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Hope y'all don't mind me popping in again. Was wondering if a few of the Ani could drop by. Don't know if we'll have any stories, but there's a few of us trying to rekindle the roleplaying feel from earlier, so I'll prolly be telling people about it, and hopefully get them to swing by (don't necessarily wanna tie up your slots from outside your guild, but we'll prolly try to stop by).
Hope you don't mind, I saw your post. I used to live in Vermont, just outside Burlington. The Flynn Theatre (http://www.flynncenter.org/) is a nice place to visit, if they got a show going. They have some really nice performances. Some world renowned groups. Church Street is a fun place, performers on the streets and it's a nice little shopping area. It's a bit more lively in the summer unfortunately. If you're looking for restaurants, there's a few nice places, that my family and myself enjoyed: http://www.smokejacks.com/ Went here for my brothers graduation...many many many different types of cheese... http://sweetwatersvt.com/ - Trendy lil place...outdoor seating, so might not be the best for winter trips, heh. http://www.windjammerrestaurant.com/ - Two levels, top one is a pub, bottom more of a formal dining, not dressy, but not a pub type either. Vera nice atmosphere, check out the ceiling fans, they're run by one generator and attached to each other so they each spin the rest. Oh! And the bestest restaurant in vermont, Cody's Irish pub and Grille. 5 minutes down the road from my school, used to go there with my friends for our lunch break. 4 Carmichael Street (Essex), 20 minutes from Burlington. Unfortunately she'll prolly know these places already, and I lived outside of Burlington, not in the city, so I might be missing some things. Of course, there's also some really nice skiing, and some horse drawn sleigh rides. I've never personally been on them, but might be worthwhile to check out. Also, one thing she might not have done is the corn maze...2 miles trek through a maze of tall corn, http://www.vermontcornmaze.com/ It's closed until August, but you know if you ever go back during the season, might wanna check it out. Here's a nice listing of places can check out: http://www.3stallioninn.com/thingstodo.htm
Ouch, my pride. Come now, I'm like Cheers...everyone knows my name. But I believe I sense an underlying thread of philosphy in your reply. So, I'll answer your question with a question. Do any of us really know who anyone else truly is? Well, with a resounding yes, I can say I know. My spy network is more efficient than ever before, and I know of every thing you do...every single thing... And frankly, Harne, I hafta say I'm a little shocked with you. I mean, I've seen a lot, but what happened with that pot roast...that's just too much.
Yeah, I've been returned for about a month and a half, but I haven't been suitably bored enough to actually warrant searching through the archives and digging this thread back up to cause even more headache Besides, I told you i'm returning not like a shadow in the night. So, comparing me to said shadow is silly
Bwahahahahaha, and like a shadow in the night I return! Although I suppose since I've announced it, it's not really that sneaky...also a shadow doesn't make much noise, so I suppose that analogy isn't quite accurate really. However, this one time I do remember when a shadow knocked over my lamp, and started a fire. I told the fire department that it wasn't me, it was the shadow, but they're like all the rest of those fools that don't know how evil shadows are. I tell you they're out to get me too. I wouldn't be surprised if they and the shadows were allied. So on second thought, I don't think I want to return like a shadow in the night. Truth be told as well, I'm not sure a shadow really returns. SO if the light goes out and the shadow disappears into darkness, or a light is turned on and the shadow disappears, when it's sposed to have 'returned' is it really that same shadow or is it a different one? I think that calls for a scientific study on the identities of shadows. We'll get to the bottom of this, you mark my words. So anyway, I'm returning not like a shadow in the night! I'll leave y'all to figure out exactly how I'm returning, just so long as it doesn't involve shadows, I'll be happy. Although, I suppose if it involves shadows only indirectly, or perhaps some sort of anti-shadow I'll also be happy (in the case of indirectly shadows, I'll prolly just be only slightly cheery, so be warned!) Oh, and Gorrinmod 2.3 is up and available for download.
Oh, you don't have to worry about that Maube, I'm not going to the airlines. I'm going into Law Enforcement. So just remember as you lay down to sleep, that your safety rests in my hands.
Well, I quit WoW, for good this time, so figured I'd go out with a bang. As many of you know, I have constantly tried to get the skullcrushers to be awesomer, and so I introduce, for the first time ever, the downloadable Gorrinmod! (abuse Odenn with whispers if you wish to know more). Now you too can know just a little bit of my freaking awesomeness. Of course, I also have to maintain my reputation as a bastich, and so you'll find that there is no link to the mod, and so you'll spend many fruitless nights searching for the secrets of my freaking awesomeness. And on another note, many of you know me only by my voice, but I have a special treat for you. Here is Gorrin's pic. Center, top row. So, ta-ta Skullcrushers, I'll miss ya all...except for you Maube!
Oh, don't be so shocked. It's like one of those really deep thoughts that you think, but don't know you're thinking until one day when you're eating left over lasagna because there's absolutely nothing even semi edible left in the house that you think to yourself "Whoa! Maube has gone a few weeks without harassment!" And the rest is, well as they say, history. Oh, and in keeping with the original intent of the thread, you know how I do hate such thread stealers *glares at Gorrin (I hate that guy!* even though I've never been to Karazhan, I'm going to have to tell y'all that it is indeed just peachy fine to master loot inside. Nothing bad can possibly happen, and there's only joy to be had. Would I lie? Well, you won't know if I am lying until you try it!..ok, yeah, I'm lying, but still come on, I double dog dare you, now you have to.
I feel I must affirm that Maube's Forum Trolling is in no way associated with Gorrin's Forum Trolling, this is a blatant attempt to capitulize on the freaking awesomeness of Gorrin and to access Gorrinmod restricted abilities. My people shall be in contact soon.
Yes Druids you can tank..oh right, did we forget to mention that like us you will now be tanking the nerf bat too?
With You, Linkin Park
Nope, but there is in the Netherlands Get it? Nether...lands...ahahahaha, damn I'm good... But, yeah, they legalized it in 2001, so it's not breaking news. But the New Jersey one, I heard was Civil Unions, not marriage. Not a big difference...until you try to leave the state, then you discover that a lot of other states have put limits on the civil unions that you don't find in marriages, for the sole purpose of going against the states that made it legal.
Heh heh, funny you should ask that, well, I'll give you a hint, it's the butt of the world... Man, I just keep surprising myself with my wit!
It's just for you, didn't want you signing up to easily...the rest of SKullcrusher invited with no tribulations
Well, I'm becoming more active once again, so I figured I'd post here. I am attuned, cloak as well