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Everything posted by Martok

  1. Download the new netherdrake video HERE
  2. When he talked to me about it it was only on that one character.
  3. Meh, my power went out as we were getting ready to hit the first boss. Anyhow, don't sweat it
  4. Part One Waves of flame billowed out of the caverns deep within the molten core, forewarning all to a hot demise. The band of Crushers wiped the sweat from their brow, and continued on past the first set of newly dispatched molten giants. Scryll, as usual, was having the roughest time and needed extra attention by the healers. Chieftan Maube continued to bellow out orders to the clan as they rounded the next cavern opening. Poor Alhazad was forced to engage another Molten Destroyer. Priests and Druids of the clan went into action, ensuring he would not fall before the might of the giant. Shaman of the clan continued to circle their clansmen, calling upon the element of water to shield them from the fire their foes continued to unleash upon them. The air was full of blasts of magical energies flowing towards the destroyer. Alhazad and Greenbull continued to enrage the destroyer, keeping its attention while the spellcasters assaulted their foe until dead. The excursion into the core had thus far been a sucess! The firelords and elementals of rock had offered only a meager resistance. But certainly their next target would prove a greater challenge! Lucifron was in their sight! Maube screached orders in regards to the packs of core hounds standing between Lucifron and the crushers. Grawuulf, with the strange look most retarded children give their parents when given a command, nodded his head and drew his daggers. Upon the charge of Greenbull, the spellcasters engulfed the area in blasts of fire, frost, and arcane energies. Crumpling to the ground, the dogs had left their path to Lucifron open. Lucifron was no fool, and had sensed their presence. The Crushers did not wait, and immediately engaged him. Sending his lacky's in first, Lucifron's firewalker guards were immediately shot with arrows and bullets from the hunter's. Greenbull surged forward, taunting Lucifron by assaulting his lineage, and then by blowing him a kiss. Far to the rear of the cavern, the lacky Firewalkers were swiftly being dispatched. Grawuulf, with one eye strangely looking up towards the cavern ceiling and the other towards the floor, delivered the final blow. Showing pitty upon his handicapped clansmate, Vrugz patted Grawuulf on the head as anyone would their dog. Only Lucifron remained. Suddenly, Greenbull turned from his assault on Lucifron, obviously mind controlled! He continued on his path toward the mages, sword held high ready to strike. No sooner than the mind-controlled Greenbull had reached them, they had blinked away. A strange shriek caught Greenbull's attention, turning towards the sound of this noise, Greenbull had no time to react before a crack on his head dropped him to the ground. Standing above the fallen warrior, was the grizzled Uglutz. "Get up panzie! Me purged lat!" Uglutz yelled through his grizzled teeth. Grumbling, Greenbull got to his feet and resumed his attack on Lucifron. Regaining Lucifron's attention, Greenbull shouted for the crushers to continue their onslaught. Warlocks worked in unison with their curses and bolts of shadow, slowly wearing down their opponent. Grawuulf, with his boggled eye affliction, continued to thrust his daggers into the air harmlessly nearly nicking the wall a couple of times. Gordantell's gun made one last blast, and Lucifron fell to their combined might! Shouts and growls of joy consumed the party as they danced over the fallen corpse of Lucifron. Uglutz wiped a few pieces of Scryll from the bottom of his boot. Perhaps the priests could put him back together before they moved on...
  5. After all that whoring of loot from me, you decide to leave us!?? Well, good luck in what you're doing. I hate to see you go, especially so suddenly.
  6. Ug collected some dreamfoil
  7. Huato is right! Read about it HERE
  8. Martok


    First thought is that it sucks Second thought is: Cool, both sides will be "more balanced" raid wise. Paladin aura's for us Totems for them I think it is a good decision.
  10. Martok

    Healing Enchant

    SKAH! tupid righteous orb!
