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Guild Leader
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Everything posted by Scryll

  1. So renew your subscription, lazybones.
  2. Da Clan has a long agh gloried history in assaulting da biggest agh most dangerus tings in Azeroth. Dis history starts wit Ragnaros da Firelord, in da Molten Core. Da Clan went in, wit our allies frum da Ani Ayastigi agh other organizashuns, and fought thrugh all of Ragnaros' lieutenants agh minions, under da direcshun uf Maube, "da Frost Queen." But we wuld all hab been cooked alive by Ragnaros' flames, bbqed to ash tasteless crisp like da urks warped ideas uf how ta prepare meat, if nub fer da heroic effurts uf ash couple of Crushers, befur our assault. Dah spirits remembah. Ghules, Gordantell, agh Relikk went many days in sum uf da most forsaken lands uf Azeorth: Da plaguelands, Azshara, Felwood, eben Silithus, gathering up speshul herbs dat grew in only remote corners agh dangerus lands, camping wit'out fire agh in constant fear uf der lives frum da terrible creatures arund dem. Me gruk dat Ghules eben braved da demons inhabiting Darkwhisper Gorge, where him wuld hab been clomped if nub fer hims quick tinking in encasing ash Hederine Slayer in ice and "blinking" away, ta recover sum rare silversage. Dem did dis so da alchemists in da Clan, in der lab in Volnazra's Towur, could concoct ash speshul poshun ta protect us from heat agh fire, poshuns uf such potency dat dem wuld eben hold against da fury uf Ragnaros. . . fer ash liddle while. Da first great assault by da Clan in da New Horde, an attack by fuur-tehns peepul wit da most wicked weapuns agh powerful armurs we culd devise, backed by ranks uf magickers agh mighty shaman, wuld hab failed utterly if nub fer da prior efforts uf deze tree peepul. Ghules. Gordantell. Agh Relikk. Da spirits remembah.
  3. Have to say, I was not expecting this. I didn't think they'd let it loose until October.
  4. Yep, that's the complete list. Unfortunate for us that such things automatically get routed to our absent GM. That's what I'd hoped to avert in my petition.
  5. Does that include the items that were taken from the guild bank? The GM rejected the petition I made, apparently it has to come from you.
  6. More funny from the General Forum. That Blast came from Icecrown Citadel Most of them are predictable, but I think some are quite apt. I particularly liked
  7. Just saw your messsage. I logged on, demoted you to peon to make sure your account couldn't be used to do anything it hadn't already, and checked the guild bank. I'm afraid items were taken, though it doesn't look too bad, the withdrawal restrictions limit damage. I'll start a petition and hope the GMs will agree to retrieve the items. Fast action on Blizzard's part already, I must say. I can only assume your account was used with some active cheating, probably the currently popular underground mining hacks.
  8. Scryll


    What do you mean "get"? You're always weird and stuff. Happy Birthday, Smed.
  9. :blinks: Ian McKellan, John Rhys-Davies, Sean Bean, Elijah Woods, Sean Astin, Liv Tyler. . . I would actually say most of the major characters were playing by people who'd already made a decent name for themselves, though perhaps only a couple were household words as actors.
  10. I just read one guy's idea for how the Cataclysm introductory cinematic should go, and it's surprisingly good. A few too many scene changes, and one section of speech drags on way too long, but still, excellent imagery and most of the monologue is great.
  11. Needs moar glow. The OP is right. Healing is about beautiful sparkles. That's why we all rolled them.
  12. Scryll

