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About Wolf

  • Birthday 05/15/1974

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  • Interests
    Online gaming, Graphic design
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    Grawuulf - Skullcrusher Orc ClanWolf - PGoH -Ultima Online
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  1. This is definitely the case now. I went and gave it a shot solo as well. The regular mobs i.e. skeletons and spiders are no issue, but the ghosts just wipe you out. I did get some progress when I lured skeletons into a ghosts room then died. When I came back in the skeleton fought the ghost and killed it for me. But that is not a regular method. I think they'll be tweaked. I saw on the forums that some had success using death ray on ghosts or something. I'm assuming magical ability but at this point I can't complete the Ravensmoor quest
  2. With the character wipe. New character name is Wolf Seeker
  3. I will check this out. I have no idea how much I'd be able to play so if it comes down to a lottery for keys, choose someone that would know they could commit over me. Otherwise I'd be in
  4. Wolf


    Too funny. I still like my drink in case anyone was concerned
  5. Wolf


    Howdy folks. Just dropping by to say Hey. Looks like a vast majority of you are still giving it. Nice to see. I like to troll now and again to see who's up to what. Who knows. Maybe one day I'll turn the gaming engines back on, but animation has taken over as my primary hobby for the last couple of years. Fun stuff. Anyways. Nice to pop in and see so many of you still about. Cheers
  6. Crazy Americans having Thanksgiving so late in the year!. Enjoy your Turkey day everyone
  7. Yeah, but nobody asked you.... I'd be up for pretty much anywhere. Being from Toronto (That's in Canada for those that aren't familiar with geography outside their county ...I kid because I love) Travel anywhere in the States is a road trip. You could throw Niagara Falls into the mix there too as it has Casino's, siteseeing, golf, funhouses, strip joints (errr.. um...I mean The Ballet), wax museums, wine country. etc...
  8. An Urgent memo for Baracko, delivered to me. Please click to view URGENT MESSAGE FOR BARACKO
  9. A little tidbit on the Iclone developers blog news site from the Skullcrusher trailer we made. http://www.animizemedia.com/wordpress/?cat=2
  10. Or maybe I can make more incorporating me stabbing you?
  11. Today is the official Worldwide Release of the Clan Skullcrusher Theatrical Trailer. The video can be viewed here: Clan Skullcrusher Theatrical Trailer I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Cheerio
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