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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Personally, I think either or is appropriate as they both have their strengths. On one hand in Fel, it can offer a somewhat unique experience by using live targets for a tournament of this sort. Some perceived negatives would be the potential exposure to thieves and or murderers, which could also be a nice feature with having a "police" squad to protect the tournament goers. With archery targets you can obviously eliminate that concern as use in tramm or guardzones in fel would limit the exposure to such activity. Ultimately, I would look at it from a view of where would you get the most participation as, that's really what you're looking for here.
  2. You are most like Gimli. Most people think you're pretty rough, but you're actually rather sophisticated. Unlike others, you don't need everything to be perfect. You're flexible. When problems come your way, you face them head-on and get whatever help you need. You also stick to your morals very closely, and you are unlikely to compromise. You are very loyal to your friends, but don't be so controlling!
  3. A move to update the site to be a little more pleasing graphically has been finished. The main intro page has been re-designed as well as the games index page has been instituted
  4. Nice Work Bal, I know how long you worked on those scripts
  5. Wolf


    **ARMOR and the Codex**** Howdy folks. Just to re-iterate from days gone by. The armor listed on the attire section is for ceremonial purposes. i.e a trade day event, picture day etc.... If you desire to wear that particular style all the time, by all means feel free to do so but again it is mandatory for ceremonial events. The clothing articles listed in the attire section are the required uniform components, i.e the Sash and half apron kilt etc... We all know that different armor is required depending on your skills and what you are off to do battle with, but we would appreciate the adherence to the clothing component of the attire. It's not so hard to get a newbie kilt, half apron and cloak (for you knights out there) that allows you to be recognized for who you are. T'is a small thing to ask in service of the Empire no? Hope that helps clarify. And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
  6. Bring it. Although Wolf is old and senile. Guartanteed he can shoot a better arrow then you young pups.
  7. I'm pretty sure I have a bunch of berries somewhere. I'll check my chests and provide whatever I have.
  8. I'd support this venture whole heartedly
  9. I was never a rare hunter, but I have several bags of fished up items that never come out of my box i.e paintings, pillows, bones, shells etc... They're all yours if you want them
  10. Hooligans. I'm surrounded by hooligans I tell ya!!!
  11. Anyone have a thread that I can read up on phase III housing changes?
  12. Wolf

    UOAM Tracking

    I encourage everyone to utilize the UOAM feature when out adventuring. It's a nice tool to have to see your fellow guildmates out and about, particularly useful for "rescues" and communication. The server has been working very well. Thanks Kurt!
  13. I gave up my seat as Senator so long ago. Council couldn't stand the non bathing wrapped in armor stink
  14. Please view the following page prior to Bal and I making the change as I'd like group feedback with regards to the page design T.H.E Main Splash Page Proposed
  15. Hey Martok - She's in training to be a mage killer ::
  16. It is a benefit of one of the virtues. Once you attain a level on the path of Justice. (This is accomplished by defeating a murderer "red" player). Full details can be found here. Justice Virtue
  17. Wolf

    GM Bowyer

    I believe there are a couple gm bowyers about. If I'm not mistaken, Lora's kin is a gm bowyer.
  18. My favorite time of the year. Just wanted to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.
  19. Wolf


    Actually. I think I have parts to make a few.
  20. While I will not be able to attend the Legionnaire induction and although I am aged and hold no "official" military title any longer :: I would offer my services for taking on a squire should their be a need for it. Perhaps you can teach an old dog new tricks after all
  21. Sounds like fun was had by all. Maybe next time the GODS (cursed employers make me be working on my own time)
  22. Wolf

