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Everything posted by Martok

  1. If you are interested in the upcoming Eternity Vault raid schedule, please reply with your interest here
  2. We now have about enough 50s to start up our 8 man raiding! Looking to start Eternity Vault on Tuesday Jan 24th at 8pm EST time. Plan on the raid lasting for 3 hours (until 11pm est) Also, depending on interest, might also run this on Thursday as well for the same amount of time. What I'm looking for: 2 healers 5 dps Unfortunately, the way they have 8 mans set up there is only one tank needed. If we end up having enough people to move onto a 16 man instance, then we can add more tanks. Some other notes: - Plan on wiping while content is learned. -Bring plenty of stims (Str/Aim/cunning/whatever) -Bring a stack or two of health packs - I would like to have at least one person that has biochem in our raid so we can get mats for the high level stims that last through death. -I'm not expecting you to be completely geared out in purples, but you shouldn't show up rocking greens or orange gear with level 40s mods. At least mod your stuff up to 50. If you are interested, please reply below and include what spec you currently are, and also if you are interested in changing your current talent tree if needed (for example: Currently Madness spec'd inquisitor, but willing to go healing...)
  3. Martok


    Doesn't run out till mid Feb. Was going to do Kailand's raid. Its all fixed now. Had to bypass the launcher. Very strange
  4. Martok


    So...can't login to WoW. When I launch the game, the launcher gets stuck on "initializing please wait". Looking at the wow forums it appears others are having this same problem...I don't see a solution yet.... anyone here had this happen to them?
  5. Uncle Reavus is about to return from a long business trip through New Jersey and Maryland and nothing would make him happier than to run a bunch of heroics over the weekend with the whole group of Vigilance level 50s. In addition, Uncle Reavus really wants to eat the faces of Republic scum. Anyone up for some premades?
  6. Hard modes are all designed for level 50 players
  7. Welcome to level 50! Now what do you do? Well, for starters, welcome to your daily quests! Remember to complete your Belsavis and Ilum quest lines Also, be sure to complete your PvP daily quests. There are two dailies. One for 3 warzone wins and one for turning 5 of the control points on Ilum. You get these quests on the Imperial Fleet. There are also two weekly quests. Win I believe 9 warzone matches and turn 15 Ilum points. BUT YOU HATE PVP? Well, you are missing out on some outstanding gear! See, for completing the dailies, you get a champion bag. This bag has a chance to have a token in it for a piece of gear! If it doesn't, you get 3 centurion commendations that you turn in for pvp gear! Ok Uncle Reavus, what else? Well, you should make sure you have ran every flashpoint. The Black Talon (7-10), Empire only. The Esseles (7-10), Republic only. Hammer Station (13-17), Empire and Republic. Athiss (17-21), Empire and Republic. Mandalorian Raiders (21-25), Empire and Republic. Cademimu (25-29), Empire and Republic. Boarding Party (29-33), Empire only. Taral V (29-33), Republic only. The Foundry (33-37), Empire only. Maelstrom Prison (33-37), Republic only. Colicoid War Game (37-41), Empire and Republic. The Red Reaper (41-45), Empire and Republic. Directive 7 (45-49), Empire and Republic. The Battle of Ilum (48-50), Empire and Republic. The False Emperor (48-50), Empire and Republic Done, Uncle Reavus, now what? HARDMODES But Uncle Reavus, am I geared enough for them? As long as you are rocking all level 46-48 mods in your gear, you should be able to handle at least heroic Black Talon no problem. The following flashpoints have hard modes: Black Talon Boarding Party Foundry Directive 7 Battle for Ilum False Emperor Afterwards its time for Operations! More to come from Uncle Reavus later on this.....
  8. LOL. Army of children? I did not know you could do that in Skyrim. Very disturbing
  9. Reavus is 400 artifice 400 Treasure Hunting 400 Archeology
  10. Well, I've found that there is plenty of times that I have to use stims, medpacks, and blow all my cooldowns (I'm tank spec'd) just to get through some of the normal quests. I think the game was designed to be a tad more difficult than say....that other game we shall not name!
  11. Wow, that sucks! I hope they are able to fix that for you, and quick!
  12. Sounds like a fun event to be done by the guild in the future
  13. We tried between Cantina Regulars and a character in Vigilance. Did not allow us to do it.
  14. I think the solo part of this game will change completely once everyone hits level 50. Right now we are focused on completing our story lines and listening to voice-overs in our quests.
  15. WOAH, assassin doesn't do damage? Take a look at this guy do some pvp face eating. Wish my Juggernaut (dps spec'd if he was) could do this kind of carnage!
  16. I'm mixed on the game. I'm addicted to the questing and stories. I have huge trouble keeping track of chat for some reason in this game. When I'm doing space stuff, I can't see chat at all. Maybe its something I'm doing wrong with channels. When I see someone send me a tell or something in guild chat, it seems like I'm responding to something that happened an hour ago. Lots of bugs still- would be nice to see an updated list of whats going on with them. More thoughts later!
  17. I never thought of myself as a completionist. In fact, I bet I can count on my hands the number of quests I read in WoW. For some reason, I have a nagging desire to do EVERY quest on a planet before moving on. This has become somewhat problematic as I have out-leveled my last two planets by at least 5 levels and have been completing mostly green and grey quests. It doesn't matter I'm not getting experience! I must complete the WHOLE story! Anyone else have this similar problem?
  18. Via their facebook page, SWTOR now has THREE options to secure your account. Android and Iphone users can download the mobile authenticator apps for their smartphones! If you happen to be one of those people that don't have either an Iphone or google android, you can still get the old fashioned authenticator via the SWTOR website. I highly recommend this security feature to protect your account!
  19. I've recently taken some time to do quite a bit of pvp on Reavus. Below are a few of my thoughts and observations of a level 36 Immortal Juggernaut. I will add to this as time goes on. -You will never EVER do a ton of damage. Thats right. Your job is not to rip apart republic scum into little pieces. If you try, you will fail miserably and your salty tears of anguish will wash you away. -Your job is to defend your team! Pop guard on the healer or hutball carrier, thus reducing the damage they are taking. Taunt anyone not attacking you to also reduce any damage taken. (Both single target and AoE taunt) -Use your aoe snare every chance you can. Slow the enemy down and just in general piss them off enough so they are targeting you rather than dps or healers. -Jump around the field of battle and harass enemy healers. Chances are you won't be soloing them down 1v1 (it can be done but it will take a LONG time), but you will be interupting their healing of team mates. Most healers don't like it when someone is beating them in the face. The PvP is very different from WoW. This is much more team objective oriented vs the simple HK kill ratio. As a tank spec'd juggernaut, once you realize this and begin playing your class as it was designed you will find much more enjoyment in pvp and rack up a ton more medals and commendations. -
  20. 8:15 am est time and there is a small server queue. Oh noes. Lets hope this does not increase as time goes on!
  21. In 3 hours, the game will be officially live. I'm very excited to get our journey started (on both guilds- Vigilance and Cantina Regulars). May the force be with you!
  22. Main Character- Reavus Alt in guild- Savrem Main WoW name- Uglutz My T.H.E. name..Its Martok, of course!
  23. I don't think the Jedi would take you, Orcala....
  24. yes you can. i did that several times
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