skirmishing around and in this one town for years. Personally I would have let that smithy burn, built a new one, and let both sides use it for double standard prices, but we were told to make nice with the corpse-heads. We dealt with that situation, (for a while. I bet conditions went to pot as soon as we left, because the Forsaken wanted to protect their fungus farm or something. Don't ask me why they farm fungus when they're ddea) stooged around in the Alterac mountains for a bit, getting some dwarf-fighting experience, (an Alliance faction that understands the plentiful uses of abundant explosives. Scary) and now we're stationed in Outland. Other than some fighting up north (where I found the best real estate opportunity. Let me tell you, you've gotta get in on this now, before the units fall off the market. Views which are out of this world, at prices which are nothing but a steal) it's pretty quiet. A backwater for both sides really, right now. They sent us here for garrison work, so we could get a rest and do some refitting. I hear we're heading back to that forest, Alfalfa-and-Kale, pretty soon. We'll have to deal with more furries, no doubt. The worgen and their druid allies. I don't know whether to be more afraid that they'll bite me or try to hump my leg. Makes me miss fighting the dwarves. I gotta go, someone was trying to lure "sand gnomes" and now a giant crust-burster is tearing up the middle of the camp.
  3. Wish I could join you, but Monday is currently my D&D night and will be until at least the summer.
  4. The armored brown boar skin originally only seen in RFK is still far and away the best boar skin in my mind me. It's the one skin every hunter I've ever made has tamed. And what will happen if you let Truffles go? He'll have to find some way to make his way back, shamefully, to that dwarf in Storm Peaks, hanging his head and begging to be taken back. Duz lat really want t' let sum dorf get de final blah like dat?
  5. You know, I've missed this. Not the fighting, no. I don't shy from violence, but I'm a slinky-dress kind of gal. But this is like that first job I had, trying to help goblins burnt out on Kaja-cola. It felt good to be helping others. I like doing it. It just made me feel alive to rush about, doing things like blowing up that mountain of empty cola bottles (and after the fumes settled over that residential complex, everyone inside instantly burnt out, giving me even more people to help), or that decrepit old wino who was so invigorated by my determination to keep him away from a bottle (I used a fireblast for aversion therapy) that he decided to jump into the ocean for a brisk constitutional swim. I never heard of anyone seeing him beg for cola or complaining of his vagrantism after that. Too bad that beach closed shortly after, from all the shark sightings. I had to find a new motivational setting.
  6. It looks like I need to put my mouth where my money is. There are plenty of capable goblins but they're all acting independently. We need more of them working as a unit. I'm going to need to abandon this jeweler's business I started and help out.
  7. so... is anyone else still around? I've done a /who all Clan Skullcrusher and received 0 Players =*( A number of us are still around. V, Baracko, Smed *kinda, has been somewhat limited in time lately* Gordantell, Xiris and Tainish, Gwendilyn *also somewhat time-limited atm* etc.
  8. Day 34, Lost City of Vash'jir A fresh battle-fleet has arrived on the surface. With luck, Hoofstomper will leave with it, there was another representative of the Earth Ring there droning on about helping some Farseer. Hoofstomper will send a message to Scryll, saying I'm staying down here to investigate what is going on between the naga and the Tidecaller, that should provide me enough cover for my real search.
  9. Day 31, Vash'jir Scryll found out I was missing. He got some mage or priest to establish a brief mind-link with me. I broke it as soon as I could without arousing his suspicion. The pawn did convey some potentially useful news. Apparently the elder druid of the Clan, Hoofstomper, was with one of the primary battle squadrons which the naga destroyed, and he's down here too. Not all that surprising that he survived, that old druid is as tough as a gronn, and would have no problem living down here as some aquatic animal to survive. I haven't run across him yet, but I can seek him out if I really need help, and now that I know he's down here I know to keep an eye out. I don't want him observing or interfering at an inopportune time. This was the site of the ancient elven city of Vash'jir! There's no telling what secrets or powers might be recovered down here. There's been no meddling dragon to scoop them all up as in Azshara. One of these Earthen Ring meddlers has already inadvertently put me on the track of one artifact, and even if that lead doesn't pan out there has to be others down here. The naga can't keep me from claiming them, there hasn't been an entity down here capable of matching me. I have heard from surviving Horde scouts that there may be veritable army of naga in these depths, but if I can get a trace on something sufficiently valuable, I can summon my own allies. Calling on those pacts would be one of the things I can't risk the Clan finding out about. Scryll may be a fool, but he is capable enough at assassinating magickers and he knows my spells well. He wouldn't be the only one coming after me either, if I am discovered breaking the edicts of Volnazra's Tower.