    The Sword

    The cold winds blew through the mountain pass as Lady Lora and Lord Logan made their way along the treacherous ground. Their fire steeds, disliking the cold temperatures of ice island, snorted and pawed at the frozen earth. "We have gathered the needed supplies the Lady Ulanic requires" Logan states. Nodding, Lora pats the pouch strapped to the side of her mount, "Aye, it will allow for the necessary enchanment on the ancient blade." The pair retrieve their belongings from camp and with an uttered spell transport themselves to the mainland. The shop of the Lady Ulanie is a non-descript stucco building. Her forge pumps black smoke through the chimney in back. Dismounting, Lora and Logan make their way to the rear of the building. There the Lady Ulanie works feverishly over the heated coals of her forge. Pausing, she looks up. "Did you obtain it all?" she asks. Nodding, Lora places the pouch upon the side table. Lady Ulanie wipes her hands on the front of her apron. "I will do what you ask of me, for it is a means by which I can repay the kindness you showed me. But know that this weapon will hold powerful magic. The one for which it is made will be tempted with its power." Lora and Logan exchange a glance. "Fear not m'Lady. The weapon will be used as it was destined to be used. It will taste only the blood of those that would bring harm to the innocents of this land." "Very well then" Ulanie states, "I need time to prepare, return with the setting sun a fortnight from now." The pair nod and return to their steeds. As they depart, Logan calls out over his shoulder. "You do us honor m'Lady, for we know what it will take to empower such a weapon." Ulanie nods up at the pair and softly shuts the door to her forge.... .....The sun falls low on the horizon as Lora and Logan dismount. The Lady Ulanie, sits upon her porch, gazing out at the setting sun. "It is done" she states. "I am very tired, but it is done. The weapon will serve its master well, for it has taken all of my skill and the ancient ritual." "Where is it?" Logan asks. Ulanie reaches down and slides a polished wooden case from beneath the table. She places the box in front of them. Gently, Logan reaches out and opens the box. He hears Lora's intake of breath as they look upon the weapon. The light from the setting sun dances upon the the ancient blade. The sword radiates a bluish glow as if from its own inner fire. The runes of power etched along its blade dance before them. "Magnificent" Logan manages to say. "Aye, T'is some of my finest work" Ulanie states. "As is the way with the ancient magic, a sword of its kind is imbibed with its own name." "Oh?" asked Lora "And what is it called?" "That is yet to be determined. It is the las piece of the ritual. The blade will take its name from its wielder and will be etched in runes upon its blade for all time, thus completing the bond between warrior and weapon. T'is why I council caution in its delivery, for the destiny of the sword and its wielder will be forever linked" Nodding, Logan closes the lid and gathers up the box. "We will not tarry, for we will see it into the hands of its rightful owner." Lora, leading the fire steeds summons a portal to the fields outside of Olympus. The two step through, stable their mounts and make their way inside the castle to hall of Honor. "I have sent him a summons" Lora states. With a nod, Logan places the box down at the foor of the Ankh that graces the hall. The two don't wait long as the main doors swing open and Wolf enters the room. Smiling, he clasps arms with the pair. "What are ye about, all smiles and secrecy?" he asks the pair. Lora and Logan exchange a glance and a grin. "We have brought you something." Lora says. "A gift of thanks." "Bah!, I require no gifts, but the gift of your friendship." replies the old warrior. Chuckling, Logan gathers up the box. "Aye, but you cannot refuse this one, for it has been crafted for your hand alone." Wolf looks at the tow. Lora nods to the box. "Well, so be it then." Wolf says as he opens the box. The old warrior gasps as he sees the magnificent weapon before him. With a reverent hand he reaches forth and draws out the blade. As his hand closes over the carved grip, a shimmer runs up the blade. A silver line winds its way across the surface, leaving in its wake runes that were previously not there. After a momoent, Wolf turns to the pair. "A most wonderous gift" is all he can say. Lora, grinning pats the old warrior "We know you will use it wisely. The Lady Ulanie, who crafted the enchantmenthad told us the last piece of the ritual would take place between you and the sword alone." Pointing at the new runes upon the blade. "A name that binds weapon to wielder. Irrevocable, Unchangeable. What has been inscribed?" The old warrior looks down at the blade of the katana. He nods and smiling looks back to his companions. "It is called Sentinel" **ooc - Thank you to the 2 of you for this extremely generous gift**
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