  11. Check it out http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrus...etherdrake.html
  12. Vrugz wants power infusion and Moonkin *flex* RAWR *dead*
  13. Hmmm. that could be....
  14. SKAH! Your attendance is flawed! Vrugz is 3 attendance!
  15. Those of you who DO NOT sign up for a raid are not going to get an invite. Its plain and simple. If you're not even in the Q for it, chances are that you're not going to get in. If you show up a half an hour late, guess what, you're spot is going to be filled. It is rude to expect the raid to hold out and wait for you. Circumstances happen and if you let someone know (the raid leader) you'll get your spot saved. Other than that, suck it up.
  16. Yes, seperate thread please. I have copied and pasted the original post Maube had, pinned it to the top. Unpinning this one as its the discussion thread now. Ug not good at this stuff. Lets see if I can crash the forums.
  17. *IF you have any problems or Questions with my Policies - TALK TO ME - dont just complain about it behind my back* Alright folks. As always, events of this nature may cause some big Drama. However, I will do my best to make sure things are fair and try to keep everyone happy! At 7:00pm Invites will start. Please try to be in the mountain before 8:00 since the first pull will be at 8:00. BE BUFFED AND READY TO PULL AT 8:00! If you know you are going to be late... or stuck in the Queue and are signed up, park your butt outside the instance before hand, and message me in xfire. Xfire is a program that lets me know in game when you are sending me a message. maube is my handle. Poor Warlocks arent there just to summon lazy butts =) From here on in... if you wait until the last minute and expect a summon... it will be a 5 gold charge to the warlock who is wasting a shard which could be better used for Healthstones and Soulstones =p I could always work out some DKP points being awarded and taken away... but right now... expect to pay up if you are too lazy to get your arse to the mountain on time! Attendance: We have come to the point in which we have an overflow of people in the Queue. Therefore Maube will be using her discretion to move people in the Raid. Some popular classes will be unhappy with the want of Maube to rotate individuals in and out of the raid for experience and gear. When you are present in the raid - your performance will be evauluated to see if you really fit the raiding profile for this run. We are here to have fun - but wiping on Trash mobs multiple times in one night is not fun. Fridays are reserved for the regular raiders who may step out on Fridays since there are items on Ragnaros that they still desire. For people being rotated into the Raid - your likely hood of attending Fridays depends solely on yourFire Resist. Occasionally if there is a spot open - Maube will comment in Guildchat something she wants a Crusher to do to fill that spot - it is usually something silly. She is serious - and you should follow through if you want that spot =) Starting the 11th of October - Baracko will be chosing the Shaman roster due to a few complaints about Maube's rotating policy. Ranged: 150FR UNBUFFED Melee: 200FR UNBUFFED Warriors: 250FR UNBUFFED Main and Offtanks: 300+ Fire Resist will be called for at the beginning - if your unbuffed Fire Resist is not close to these numbers and you plan on attending Fridays - you will not be able to bid on anything but pieces WITH Fire Resist or Nexus Crystals for your +15 to Cloak enchant. Read the Fire Resist Bible for ideas where to go for your Fire Resist. We will be using Zero Sum DKP Zero Sum means that members gain DKP via how many DKP points are spent on the items that drop on a raid, divided by how many attended that raid. (Instead of the traditional, where a monster would have a certain DKP value assigned to it that all members would get after the monster was killed). DKP Tiers are used for determining loot. This system does not suffer from the "old members have insane amounts of DKP that will never be spent" syndrome (or at least, much less so than other systems). Tiers also allow new members to the guild to have the possibility to win loot instead of having to gain DKP over months and months and never be able to compete against those that have been around for a long time. This DKP system