  10. Day 25, Coastal waters I am damned. I must have died again when the ship was destroyed and been condemned to some circle of hell for my misdeeds in animated non-life. Everybody around me is a damnfool idiot and it is my eternal punishment to keep saving their useless lives because I will never be able to accomplish something in these sun-filtered depths if I don't have warm living bodies around to keep the naga distracted. They sank the charted ship I was on, and apparently a great many other Horde and Alliance vessels. I fought my way free and found a Broken shaman rescuing others, including that Garrosh-blinded legionnaire Nazgrim. I tried to form a force to recover some of the wrecks and maybe salvage a seaworthy vessel, but the orcs got captured. It turns out they do that almost every time I try to get a little work down down here. The only ones evading the naga are those damned shaman swimming like fishes themselves and they don't trust me. I scare them, because I'm not reliant on their paltry magicks to survive down here. They can't keep me under their thumb the way they do with the orcs.
  11. Day 19, Somewhere north of the Maelstrom I need to kill him. His continued existence is an affront to all intelligent life. But that oaf Nazgrim insisted we not bother the crew, and I'd be stranded out here if I simply slew everyone on the ship. Hmm. . . I wonder if I could get Huug'ak to hold Bud down under the water the next time he sees something shiny, without that sharp-eyed witch Adarrah noticing? My demon is a similar color as this ocean water. . .
  12. Day 12, Bladefist Bay I've signed up as a spell-casting auxiliary for a Horde expedition to a new island off the Stormwind coast. I'm maintaining a military service cover qas I did in Hillsbrad and Silverpine to keep Scryll off my back if he comes snooping around again (I don't think it's likely though, he seems entranced with that new project of Thrall's) but I intend to get away and head for Karazahn. I'm no more interested in the Horde war effort than when I abandoned that pointless fighting on behalf of the Warsong, it distracts from furthering my powers. I'll be able to go over Medivh's tower for any hidden secrets now that I won't have to deal with a whole tromping Clan strike-force underfoot, constantly looking over my shoulder. Addendum: It looks like it will be even easier to get away than I had imagined. Most of the fleet has already departed. I'll be heading to the Eastern Kingdoms with a small reserve force, on a chartered vessel
  13. Post-Cataclysm, 10 Days, Undercity I'm out from under that stupid troll's thumb at last. I thought that when I volunteered to defend Lordaeron from human and dwarf raiders that he'd leave me alone and I'd get some time for. . . other pursuits, but that sneaky pushdog kept dropping in to check up on things. Gah, he's even got me using his words now. I didn't get away from him a moment too soon.
  14. I think I've got it. It's not pretty, and it's even kind of dangerous, but it will save some goblins, create a revenue stream, secure resources, and maybe even give us a lever on Boars-for-Brains. We're going to fight! All these other groups are fighting, and they're not going to stop. And really, do we even want them to? Wars mean money. I just don't like them including us. We need to drive these elves and naga back, and any friends they have as well. The elves may be future trade-partners and all, but we'll be happier if they keep their distance, that obsession of theirs with uncut lumber is a bit pervy and it definitely gets in a profit-minded girl's way. Since we can't trust Fathead to do it and leave anyone on either side alive, we'll need to create units ourselves, like Uncle Bedlam did with the Bilgewater Battalion, and then sell those services to the Horde! Even Fathead understands that we can bring the boom, and how useful a little "fwoosh" is. We'll be fighting to secure territory and resources for the Horde, which means for us, and if we have crack squads who know how to ambush and blow the enemy up, with our specialists controlling the new Horde war enginges, etc, and this "Warchief" wants to press us, or engage in unprofitable policies, well. . .
  15. Since it's on the calendar as a guild event, everyone in the guild can see it, and all they have to do is click on it and hit the "confirm" button. Which, at present count, only six people in the guild have done. Counting you, I see.
  16. Very few people have actually signed up for the event. Be prepared for either a fairly small party, or me being reduced to a gibbering wreck because everyone assumed, despite repeated cautions to the contrary, that I'd be prepared for their attendance without any sign-up or other prior confirmation.
