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Devin Ashley

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Everything posted by Devin Ashley

  1. they have a toll free billing number chris that you can call and fix this tell them your account has been stolen , give them the near date that you stop the account last summer , then file a police report and make them fax a copy to billing to put a hold onto the account so that person cannot play either with that account. but really since you paid with a charge card before that should be enough as you never sold it
  2. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Hope that you have a wonderful day Lora
  3. Date Jan 25th *sunday* Time 8pm *after meeting* Rules. 1. there will be no recalling or gating or using moongates 2. if you have a boat please bring one if not i will provide boats 3. single person contest 4. have fun Description of Contest The race will start in a city of my choice and be sailed to another will announce that night , once you find me in the city that you sail to i will then give you the next leg of the race , which is by foot you must run to olympus and then the last leg of race is there and will be you must be the first to finish drinking the barrel of water ..the first to do all 3 will be the winner of an ethy mount either ostard or ethy unicorn i will also have 2nd and 3rd place also yet to be determined what they are Thanks Lora Deblood
  4. Happy Birthday and hope the new year brings you much joy and luck
  5. To All of T.H. E. It has come to my attention that the very structure of our guilds is our boards and that a few select undertake for the maintaining of the site which is a yearly costly event , so i am beseeching every member to help with this one of two ways if you have items in any game that are of no use donate them so we can sell to make gold or ebay the items if gold is not in your game or if you just prefer to send cash i will provide all the information of T.H. E. paypal account or and address of Borg where checks or money orders can be sent. For this i Thank One and All that help us in this matter Lora The Honor Empire Paypal account is.......... Honorall@twcny.rr.com If someone wants to utilize the Paypal system.......that is the destination of the donation. If they dont have Paypal........they can sign up for Paypal with the link on our website. Paypal then gives us a commission of $5 for every new account generated from our link on the website. checks or money orders can be sent here make them out to They can make it out to The Honor Empire-SGC Stan G Campbell 172 Scofield Rd Apt 7 Freeville NY 13068
  6. Am so glad to hear from you, we were all very worried , not like when i dissapear, your an important part of this guild and we need you just know that we miss you and hope all is well with you and your family and that the new year brings good things for you all lora lori
  7. *coughs* well one could has there co-hort leader *laughs* seriously if you are gm then compassion shrine is where you need to be taming ridgebacks boring yes i know but sadly thats what will bring you to 120 but jsut think it does two things gains tame and you also can kill them for spine hides *grins* happy taming and if i can help in some other way please let me know lora
  8. Congrats Kaatya, Logan does not lie when he says your job ahead is a tough task, as always if you need my help with anything just send a pigeon to me and i will answer it as soon as it arrives to me . This goes for any guardian if any need help , pigeon me and if i am about i will do my best to help with whatever task you need Thanks Lora
  9. its been so long friend since ive last spoke with you, i will be the first to say that you will be sorely missed as a friend and companion, do not speak with a heavy heart of your departure for you maybe gone forever, but we are always here for you , you know if you ever need anything in this realm or the other i would do my best to help you in anyway. For years we have been friends, Your time in uo you have done so many good things this is your time for another journey which no matter where it takes you , ill always be there for there are the boards here so you can step in and say hello, or via pigeon , i shall end this now for i know my friend we haven't seen the last of you, your wisdom, your kindness, shall forever remain a part of the guild and a part of my friendship with you . Lora DeBlood lori p.s Remeber this is just another challange for whats ahead for yourself keep us posted as ill sorely miss you
  10. There will be one born in the darkest hour of the darkest night who will wield the power and bring the light. Through blood and valor, through grief and joy, this one born shields what greed would destroy, but one seeks another women to man , heart to heart and hand to hand, So warrior , witch, daughter, and son will complete what has begun, If there are strength and hearts are pure, this land , this man will endure, the midnight hour will forge their power to free this land and this man of tyranny, As i will so mote it will be
  11. Well i knew something had to have happen , but am just glad your ok, woulda hated to have to drive to ny to check in on ya ;p
  12. As always bb you know im overjoyed for you and kate and maggie on the new baby, and im waiting for the websight pictures *grins* ya i still have that link hope your catching what little sleep you can and need to tell me how the big sister is with her new baby sister
  13. Congrats to both of you , i wish that i could attend but alas i leave for my cruise the next day and ill be busy packing, make sure you take pictures so we can post them lora
  14. hes a lab not much training needed , its breed into them but can start with rocks, i know the lab we had if we painted a rock and threw it into the woods she would take hours but come back with the same rock. and advice plenty of paper on the floor *grins* also at night so not lonely put a clock or radio near its bed so it hears the noise and thinks someone is around
  15. Soon i hope to see the guardians more active........... Do we dare take the chance and propser once again or do we go down with out a fight....the choice is ours
  16. didnt get play with you as much as fin but the time i did were great wish you well , going to swg? or just givingup ongames keep in touch lora
  17. hey dont laugh , there is a resturant named that in new hampshire
  18. ohh ohh Plymoth,Mass thats about an hour from me either way have a wonderful trip although thats really close to bb
  19. like them if you ever need to talk in game or out im around , ill pray for your father and family
  20. get that now cause ya wont be for a few weeks , But congrats to you and the family lora
  21. Yes and i believe that it could be this evening begining in serps hold then moving into fel somewhere so be wary of reds and theifs and npks but most of all have fun and i heard its laggy so insure your items and make sure plenty gold in bank to cover it lora
  22. Today i went to put up my mini house deeds and notice that some were missing so i started to go through my items and realise im missing quite a few things im not sure if someone took them or is a decay bug out again or some kind of hack or bug but i know these items are missing from my malas house ive yet to check the keep banner deed i had 2 one is gone wall hang shield i had 2 one is gone fur dye tub i have few but one in malas house gone my tapesrtys i had like 4 i found 2 my mini villa deed i would just becareful and watch for items in your house lora
  23. Yes and Anfalas said he would wait for the last mil and you can pay as you get it , just message him to be able set time up for the Transfer lora
  24. i won't be really on again until Tuesday, due to fact today i have my daughters dance rectial and tomrrow i have a few appointments so my time will be even more limited until Tuesday lora
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