    Patch 3.2

    My to-do list is to have Jhend buy a couple of the new JC cuts *he only has tokens for two or three* which will definitely include the Runed cut, the only high-demand cut he still doesn't have for the rare gems *shakes his fist at the KT dailies* Then Scryll will learn his new transmute recipes, including the quest for the Cardinal Ruby. He will either go to Un'goro after and start working with the Ravasaur trainer or just continue working on Loremaster.
  13. Kytae! Zomg, how are you?
  14. Great, now I'm going to have to work. How can you be so inconsiderate, Maube? Slavedriver.
  15. A tale told while toiling with camp chores, near Valentines Day. ----------------------------- Uglutz walks into camp, waves. "Ug der" Kalea drops a love rocket down Uglutz’ armor Xiris : "Kalea, dat be naughty" Kalea looks a teensy bit guilty Jhend: "What, she is helping him. He lost his own love rocket years ago" Kieranna snickers Kalea: "How do you know Jhend?" Xiris (eyes wide) "Yes, do tell how duz lat know dat?" Jhend: "Me work for Scryll agh him Clan Loremaster, right?" Kalea looks skeptical Kailand: "Wut be da lore behind dat one?" (breaks out some snacks) Jhend: "It wuz when him wuz chasin’ after Rhoach one time." Nandoe: "Scryll gruk stuff he shuldn’t." Xiris: "He’s a nosy busybody den!" Kailand: "Uglutz. . . agh Rhoach! Wut lat wuld ov grok dat!" Jhend: "Rhoach had been wandering arund da dorf diggings at Uldaman, picking tings pockets." Kailand nods in anticipation. "And den?" Jhend: "Uf curse, him always be stickin hims nose sumash him shuldn’t agh dey noticed him agh captured him. Back den Uglutz wuz always da Cheef’s furst pick fer getting’ peepul out uf truble. Me tink himz wuz trying ta keep da camp smelling, if nub rosy, at leest less nub like ash sewer. Agh Uglutz wuz ash mighty clomper in da Clan anyway. Former cheef, in touch wit da spirits like da Warchief, agh wit ash strong right arm." Uglutz grins. Kailand: "Da chief be always wise." Jhend: "Uglutz wuz known fer making ash racket back den too. Culd nub figure out doors, wuz always breaking dem. Me tink Kalea remembah dat periud. It be da same time as da great Stinkweed fluwur debate." Kailand peers toward Kalea for confirmation Kalea shrugs. "Jhend is usually right." Jhend: "Anyways, himz go right up ta dat dorf fortress near Uldaman. Dat be da natural place fer dem ta keep Rhoach locked up. Me nub gruk what da dorfs call it, me hab neber been dere. Scryll has, but him wuz drunk on junglevine wine when him blah dis story at me." Nandoe: "More story, less blah" Jhend: "Uglutz charges right through dat front door dey hab dere agh starts ransacking da fortress." Kailand nods at Jhend and laughs. "Dat duz sound like Uggy." Jhend: "But becuz him nub sneaky, dey hab time ta get ready fer him. Dey got peepul in ash uf doze steem tanks dat be in da middle uf da fortress. Dem let fly at Uggy when himz comes into da servicing bay." Uglutz: "Har" Kailand gasps Jhend: ""Him be ash old agh powerful magicker but him wuz nub reddy fer dat. Him nub eben hab time ta call on da urth spirits ta gib him skin uf stone." Kailand: "Did nub lats stink be wurkin its own magick?" Jhend: "Da ting dey shot at him be sum boom dat goblins ur gnomes made. Prubably goblins. It split into many small pieces. Ash uf doze pieces… went sumwhere nub nice." Kailand gasps and crosses his legs . "Nub dere." Uglutz nodded Jhend: "Uf curse, Rhoach wuz nub eben dere anymur. Unlike Uggy, him WUZ ash sneeker agh him had alreddy escaped. Uglutz wuz pretty mad when him finally found dat olog." Nandoe: "Dat sum story Jhend. Tanks."
  16. Yeah, I'm not happy that you'll have to play in the hellish 10-19 bracket to avoid mounts.
  17. I actually like all of those new Nelf cat form graphics. Most of the tauren ones are pretty good too. The cat forms are pretty much all superior to the bear forms, for both groups. I'm going to have to change Greenspring's skin-color though, which makes me sad. He looked good with his pure-black light fur. Unfortunately while it gets the black cat model with the red facial markings, which looks great, it also gets the very clashing bear with the yellow paint. Not at all attractive.
  18. The guild meeting we're holding on Sunday *check your calendar* will also have a fishing contest, out of Stonebull Lake. Prizes will be awarded for bringing in the most Smallfish, and the most Red Snappah er... Longjaw Mud Snapper. After we fish, we'll fry 'em up and feast. So bring your fishing rods and your picnic baskets. If you happen to have a more exotic fish you'd like cooked into something tasty, I'm sure one of the chefs will be able to help you. While you are expected to BYOB, like most gatherings, I will see if I can't manage to provide some of the more unusual brews. I can promise you I will not be collecting any Gordok Green Grog though, you can never get the smell of that stuff out.
  19. I'm going to miss the raid tomorrow. My friend has finally returned from Korea, and we're getting together.
  20. Then you are a shame to your parents.
  21. Scryll

    Patch Day

    They made fishing changes! What is the new fishing pole from Pagle like? I assume the mount is a turtle, can anyone confirm? What fish are available in Wintergrasp now?
  22. They're new accounts.
  23. Got one also. Seems like it's happening on a certain basis. Isn't there a way to make board sign-ups by referral-only or something so we can avoid this kind of thing? I don't think so, but I think sign-ups can be disabled for a while.
  24. Ug der Grimgor. It's more that the forums are fairly quiet these days. Most don't pop in every day anymore.
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