  17. Things have changed. Just a little while ago, I was almost on top of the world. I got this close to unseating that mercenary jerk, Gallywix. Now I'm fighting night-elves enraged by his strip-mining policies and mourning goblins turned to stone or otherwise lost to his and his minions typical lack of concern fro productivity-enhancing safety measures. Now I'm not some moron trying to talk about "the morality of exploitation" or some other such nonsense, I'm as concerned about the bottom line as the next goblin. But the best guarantee of massive profits is in long-term productivity. Any goblin can and has made a quick macaroon off a new idea or opportunity (as that ###### Gallywix did when he offered passage off Kezan and then tried to sell us all into slavery) but if you want to keep making those macaroons, a goblin's got to think long-term. You can cut costs and increase production for a while by ignoring safety concerns, but you'll be increasing your recruitment and retraining costs at the same time, not to mention all the lost profits from inactivity. You keep your workers (mostly) safe and you won't have to constantly be spending coins to find new ones and make sure they know what the hell they're doing. You will also develop a loyal team, all trying to come up with new ideas to make money (as opposed to ideas that can keep them alive in a basilisk-filled environment) which you can then farm for your own advantage. And if you agree to support implementation of their ideas and share revenue (scary idea I know, it made me shiver when I first thought of it), many of 'em will stay with you and keep coming up with more exploitable ideas. *goosebumps* It's a never-ending stream of shinies! That's how I got so close to taking over Bilgewater before. Now circumstances ahve stuck us with the Horde, but it seems that boar-for-brains "Warchief" of theirs is just like ol' Gallywix. All "now" and no "future." And we're losing potential money-making goblins left and right. We gotta stop this, but we're refugees. We're at the mercy of Fathead and Fatheader right now. I gotta think of a way out this bind. -Lizzle.
  18. A note on the last event. When I say "in-character" I don't mean what you are greatful for or will miss as a player, with your character as a vehicle for expressing it. Think of something your character would be greatful for or miss. Family who died in Camp Taurajo, beating down Kael'thas for betraying your people, getting Galam to move your tents upwind of Uglutz' tents, etc. Not that you won't be able to tame and ride a Zulian tiger anymore *seeing as the tigers are still ostensibly there, from a character perspective*
  19. Ho ho ho! Merry Winter's Veil. Me gruk lat enjoyed de party last yeer, doze dat culd attend on short notice. Dis yeer lat hab mur time t' prepare, so me expect mur peepul! De party will be ash tradishunal Clan gathering, wit' presents, snowballs, agh mur. Where: The Overgrowth, in the Northern Barrens When: Sunday December 19th, 9pm server time. Who: All in the Clan, and invited friends. Events: Snowball fight: As we do every Winterveil, since we can't help but attack each other mercilessly, we will be opening with a string of mericless snowball fights! Secret Santa: The traditional gift exchange, but with the same twist as last year. Rather than assignments, we're doing a Yankee Swap, or Chinese Auction. Gifts are pooled, we select from them in order, and rather than take a gift from the pool, you can take an opened gift from someone else, and have them get a new one from the pool. No gift can be yanked more than two times. This should be more fun and interactive, also a bit slower. Rather than one of the traditional contests, I want a bit of RP. Cataclysm has come to Azeroth, we are all once again fighting for our lives and for the Horde, and much has been lost. We will be ending with our characters reflecting on these last few years of their lives, and telling the Clan one thing they are greatful for or will miss. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please sign up for the event on the in-game Calendar. If you want someone outside the guild invited, I can add them to the calendar list manually if desired.
