Hope you don't mind, I saw your post. I used to live in Vermont, just outside Burlington. The Flynn Theatre (http://www.flynncenter.org/) is a nice place to visit, if they got a show going. They have some really nice performances. Some world renowned groups. Church Street is a fun place, performers on the streets and it's a nice little shopping area. It's a bit more lively in the summer unfortunately.
If you're looking for restaurants, there's a few nice places, that my family and myself enjoyed:
http://www.smokejacks.com/ Went here for my brothers graduation...many many many different types of cheese...
http://sweetwatersvt.com/ - Trendy lil place...outdoor seating, so might not be the best for winter trips, heh.
http://www.windjammerrestaurant.com/ - Two levels, top one is a pub, bottom more of a formal dining, not dressy, but not a pub type either. Vera nice atmosphere, check out the ceiling fans, they're run by one generator and attached to each other so they each spin the rest.
Oh! And the bestest restaurant in vermont, Cody's Irish pub and Grille. 5 minutes down the road from my school, used to go there with my friends for our lunch break. 4 Carmichael Street (Essex), 20 minutes from Burlington.
Unfortunately she'll prolly know these places already, and I lived outside of Burlington, not in the city, so I might be missing some things. Of course, there's also some really nice skiing, and some horse drawn sleigh rides. I've never personally been on them, but might be worthwhile to check out.
Also, one thing she might not have done is the corn maze...2 miles trek through a maze of tall corn, http://www.vermontcornmaze.com/ It's closed until August, but you know if you ever go back during the season, might wanna check it out.
Here's a nice listing of places can check out: http://www.3stallioninn.com/thingstodo.htm