has evolved from a system built 3 years ago to simply keep track of who won what, to what it is today, a full featured system with pretty much any feature you could possibly want. Patterns will not be considered part of DKP. They are things that best benefit us without gimping out the people who want to save their DKP for class items and buffs to their own character. Those crafters who win these items will NOT charge for their services. They will be done at material cost no more. DKP price list: DKP Site link: http://www.clanskullcrusher.com/dkp/ 15 DKP for Nexus crystals 25 DKP for quest items 50 DKP for Tier One Set Pieces 100 DKP for Accessories(Epic) and weapons 125 DKP for Tier 2 In Game DKP Commands: Sending a whisper to Maube with the following will net you results !dkp = your current DKP total, this does NOT take into account any recent deductions in the current raid !bid = lets you bid for the item currently up for purchase !list = gives you the list of folks bidding for the item !help = gives you a menu of the ! commands DO NOT JOKE BID. I do get confuzzled =) People Who are first timers with the raid can only roll on tier armor pieces should their turn come up. Should something get Disenchanted... the Nexus Crystal will be up for purchase for 15DKP. If someone is one piece away from completeing their Set - as in they are currently 7/8 and their final piece drops - I will ask all others of that class to Pass to complete the Tier 1 set - The classes can pass or not pass at their discretion. If one person refuses to pass - then the item goes to the person with the highest DKP - If you are missing 2 pieces but have a piece of Tier 2 like the pants - getting your 7th piece does not count for the raid leader to ask the other bidders to pass - you get no set bonus for 7/8 Should someone come into the raid late and assist in taking down a Boss, they are eligible to spend their DKP on the boss's drops, however, if the DKP is close (up to 5 points) between someone who came in late and someone who already helped take down prior bosses, the player who was helping from the start will get priority. Thank you to Xaos for pointing out this. However, keep in mind that in most instances, DKP from drops during the raid are not factored in until AFTER THE RAID CONCLUDES. But once you purchase an item, you have that DKP deducted from your current account. For example. Player A has been to every raid, but has passed on the set items for his class because he already has them. Garr drops his helm, he wants it, so he gets it at top DKP. 50 dkp is subtracted from his total. He is still 50 points ahead of the next of his class. Geddon goes down and his next piece drops. he is still the highest of his class with DKP. Signups are posted on our Signup Page http://www.clanskullcrusher.com/raid/index.php People with the 6WK attendance get priority in moving from the Queue to the Raid proper however I reserve the right to use my judgement on class fiddling. If we are tackling something different, 7 of one class might be more useful then having 5 of each. Talk to me in whispers if you have any concerns. I dont play Favoritism, I play what is best for the raid =) On Quest Items: Quest items go to the Class member with the highest Lifetime DKP Mogbertha- Grats on the first Leaf! Odenn Goroton Zingo Gordantell Khanak Eye of Divinity - Molox Kalrash On Attendance: we need everyone to be on the ball and put in the effort and remember, this isnt just about one or two people, this is about 39 other people who depend on each other... so be courteous, if you need to bow out of the raid... please let someone know ASAP. Email, Private Message, Xfire, Post on the forums, in game letter, SOMETHING =) Also, on Cores and Leather These items will go into a 'Raid Bank' to gear out regulars in FR gear. So for instance, if we have three warriors who show up continuesly and prove to be strong tanks, they will get first dibs on Dark Iron plate that gets made. Same goes for the clothwearers. Maube has the patterns for a good many Flarecore items therefore those will be able to made as well as the guild has Leatherworkers who can make Leather and Mail with good FR. However, PLEASE TRY TO GET SOME FIRE resist on your own! Main Tank Core Gearing: Alhazad - Dark Iron Helm, Dark Iron Bracers, Dark Iron Leggings, Dark