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About Elathiel

  • Birthday 04/03/1972

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  • Location
    Wichita, KS

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  1. As has been said already, there is nothing to feel ashamed of in the slightest. Depression is wide-spread with millions coping with it daily. I myself was hospitalized 10 years ago for 3 months due to it. Just take care of yourself, whatever that means, it is all that is important! Be well and know you always have many friends!
  2. Elathiel


    Never thought of myself as an 'old fogie' lol. Hi there Earwen! Hello everyone!
  3. No, we just need First and Last name and email. You'd be amazed at how many people won the EQ2 beta slots, but did not have any info, so we couldnt sign them up. We added updating the profile as an extra entry to help us and the readers
  4. In case any of you are interested, we're giving away some Collector's Edition Boxes: Collector's Edition Give-Away @ GamerGod
  5. Hi there Matrim! Glad to see u still kicking around
  6. Very nice write-up. After getting the 'ok' from Dash, it has also been posted up on GamerGod: http://www.gamergod.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=74 Thank you Dash! In response to your question in the article about Soulbound items: When you equip a Soulbound item, the special effects are locked on to you. If you remove the item and give it to a friend or sell it, the special effects will not be there. So, be sure its an item you will use before trying it on
  7. All fixed now, so you can log into the front page (its seperate from the forums, for now) and vote every 2 weeks
  8. As we are in the transition, the front page log-in is disabled. It will be fixed today or tomorrow. I'll let you know whenit is. Sorry.
  9. We are changing the site around, so must have a snag there. This is the first we've heard about that one tho, so I'll get it looked into today. Sorry, I'll let you know when I've confirmed it is fixed.
  10. T.H.E. has been added to GamerGod.com's Guild List, so lets all go vote and get it in front of everyone http://www.gamergod.com/guild_display.cfm?guildid=302 Votes are recalculated constantly based on the last 2 weeks, to keep the list current, so be sure to vote every 2 weeks and keep us on the front page.
  11. I see the guilds were added to our guild list. It wont take much to get ont the front page, so everyone visiting sees the name, so lets all go vote http://www.gamergod.com/guild_display.cfm?guildid=302
  12. Looked like a good post to drop this in We have finished testing our Guild Tool and users are telling us it works well, so we will be pushing it like mad in the coming months. Several guilds have told us they have gotten some new members because of it as well. http://www.gamergod.com/guild_submit.cfm
  13. Quite fun I think. Only have about 10 hours played tho.
  14. All the changes from that huge patch have been made. Finishing Hunter info today.
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