  20. Talk with Lomar. He picked up both bindings from MC recently and I believe he's still looking for the elementium (having graciously passed on ingots previously, so Maube and Nandoe could complete the Scepter quest chain before this last patch removed it)
  21. To Blood-scribe Galam, Clan Archivist It haz been ash long war. Outland wuz nub ash war fer me. Me only went dere t' explur agh scout, t' see de wurld da urks come frum. Me never did much mur den skirmish dere, findin' new allies fer da Clan, coverin' de flanks agh backsides uf 'orde forces frum t'reats like dat demun dat set up in Karazahn, Mediv's abandoned towur. 'ere in Nort'rend, me been much mur involved. Me came t' dis roof uf de wurld partly t' explur agh scout fer de Clan agin, even t'ough now me be ash eldur agh supposedly hab ot'er duties. but really me come fer ash dragun. Da Clan, most uf de 'orde, dem wanted t' beard de Lich King in hiz lair, but me t'ought dat be ash fools errand. Him ruled de damned, him wuz gunna raise anyash dat fell aginst him agh we wuz gunna hab t' fight dem too. Nub, dat not me place. But Malygos. . . him wuz da ultimate majicker. Agh me make it mah business t' clomp doze whem dem least expect it. But when me showed up in de Dragonblight, havin' come in at de Fjords wit de Royal Apot'ecary Society (agh let me blah at lat, dem sure kept ash secret frum me!) me found dat Malygos agh hims Blue Flight had reformed! Dem wuz tryin' ta stop doze majickers too! Now me like draguns in general, agh have always felt kind uf sorry fer de ashes dat me hab had t' clomp (agh even mur sorry fer de ashes dat me nub had t' clomp but did anyway) so me did nub gruk what t' do. Me aided Alexstraza at hers temple, becuz me still liked draguns agh she represented mur uf dem agh iz sumtin' like der Queen agh all, but me wuz very conflicted. Me had also been helpin' out some natives uf Nort'rend, dem Tuskarr. Dem nice peepul, like ta fish lotz, agh me mebbe tink dat sum uf dem hab finally made da wurld uf spirits makle sum sense t' me, in ways our shaman never have. Deze Tuskarr iz simple peepul dat me like a lot. Me found out dat ash settlement uf ders had dun been destroyed. By Malygos majickers. Him nub have de right idea after all. Him wuz tryin' t' stop ot'her majickers but in de process him wuz fallin' mur fully into der excesses dan even dem nurmally did. So dragun ur nub, me wuz right all along, him da biggest majicker der be agh da ultimate target fer mah blades. It took ash long while, longer dan even me expected wit' him bein' ash Aspect, but me finally got sum uf da Clan t' aid me, leave off what dem wuz doin' wit' de Argent Crüe ur Ashen Blade ur whatever dem takin' t' callin' demselves, ash we clomped dat majicker gud. Me hab been sumwhat at loose ends since den. Me hab dun quite ash bit uf travelin' on da Clan's behalf, gat'ering lore fer da Clan archives. Since me supposed ta keep de records uf Clan deeds in de field as eldur, me t'ought dat wuld be appropriate. Me spent quite a lot uf effort solidifyin' da Clan's alliances fer our efforts in Nort'rend, even leadin' sum mishuns t' de Timbermaw agh Mag'ari. Me been tryin' ta impress da Bronze Flight, so me followed de footsteps uf Polveru, de Scarab Lord, t' write sum scrolls on hims epic effort ta put da Scepter uf de Shifting Sands toget'er agh open up Ahn'Qiraj. Like de rest uf de Clan, me took part in de Argent's competishun t' bring toget'er agh test our champions, agh so me accompanied Clan forces when de Lich King wuz acshully destroyed. Dat Tirion had ash better plan den me t'ought, even t'ough him almost ruined t'ings by nub callin on hims strength agh breakin' out uf dat block uf ice until de Lich King used dat runeblade t'. . . nub, me can nub blah uf dat. De memory still makes me scream. Agh me need ta blah wit lat agh de Chief about sumtin' dat happen after, but it be really important ta blah privately, it nub sumtin' t' share wit every ash dat have ears. My point been, me been out 'ere ash long time. It been dub yeers since me dun mur den pass t'rough 'orde lands. Da skirmishin' wit Alliance knights agh scouts nub count, dat wuz still fightin' agh never mur den transitory. Me want to come home. Me heerd dat Vol'jin finally reclaimed de Isles, agh dat be gud, but dem haz nub been home since Zalazane took mah parents. Me gunna come back t' T'under Bluff agh rest. Ot'er Clan be comin' back too, so lat might want t' keep mur supplies at de Hold in Un'goro. Scryll, 'orde Scout agh Clan Eldur uf Glory. P.S. What dis me heer about elementals?
  22. Look, we shoot feral druids at you. You're going to whine about that? Seriously?
  23. That's very disturbing. I assume he's a core-hound skin?
  24. Oh I like this. I like it a lot.
  25. I was going to ask if we were allowed to ignore Kadiana if we didn't generally raid with her, when answering the question.
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