Iron Gauntlets, Fiery Chain Shoulders Relikk- Dark Iron Helm, Dark Iron Bracers, Dark Iron Leggings, Dark Iron Gauntlets, Fiery Chain Shoulders Lomar Dark Iron Helm, Dark Iron Bracers, Dark Iron Leggings, Dark Iron Gauntlets, Fiery Chain Shoulders Smedlock Dark Iron Helm, Dark Iron Bracers, Dark Iron Leggings, Fiery Chain Shoulders Zaknafeins Dark Iron Helm, Dark Iron Bracers, Dark Iron Leggings, Fiery Chain Shoulders Raid Gearing Disclaimer: These are items that are given from the raid supplies. in no way shape or form should ANY raid member decide to wait until the raid gears them with Fire Resist. we CANNOT put Rags on farm status if we do not have the Fire Resist to survive. Those who do not actively search for Fire Resist will be asked to remain in the Queue. Lava Belt: Scryll Roh Flarecore Shoulders: Maube, Verissi, Kalrash, Vrugz, Molox, Chemmy, Marrania, Jamath, Kytae Fiery Chain Shoulders: Gordantell, Mogbertha, Odenn Corehound Boots: Sianora Grawuulf Rhoach Dark Iron Helm: Gorrin Grimgor Black Dragonscale Boots:Thundertotem Goroton Nightfall - Raeda Raid Bank If you would like to spend your DKP on the BOEs in the Bank, contact Maube for more information Felheart Belt X4 Nightslayer Belt REPAIR YOUR GEAR: Do NOT come into the Core with anything below 90% Durability unless YOU have all the materials to make a repair bot. They are Expensive to make. If you are not a Main Tank or a Main Healer and you call for a repair bot on the first 3 bosses, you will have DKP deducted and given to the engineer that brings the Repair Bot. They are NOT cheap to make. Teamspeak is a usefull tool. We would like to keep idle chatter to a minimum, so if someone says something of import, please listen! We do want to have fun, but giving raid leaders a headache makes for a cranky raid leader Posted By Volonazra: A note on the use of Teamspeak.... Part of the benefit of TS is the enjoyment of the personal company of the people involved, but also it is a tool to make leading such things as MC much more efficient. When one part starts to prohibit the other, there will be problems. Too much party time leads to less advancement and too much overbearing efficiency leads to less enjoyment. Either extreme is not what anyone wants. Part of our guild culture is the light, easy going, fun atmosphere. Fun and games are welcome (if not manditory), but remember there are 39 other people to be considerate of as well. Nobody has the right to make our mates, and especially not our guests, uncomfortable. More importantly, the leaders must to be able to do their job without fighting over chatter nor repeating themselves. When its time to setup and take down a boss it is critical that the channel be clear. Know who is leading, listen for them, and give them the ability to manage the raid unhampered. See you all in the Core. CTraid is also a must have for this raid, be you healer, tank DPS, anything. PLease download and use it, even just for this raid. We cant afford chaos and confusion GET CTRAID We will post the DKP numbers weekly on the forums so you can take a peek at your standing. Patterns: Katakorintha: Core Marksman Rifle, Biznik's Accurascope, Flame Reflector Verissi: Biznicks Accurascope Greenbull: Elemental Sharpening stones Korgall: Elemental Sharpening Stones Gromit: Accurascope whatever whatever =p Kalrash: Spell Power Enchant Arzenic: Felcloth Shard Bag Raeda: Core Armor Kit Fomor: Healing +55 spell power +30 Scryll: Major Rejuvunation Potion Lomar: Core Marksman Rifle Blackburn: Core Marksman Rifle Maube: Spell Power +30 Keep in Mind everyone - this is MAUBE's raid - she ultimately decides who comes and who doesn't. The Molten Core Raid and Clan Skullcrusher are run seperately in different ways. They are NOT the same entity albeit they are run by the same individual. Please distinguish this.
  18. Now if wolf or balandar could update our banner on the CS site with that.... HINT HINT
  19. Correct Sir And why I gave up and respec'd Uglutz to resto. Nevah get the chance to clomp!
  20. Uglutz slammed his mug of grog down on the table in appreciation. Then noticing the wooden mug had split, and all the grog was now all over the table; he turned his attention to lapping it up with his tongue.
  21. Hope to see you back in game soon!
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