Ho ho ho! Merry Winter Veil. Me hope lat all enjoyed da gifts Greatfather Winter found fer lat last yeer. Dis yeer we be going ta have ash tradishunal Clan gathering, wit' presents, snowballs, agh mur. Me hab set mah honor guards ta decorating ash suitable locashun.
Where: Un'goro Crater, J.D.'s cave in Marshal's Refuge When: Sunday December 27th, 8pm server time. Who: All in the Clan, and invited friends.
1. Snowball fight: As we do every Winterveil, since we can't help but attack each other mercilessly, we will be opening with a string of mericless snowball fights, including at least one semi-organized team slaughter!
2. Secret Santa: The traditional gift exchange, but with a twist. Rather than assignments, this time we're going to try what is known as a Yankee Swap, or Chinese Auction. Gifts are pooled, we select from them in order, and rather than take a gift from the pool, you can take an opened gift from someone else, and have them get a new one from the pool. No gift can be yanked more than three times. This should be more fun and interactive, not to mention less of a strain on poor Greatfather Winter's postage budget.
3. Robot Rallies: Every year, Greatfather Winter gives us some new destructible toy. So we're going to let them duke it out in some mass battles. Prizes will be rewarded for the last robots left standing.
If you wish to participate in the gift exchange or the robot rallies, please contact me by PM, in-game mail, or whisper. Preferably the first two since my record-keeping gets way better with electronic copies I can't lose. If you want someone outside the guild invited, I can add them to the calendar item manually if desired.