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Everything posted by Martok

  1. Martok

    Waves Hello

    Hey bud! I was just asking some of our members the other day what happened to you! Thought perhaps you were playing DAoC. Glad to see you stop by once in a while!
  2. Congrats Wolf! Never had any doubt that your design would win!
  3. Martok


    HAR! I just got my shadowbane beta acceptance! BAH! Should have let me in a year ago! *delete email* Thanks Ubisoft!
  4. Here is a bit of a contest. On the top right hand corner of the pgoh uo page, there is a small picture of five characters (that Wolf doctored a little bit). Can you name all five in order? Don't tell them Wolf! PGoH UO PAGE
  5. :: how jedi are you? ::
  6. Martok


    Back in the pre trammel days, how many Balron's did it take before you obtained a vanquish weapon?
  7. The afternoon turned into night as I sat by candle light reading some scrolls. A loud crash at the door took my attention from my studies. Upon entry into my foyer, I found my brother collapsed upon the floor! It appears he was one of the "light" casualties from this adventure. Much ginseng it took to heal him. Such a nasty mess that Sphynx must have been! *grin*
  8. Martok


    UPDATE- Rumor has it some of the most powerful weapons in the game will spawn on these Dark guardians.!
  9. Hrm. What forums are you speaking of? You need to know how to do it in html or markup?
  10. Here is the summary of the Council of Honor meeting that was held after yesterdays general guild meeting. Attendance Emperor Borg Head of State Greg Senator Logan Senator Rusty Magistrate Balandar Magistrate Martok I. Time and Date of next meeting Council meetings will be held either before or after the general guild meeting in Olympus (sundays. II. Filling of Council Seats a. Registrar b. Herald Magistrate Wolf was nominated to fill the Council Registrar position (pending acceptance of Wolf) Magistrate Martok has accepted the Council Herald position. III. Appointment: Senator of War by Emperor Borg Logan has been appointed as Senator of WAR. IV. Ratification: Codex Amendments The council accepted the Codex Amendments submited by Head of State Greg. The new Codex will be updated to reflect these changes. More news from State to be coming from Greg soon. V. Discussion: Malas Colony Name Novitus Sanctum was the only name that has been brought forth for consideration of our Malas Colony. The council motioned to "sit" on this name until the next meeting. Any other suggestions should be forwarded to Head of State Greg for consideration at the next Council meeting. Other Council Business Ballyn was named as Decurion by Senator Logan. Lora DeBlood was appointed Senator of Genesis by Emperor Borg. Senator Lora and Senator Logan will be working on streamlining our uniform. This will allow for easier identification of our guildmates.
  11. Coldren in ANOTHER beta? My god! You have ALL the luck!
  12. Kodoz's Doom Romp. See the topic in Catskills Anouncments. (didn't see a time listed)
  13. Just a few things I wanted to mention about Doom: ***The Bell Of Dead*** You will not be able to summon Chyloth, the Ferry Man if the skeletal dragon that guards the bell is in the dungeon. The dragon will only be in the dungeon if someone has previously summoned Chyloth and did not greet him with the proper payment in a short amount of time. If, however, Chyloth is summoned successfully and payment has been accepted, he will transport the player and everyone in her party to the other side of Lake Mortis. You should do what you can to assemble a full party – better yet – multiple parties to cross the lake with you. The gauntlet cannot be completed by a small group in a reasonable amount of time. ***Gauntlet Loot*** There have been some words on the amount of loot that spawns on the gauntlet champions. The reason for the seemingly smaller quantity of items, is that the gauntlet champions are one of the only monsters in the game that have a chance of dropping an item with 100% item property intensity (in other words, you can only feasibly get the really, really, really high-end magic loot on gauntlet champions). There is one other thing to be mentioned about the loot. The gauntlet champs have a chance of dropping one of many very special items (the vast majority of which have never been spawned). These items defy many of the rules of conventional magic items. Fortune smiles on her who would find one of these items. ***Miscellaneous Tidbits*** - While in the gauntlet, you may die. Actually, you will quite probably die a lot. - It’s best to have a small group of people dedicated to combat support, i.e. healing, restoring the bodies of the dead, restocking combat supplies etc. - Once inside one of the gauntlet chambers, there is no escape for the living. Only the dead may pass through the doors stained with blood. - The most economical choice for the dead is to have a fellow adventurer resurrect them. Those fighting without the benefit of a helping hand, can find healing in one of the chambers of the second level (for a nominal fee, of course, since evil healers have to eat too, you know). - Those in need of supplies may be able to find Nix, the Variety Dealer – located on level 2, just through the… well – I’ll let you find him. I’ve said too much already
  14. I have only seen a few of the hanging armour yet. But I will keep an aye out.
  15. Any way to get rid of a champ title? As much as I like to be known for stepping on spiders and flushing them down toilets, I would much rather have one of my other titles up. Anyone know about this?
  16. Interested in a large tower in trammel perhaps in trade?
  17. OOOOOO WOLF! WOW I like that design!!! WE MUST get three more of those homes in the oute ridges of pgoh city!!! edit: bal has 2 homes in pgoh city! *screams* MUST FIND SOMEONE TO TRADE ME! gah
  18. Martok

    About 8x8

    The 8x8 is legal as long as it is done without the use of 3rd party unapproved programs. There is no 3rd party program used to perform what I have outlined above. (there is other programs out there that do the 8x8 macro for you unattended)
  19. Martok

    About 8x8

    Check out this link for a good explanation of the 8x8. 8x8 Info Now remember, you should be on your boat facing north. Simply say "Slow Forward". When you get a gain is when you will STOP, and go forward 8 times, then back 16. So you should have several different UOA macros. First should be similar to this: Use skill/Spell, Target (if using targetable spell), pause after 1500, use skill meditation, pause after 1000, wait until mana is (?) where ?= whatever mana requirement the spell has you are casting. I wouldn't bother creating the macro for saying "One Forward" 8 tims or the "One Backwards" 16 times. I'd be worried I'd hit a little lag pocket and the tillerman not recognize the command. (thus screwing up your 8x8 sucess). Hope that helped.
  20. I am a Gauntlet Adventurer. I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?
  21. Martok


    Hello Vens. You still interested in Shadowbane? I been very skeptical as of late. Especially skeptical after seeing the beta testing. Hope the game is better than they have shown so far.
  22. I look forward to it Kodoz. I will be there.
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